I was on the ex Christian sub and lot of people there seem to have only surface level knowledge of Christianity meaning they were either mislead by false teachers or they never truly understood the doctrine. Why do you think some people, when they don't understand something, they keep digging until it makes sense? While others use it as an excuse to leave the religion altogether?
When I come across something I don't get, it makes me search harder for the truth, it doesn't make me turn my back on God.
Well,for me I wasn't raised belief in god and christianity or any religion. It wasn't on our minds. Ive never had a gut feeling a creator existed.
I met a christian friend who was christian. She took me to her church. Years later after liking the practice I converted. Four years I learned the doctrines both protestant and catholic view and read the Bible. I've experienced prayer and the solace of being with people who assumed I was of like mind.
One day it snapped. How on earth can you dig deeper to believe in christianity when the person everything is based on (a creator) does not exist.
Using this as a backbone, I felt my practice was not fullhearted. There are no "just in case" for me and I have no idea of what an afterlife is noneless a human being God and not God together individually. I took some christian art theology in college.
I stopped practicing. My friend stop talking to me. And I realized more through her, coworkers, and some people on RF that Christianity is a very evangelist religion and I have no need or desire that people come to Christ.
It really really has nothing to do with christianity. Christians aren't special and not the victim. I just had no concept of a creator. Everything else was easy to drop since I wasn't indoctrinated in it to have mixed convictions.