I grew up in america, I had to sing christmas carols, hannukah songs, this wasn't a choice. I never cared. My parents even took me to see santa clause and took pictures too, it was nice. Today its slightly different. Today some people get offended by religious themes which don't make any kind of sense. If you don't believe in god or you are atheists why should you care if a christmas tree or ornaments are put up on public grounds or schools ? You don't believe in it so why are you bothered by it ?
But more important is why the hell are people telling me I have to like or respect a sexual preference ? Does this make sense ? I'm hetrosexual, and I am not exploiting it. But why the hell are you exploiting sexual preference for ? On tv, on the internet, on the radio, youtube, wherever it is. Its here everyday every minute why ? I know gay people, I work with them, but do I have to know that gay people have rights every day ?
Do I have to know you are gay ? Do I have to know you are straight ? or bi-sexual ? And how the hell are you suppose to explain to a child that 2 men like each other or 2 women ? Isn't that abuse ? telling them sexual perfernce at an early age is abuse. How the hell do I explain to a child that this man was born a man, but he was really a woman, so he changed to a woman. Come on. This is over the top.
So today we have to give up morals to justify immoral and sexual perversity because its the right thing to do EVERY DAY, ALL DAY.
It should be how religion can bring dignity to humanity, respect for for one self, RESTRAINT against abnormal temptations. Animals can be homosexual, that doesn't mean we are animals, we are humans, and we know better. Thats why we aren't animals duh ?