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Why Doesn't Scotland want to be separated from England ?


Active Member
As A Proud Scotsman I find this to be insulting and lame and because of this there are idiots out there who think that Scotland is English when it most certainly is not.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
As A Proud Scotsman I find this to be insulting and lame and because of this there are idiots out there who think that Scotland is English when it most certainly is not.

I'm neither a Scotsman nor an Englishman, although it does appear that there may be practical economic and political benefits for being unified as they are. I recall they had a vote some years back about whether Scotland should remain part of the UK.

I knew that the Irish always had a longstanding grudge against the English over what the English did to Ireland over the centuries. But I wasn't really sure about the Scottish or whether they had similar complaints as the Irish.

I don't really understand it myself. I've known Americans of Irish ancestry, Scottish ancestry, English ancestry - but to me, they're all Americans. Even they don't care that much about it, as they can still live side by side and work together as neighbors and fellow citizens. Maybe the folks on the British Isles could join up with America and all become Americans.


Veteran Member
There are a lot of reasons. Some good, some bad.

A lot of Scots consider themselves British and would prefer to be in the Union on those grounds alone. For many these people there is a strong ideological connection that is more important than any other costs/benefits analysis.

One of the important factors at play in the Scottish independence referendum was EU membership. At the time a vote for independence would have meant having to re-apply for EU membership. The process to rejoin would have taken several years. In typical British irony, the UK left the EU (by another refereundum) and we were pulled out anyway. About 65% of Scottish voters opted to remain in the EU.

The currency is also an important issue. We use the £GB. We faced either continuing to use the pound and have our currency controlled by a separate coutry (in the event we chose independence) or launching our own currency and having the issues involved with that.

Some people are afraid that failure would have been devastating for employment, services and investment. Which it certainly would have. The argument from other countries that have broken free and not looked back didn't really sway people who weren't convinced.

I voted for independence and I probably would again if there was another referendum tomorrow. I think we will separate in the next couple of decades but if we don't it isn't the end of the world being part of a larger political union. I can live with it.

EDIT: Also, worth noting that on the week of the vote the leaders of the three main political parties promised Scotland greater devolution and more say in its own affairs. It was vague and hollow bull**** but it would certainly have given people who were leaning towards staying a bit of comfort, if they weren't really paying attention. Which most of them weren't.
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Pantheist Christian
Premium Member

Why Doesn't Scotland want to be separated from England ?​

Because they have a sweet deal being in the union

Public spending is more per head in Scotland than it is in England

And guess what country all that extra money which Scotland so freely accepts comes from!

And yet a great many Scots are strangely obsessed with seeing England defeated in sporting events whereas English people don't care about Scotland either winning or losing we tend to be indifferent about that
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
As A Proud Scotsman I find this to be insulting and lame and because of this there are idiots out there who think that Scotland is English when it most certainly is not.
I doubt that many people would call a Scot English.
But they'd not wrong if they call both you (Scottish) and me (English) British.
Cornish people (who cherish that title) are more likely to be called English and I could see why that might irritate them.
Welsh people are probably called English more than Scots, and that will be a hot point, no doubt.

But may we all, Cornish, Welsh, Scottish, English and Northern Irish all be together as Brits, please?

I actually feel pride to be a neighbour with Scotland, and we English can be 'stirred' very much by the sound of a bagpipe, the massed pipes at QE2's funeral were absolutely wonderful.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I absolutely hate bagpipes

Can't stand them

I think lots of cool things come out of Scotland but that most certainly does not include bagpipes!
Ha ha! Wellington hated them too. He banned his Scottish battalions from having them. But they hid 'em!
At Assaye they saved him, or so I've read. As the lines faltered under the crushing blows of Tippoo Sultan's great guns the Scottish colonels called for the pipes, and as they sounded so there was a great roar and the tiny army went on to defeat an army six times their size.

You luv em or hate em! ;)


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I absolutely hate bagpipes

Can't stand them

I think lots of cool things come out of Scotland but that most certainly does not include bagpipes!
Ha ha! Wellington hated them too. He banned his Scottish battalions from having them. But they hid 'em!
At Assaye they saved him, or so I've read. As the lines faltered under the crushing blows of Tippoo Sultan's great guns the Scottish colonels called for the pipes, and as they sounded so there was a great roar and the tiny army went on to defeat an army six times their size.

You luv em or hate em! ;)


Well-Known Member
As A Proud Scotsman I find this to be insulting and lame and because of this there are idiots out there who think that Scotland is English when it most certainly is not.
I'd have expected a "Proud Scotsman" to know that Scotland and England are separate, though they're both part of the United Kingdom. I'd also have expected you to know that roughly half the Scottish population do want (or, at risk of adding my own bias, think they want) independence from the UK but the other half don't and the range of reasons and arguments that have been discussed, debated and even voted on over the last few years.

Are you one of those people who call themselves Scottish because they think their great, great, great grandmother was born in Glasgow or something?


Veteran Member
Why Doesn't Scotland want to be separated from England ?

Because they have a sweet deal being in the union

Public spending is more per head in Scotland than it is in England

And guess what country all that extra money which Scotland so freely accepts comes from!
Aye, but we gave you the Krankies.

And yet a great many Scots are strangely obsessed with seeing England defeated in sporting events whereas English people don't care about Scotland either winning or losing we tend to be indifferent about that
I won't lie, England getting knocked out of major tournaments is one of life's sweet consolations. English fans getting annoyed about it is hilarious.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I won't lie, England getting knocked out of major tournaments is one of life's sweet consolations. English fans getting annoyed about it is hilarious.
But doesn't it feel rather pathetic that the English are not as equally bothered about whether Scotland wins or loses?

It's not a mutual rivalry, it's a one-sided inferiority complex :p


Veteran Member
But doesn't it feel rather pathetic that the English are not as equally bothered about whether Scotland wins or loses?
Nah. England fans have always enjoyed Scotland getting beat.

Also, it's how bothered England fans get when we don't support them. It's hilarious.

It's not a mutual rivalry, it's a one-sided inferiority complex :p
The home nation with about ten times the population of the rest getting pumped delights the Scots, Irish and Welsh in equal measure. Just the nature of being the big dog next door. Kind of like how English fans enjoy when the real football powers lose (e.g Germany or Argentina) - there's a bit of history knotted up with football rivalry.

Also, we know we're pish and we kind of revel in it. England being pish kills your lot.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Nah. England fans have always enjoyed Scotland getting beat.

Also, it's how bothered England fans get when we don't support them. It's hilarious.

The home nation with about ten times the population of the rest getting pumped delights the Scots, Irish and Welsh in equal measure. Just the nature of being the big dog next door. Kind of like how English fans enjoy when the real football powers lose (e.g Germany or Argentina) - there's a bit of history knotted up with football rivalry.

Also, we know we're pish and we kind of revel in it. England being pish kills your lot.

Don't forget us Aussies, we enjoy watching the Poms get thrashed.


Well-Known Member
As A Proud Scotsman
As I recall from some of your other posts, you are the man who can't make friends, can't find a girlfriend and gets his wallet stolen. I wonder if Scotland is proud of you?

Why don't you achieve something to be proud of and stop basking in other peoples glory.