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Why don't Christians seek to equal or surpass Jesus?


I mean, yes it is a tad blasphemous, but most Christians seek to just get by, praying for forgiveness of their sins every so often, never striving for the level of perfection Christ attained. One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did without getting to Lucifer's ego level and not just live in his shadow. Is it fatalism or laziness?

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
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I think plenty of Christians strive and fervently wish to be able to act in perfect accordance with God's will.

One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did
One might think that, but they'd be wrong.
There are those of us who believe that to be Christian means to try to emulate Christ, who believe that he is an example of the potential in our very selves, who see his message as one more applicable to how we live this life than some future one. I do believe that it is possible to live like Christ, to embody the virtues found in him....


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Many do seek to become perfect as Christ is perfect. the best people always set their sights on goals that are unattainable. That way, in the falling short, they attain far more than they would have otherwise.


Jehovah our God is One
I mean, yes it is a tad blasphemous, but most Christians seek to just get by, praying for forgiveness of their sins every so often, never striving for the level of perfection Christ attained. One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did without getting to Lucifer's ego level and not just live in his shadow. Is it fatalism or laziness?

Jesus life and character was perfect...he did not have inborn sinfulness, he had no tendency toward badness the way we do

so in our current state, it is impossible to reach his level of perfection, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt try. To be a christian means to start the process of becoming perfect....its going to take us 1,000 years of trying before we can be completely free of our inborn tendency to fail.


Not your average Mormon
I mean, yes it is a tad blasphemous, but most Christians seek to just get by, praying for forgiveness of their sins every so often, never striving for the level of perfection Christ attained. One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did without getting to Lucifer's ego level and not just live in his shadow. Is it fatalism or laziness?
Actually, while your portrayal of the attitude of Christians may accurately represent certain denominations, it certainly doesn't represent mine. In my church, we don't take Jesus' statement to "be ye, therefore, perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect" as a suggestion but as a commandment. Even though we don't believe it is possible to achieve perfection during our mortal lives, we definitely do set very high standards for ourselves. We definitely believe that a person who claims to be a Christian must not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. For us, every day is a new opportunity to become better than we were the day before. I can't even fathom the concept that all we have to do to be saved is believe in Christ. You can't really believe in Christ unless you are willing to at least try to live the kind of life He told us to live.


Well-Known Member
I do not think it is possible to live like Jesus. In all scincerity, how can someone be able to?
while the bible contains that which he did & that what he said; It lacks his feelings and the inner workings that are wisdoms. To obtain the true enbodiment of him is to actually realize him in the flesh. at best people interject and sermize what he was than really knowing.
So, to become like Christ is not possible in that way. BUT, since Jesus did exist then it is probable that someone can command the decisions and form the thinking of him-Thus; YES be like Christ.
If 1 is living like Christ then they would be the light and the way not the shadow of satan more like the champion against his ways.
I mean, yes it is a tad blasphemous, but most Christians seek to just get by, praying for forgiveness of their sins every so often, never striving for the level of perfection Christ attained. One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did without getting to Lucifer's ego level and not just live in his shadow. Is it fatalism or laziness?

Colossians 3:1 "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God."

I believe we should seek and try to emulate Christ (see below).

1 Peter 2:21 "For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps"

Do I think it's possible to be like or surpass Christ's perfection? No. If Paul and Timothy (who wrote Philipeans) weren't perfected then I'm sure no one can be while we walk this earth. (see below)

Philipeans 3:12 "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me."

Anyway, that's just my thoughts. Hope that helps and I look forward to reading other posts on this forum.


Seeker of Knowledge
As a Unitarian I do not believe in Jesus' divinity but I certainly regard his teachings and example to be the best model for how to live one's life, and to the greatest extent possible I strive to follow his example, but there may be a certain amount of fatalism as neither I nor any Christian I've ever met has yet come close to matching it, not that that should stop us trying.


Active Member
I mean, yes it is a tad blasphemous, but most Christians seek to just get by, praying for forgiveness of their sins every so often, never striving for the level of perfection Christ attained. One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did without getting to Lucifer's ego level and not just live in his shadow. Is it fatalism or laziness?

This is one of the main distinctions I see between someone that labels them self as a 'Christian' and someone that actively follows Christ. Actively following Christ is presented in the New Testament as striving to be like Christ, despite the fact that we cannot be as Christ was (which was perfect/sinless).

The very fact that no human can be perfect (or sinless or blameless) is the reason that Christ came. If it were possible to live a perfect life as a human, the incarnation and sacrifice of Christ would be unnecessary.

I find that MANY churches and Christians get this radical truth backwards - they live their lives walking on eggshells, trying to stop smoking or keep from cussing or never drinking a beer, trying so hard to NOT do the WRONG things.

Change that around and you get what Christ REALLY taught - live your life trying so hard to do the RIGHT things, as Christ did, and you will become much closer to being like Christ, you will live a happier life and you will AUTOMATICALLY keep from doing all the WRONG things (most of the time at least).