I mean, yes it is a tad blasphemous, but most Christians seek to just get by, praying for forgiveness of their sins every so often, never striving for the level of perfection Christ attained. One would think it is entirely possible to live as Christ did without getting to Lucifer's ego level and not just live in his shadow. Is it fatalism or laziness?
This is one of the main distinctions I see between someone that labels them self as a 'Christian' and someone that actively follows Christ. Actively following Christ is presented in the New Testament as striving to be like Christ, despite the fact that we cannot be as Christ was (which was perfect/sinless).
The very fact that no human can be perfect (or sinless or blameless) is the reason that Christ came. If it were possible to live a perfect life as a human, the incarnation and sacrifice of Christ would be unnecessary.
I find that MANY churches and Christians get this radical truth backwards - they live their lives walking on eggshells, trying to stop smoking or keep from cussing or never drinking a beer, trying so hard to NOT do the WRONG things.
Change that around and you get what Christ REALLY taught - live your life trying so hard to do the RIGHT things, as Christ did, and you will become much closer to being like Christ, you will live a happier life and you will AUTOMATICALLY keep from doing all the WRONG things (most of the time at least).