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Why don't we have something like this in America?

In the UK and Canada there are military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? I think the training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this back when I was in school. In the UK there are many Combined Cadet Forces based at schools. Would American school administrators think that a cadet program would interfere with the sacred cow of High School athletics?


Well-Known Member
In the UK and Canada there are military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? I think the training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this back when I was in school. In the UK there are many Combined Cadet Forces based at schools. Would American school administrators think that a cadet program would interfere with the sacred cow of High School athletics?

You want our student to be taught jingoism and warmongering? You want them to be indoctrinated into militarism? Why?


Sheppard for the Die Hard
You want our student to be taught jingoism and warmongering? You want them to be indoctrinated into militarism? Why?

Why not just require everyone to serve in the military at 18 like most other countries do. OR, individuals that want to get involved have programs to do so. I don't see the harm.
You want our student to be taught jingoism and warmongering? You want them to be indoctrinated into militarism? Why?

I did research on the UK and Canadian cadets. They aren't taught warmongering. Their instructors are forbidden from teaching politics. They get really interesting opportunities like glider training and rappelling.
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yawn <ignore> yawn
In the UK and Canada there are military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? I think the training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this back when I was in school. In the UK there are many Combined Cadet Forces based at schools. Would American school administrators think that a cadet program would interfere with the sacred cow of High School athletics?

ROTC was a big deal when I was in high school. That was shortly after Viet Nam. I suspect that when it really lost it's luster was during the war on Iraq. But I don't know.

I agree that young people should be expected to do a service year. Of course, that's easy for me to say as a near 60 y/o.


The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
ROTC was a big deal when I was in high school. That was shortly after Viet Nam. I suspect that when it really lost it's luster was during the war on Iraq. But I don't know.

I agree that young people should be expected to do a service year. Of course, that's easy for me to say as a near 60 y/o.


That seems awful harsh, don't you think? To make someone do something even if they don't want to?


Well-Known Member
That seems awful harsh, don't you think? To make someone do something even if they don't want to?

Oh it would do you some good and make a man out of you! And if a war breaks while you are serving out it is your duty to die for your country.

Just kidding. Yes it is rather harsh to force that upon people. But there is an upside, if rich kids had to do mandatory service too, then there would probably be less military adventures.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am actually very surprised America doesn't have anything like that. But unless a country is small and has a legitimate need for mandatory service (such as many European countries), then no one should be forced into the military.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Oh it would do you some good and make a man out of you! And if a war breaks while you are serving out it is your duty to die for your country.

Just kidding. Yes it is rather harsh to force that upon people. But there is an upside, if rich kids had to do mandatory service too, then there would probably be less military adventures.

I never made sense of the idea of people believing they have to die for their country in order to maintain freedom for others, it's quite ironic. In my opinion, I think society should be formed under the idea of every man for himself.


Sheppard for the Die Hard
I never made sense of the idea of people believing they have to die for their country in order to maintain freedom for others, it's quite ironic. In my opinion, I think society should be formed under the idea of every man for himself.

>.< Thats so scary to think about. Im sure we all have neighbors that'd kill us lol or neighbors we'd kill. Need gun.
I admit my school had an Air Force cadet program. I just said those things in the first post to get your attention. Most of the people I knew in the Air Force cadets had liberal views. None of them seem to be indoctrinated. One of the cadets I knew even convinced the instructors to show the Rocky Horror Picture Show at a cadet party. Some of the best students who took AP classes at my school were AF cadets. My friends who were in the cadets told me that they joined because the opportunities the cadets offered interested them not jingoistic propaganda. Opportunities like aviation education and adventure camps similar to what the Boy Scouts do.


Premium Member
In the UK and Canada there are military themed youth groups like the army and air cadets. In the UK and Canada cadets are considered a legitimate youth activity and hobby. Why aren't such programs widespread in the US? I think the training and opportunities of the cadets looks exciting and intense! I wished I had something like this back when I was in school. In the UK there are many Combined Cadet Forces based at schools. Would American school administrators think that a cadet program would interfere with the sacred cow of High School athletics?

American schools do Have its called JROTC or Junior Reserve Officers Training Corp.

All 8th graders and up to 12th grade can join it however most small schools don't have enough students to participate so you may have to join a larger city school to join and this puts some kids off joining.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
>.< Thats so scary to think about. Im sure we all have neighbors that'd kill us lol or neighbors we'd kill. Need gun.

I personally think that if there is any form of unwanted interaction between people, the code "every man for himself" isn't living up. I never suggested anarchy, only enforced, total independence.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
ROTC was a big deal when I was in high school. That was shortly after Viet Nam. I suspect that when it really lost it's luster was during the war on Iraq. But I don't know.
I agree that young people should be expected to do a service year. Of course, that's easy for me to say as a near 60 y/o.
Even duing the Viet Nam war, our local ROTC office was set afire.
(So was the FBI office.) Luster was suffering badly already.
I have a proposal:
Anyone who believes in compulsory service should serve.
Those who don't believe in forcing anyone to serve are exempt.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
With where I went to public school taking in alot of military kids after the nearby Air Force base was demoted to a reserve base (which closed the school system it had), I am very surprised this ROTC thing wasn't there. But there was alot of rich kids whose parents probably would have been appalled at the idea of their kids being led into the military like that.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
But there is an upside, if rich kids had to do mandatory service too, then there would probably be less military adventures.
It sure didn't work that way in the 60s & 70s from what I remember.
When the military has conscripts, they don't need to behave in a way which attracts
recruits. Soldiers are more disposable cuz they have a ready supply. Viet Nam yielded
over 58K US military deaths while there was a draft on.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Oh it would do you some good and make a man out of you! And if a war breaks while you are serving out it is your duty to die for your country.

Just kidding. Yes it is rather harsh to force that upon people. But there is an upside, if rich kids had to do mandatory service too, then there would probably be less military adventures.
I think it'd be better if we made the presidents, kings, senators, lobbyists, and everybody else who wants a war go fight them. If you believe a cause with worth taking up arms over, prove it.