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Why "He"?

Why must god be reffered to as a he? I dont know if anyone remembers, i often put a he/she bit on my god posts. Also i made a thread about this before, but since i want to see the view of new members.

Can't god be a she?

Does the male from of god promote sexism?

Why is god a man in so many scriptures?

Is religion suggesting man is dominant/superior to females?

Thanks in advance :)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Any savvy and sensible god would want to be both "he" and "she" and at the same time beyond "he" and "she". That's to say, both imminent and transcendent.
Maybe there are some people who would strongly disagree? Now why would that make god sensible, im pretty sure i understan why, but still, why?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Now why would that make god sensible, im pretty sure i understan why, but still, why?

Sensible deities transcend gender, Penguino. Just as they transcend all other categories of human thought. They cannot be defined nor limited by gender. They are the boundless.
Sensible deities transcend gender, Penguino. Just as they transcend all other categories of human thought. They cannot be defined nor limited.

Precisely what i thought.

maybe i should have made the thread "Why men are so much better" and the reasoning would be, we have god on our side, you have nature!haha!:D


Depends Upon My Mood..
I belive God is both for we are all created in His image..He has male and female traits and you put them together in harmony you got God..

Also in Christianity the "church" which is the body of Christ is referred to as "she"...The bride of Christ..that would include the guys..

I do not believe people are 100% male or 100% female..




There aren't many matriarchal cultures, penguino. If there were, there would probably be more female Supreme Beings.


Citizen Mod
Well, if YOU must K(NOW), I think the term father is INCORRECT. I AM not YOUR Father. I AM not offended by it. But in YOUR society, "father" implies a masculine presence. What makes people think I AM a masculine entity?

HELLO IT'S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: The One True GOD?
Pg. 320

I also started RF with the "he/she" description of GOD. Sometimes I opted for the pronoun "it" but thought it would be too ambiguous. GOD is neither male or female. These constructs only exist for human benefit. Spiritual entities do not reflect gender.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Jesus = God
Jesus = Male
God = Male

The Father is the Father(straight from Jesus who = God)and every time in the Bible that God revealed Himself to man(that I can think of), it was as a masculine figure... Though I don't believe that the Father, or Holy Spirit, are male...


Depends Upon My Mood..
What exactly is male anyway?

If God is 100% male ...females are more like a Rottweilller..Or an angel..Or anything but God..If God is 100% male...I as a female can not be like Him or of Him..God has to be part female our I am NOT in His image..

And if children are of a 100% man God you would NOT need a female..All you would need was a bunch of males either spontainiously producing or going forth and multiplying on thier own..

What are girls born for if God is a 100% man???????????????????????

LOOK AT CONCEPTION!!!!!!! If a child is created through conception but God is all male you would not need a WOMAN!




Premium Member
Jesus = God
Jesus = Male
God = Male

The Father is the Father(straight from Jesus who = God)and every time in the Bible that God revealed Himself to man(that I can think of), it was as a masculine figure... Though I don't believe that the Father, or Holy Spirit, are male...

I always believed that Jesus was born male because back in those days no one would have listened to or followed a woman.


Well-Known Member
There aren't many matriarchal cultures, penguino. If there were, there would probably be more female Supreme Beings.
I agree with angellous. Back in "The Day", when God was a She, this wouldnt have been a question. Then somewhere along the way ancient people realized that men could make women pregnant. WoW, men made life happen just like the Sun made plants grow! Before that it was thought women just made babies! That was when the creator 'God" switched from female to male.....but these days I think people generally use the term "God" in a gender neutral sense.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I agree with angellous. Back in "The Day", when God was a She, this wouldnt have been a question. Then somewhere along the way ancient people realized that men could make women pregnant. WoW, men made life happen just like the Sun made plants grow! Before that it was thought women just made babies! That was when the creator 'God" switched from female to male.....but these days I think people generally use the term "God" in a gender neutral sense.

Men did NOT make life happen...Your sun is useless without a seed..You sperm does NOTHING without something to fertilize...

If you made "life" happen you dont need anything to fertilize..

Men AND women make life happen..One can NOT make life happen without the other..PERIOD!

If men make "life happen" then you do not need a woman.




Well-Known Member
Why must god be reffered to as a he?

He doesn't, it's just tradition. God is supposed to transcend gender, so is neither male nor female, technically. So say the Catholic theologians anyway, they're the only ones I listen to really. Course they'll temper it with the caveat that God took the male human form of Jesus Christ. It's pretty much the same thing with Krsna and Hindus, right?

I dont know if anyone remembers, i often put a he/she bit on my god posts. Also i made a thread about this before, but since i want to see the view of new members.

What?! No relatively old members like me can respond? Darn...

Can't god be a she?

Of course! But then you mustn't be afraid to say "Goddess" either.

Does the male from of god promote sexism?

Yes, sometimes.

God is the Sun, and the Sun is male: ergo, Woman is the goddess and the Moon, and the Moon has no light of her own, being only illumined when the male Light shines upon her. That particular bit of warped reasoning led to decadent paganism and many ages of oppression against the female of the species in society and the home. Wacky, huh? Especially since originally, pre-patriarchy, it was reversed, and the Great Goddess was the triumvate Sun, Moon and Earth.

Why is god a man in so many scriptures?

Numerous reasons, some valid in context, others just prejudices disguised as doctrines. Most people, especially women themselves, don't have a problem with God being represented as male, as it seems to work for men and women alike psychologically and emotionally.

Is religion suggesting man is dominant/superior to females?

Oh Yes, of course. Whether implicitly stated or merely an unspoken conceit, men are always valued more than women in Abrahamic religions, and most Dharmic ones too. Now there is modern Wicca and forms of Goddess-worship which seek to balance the male and female or simply emphasize the female outright, but they are not the ones making waves in society @ the highest levels.

Thanks in advance.

No, thank you, Penguino. :)