That's an interesting list. But at least some of the "is not equal to" such as dharma and karma can have closer definitions but not one word ones. Moksha can be translated as "liberation" not "salvation" so the "is not equal to" seems attuned to Christianity rather than strict Sanskrit to English.
Lol. Sunrise, dont look for one word translations. Your language is too special.
Sorry but I am chuckling here and you cannot see it. You are absobloodylutely right. This page you referred to is done by a Christian or someone from a Christian background. He could be a Hindu but very highly Christianised if I may use that word. This is way too shallow for your capacity.
Let me make some comments if you don't mind.
What in the world is this guy talking about? Who in the world ever translated dharma as religion? I have never in my life heard such nonsense. But it could be true. This maybe the reason a lot of people immediately associate a lot of my questions with the so called "western world". Now after reading your comment, and thanks to
@Vinayaka I think I understand why people like
@sayak83 , and many others have told me about this so called "western thinking".
If you are a father, and you have a way of handling things, that "way" is your "dharma". It's not a bloody religion.I never in my life thought that anyone could make an association between avatara and a prophet like this website says. I have never heard this. Haha. And what in the world is this page talking about? Devata and "Pagan God"? Oh my God.
I maybe completely wrong because there could be some people who make that level of word associations. But I think it's a crime against the Hindu background. If not a crime against the language.
This is the reason I do not adhere to studying off websites. No one should.
But I could be wrong conceptually. So I will appreciate any correction in theological or philosophical concepts. It's fascinating to me. Cheers.