Originally Posted by eselam
ok let me ask you something; how does rain come about?
in chemistry it is said that the sun heats the oceans, water turns to vapour, which then turns to clouds and at the top of the mountain it rains.
is this what you also beleive? you must believe in this because acording to you Allah (swt) does not make vegetation come to life from rain, and that rain just comes down by it's own will. i wonder how rain knows it is time to rain?
Originally posted by Koanshi
Something like your first paragraph. However, though I studied Geography at A–Level I did it because I could not settle on a choice of which final subject to pick. I don’t know the intricately detailed ins and outs of our planet’s weather system, but I know enough to say that some mysterious supernatural entity doesn’t cause it.
Originally Posted by eselam
so if rain comes down in that way, where is it then? look at what global warming is doing, heating up the earth, shoulden't we be flooded by rain by now? the seas are becoming warmer, meaning they water can evaporise more quicker, which will turn into clouds more often, which means there would be more rain more often. but i haven's seen any, have you? and not in just some parts or countries but in all of the ones who touch the see or have lakes inland.
is anyone going to reply to this? i was asked to posted so...................still waiting