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Why I think Arianism is wrong


Active Member
Arians believe that the first being God created is Jesus. And through Jesus, He then created all other things. This is also how they want to explain the title "only begotten Son of God". Because they say, Jesus is the only one who was created by God personally, but everything else was created through Jesus. So Jesus is the only begotten Son of God because He was created by God Himself, but everything else is not worthy of this title because they were not created by God personally. This doesn't make sense. God created everything through Himself, not through another, God alone created everything, no one helped Him. He said: Let there be...and it was. He spoke and it was. Everything came out of his breath, and in his Spirit all things are held together.
They also have completely wrong ideas about the Word of God through which everything was created, they assume that the Word of God is another created being besides God. This thought is absolutely wrong. The Bible says that the Word of God through which everything was created is the spoken words of God. By the breath of His mouth the heavens and the earth were created. Psalms 33:6-9
They also misinterpret wisdom. They believe that the wisdom of God personified in Proverbs 8 is also a being created by God. But this thought is wrong. The wisdom in Proverbs 8 is one of several attributes of God that is metaphorically personified. The idea that God created his own wisdom or word is very illogical. This would then mean that God was stupid for a time because he was without wisdom, and mute/dead because he had no word/breath.


Premium Member
Well, there is only one POV.

point of view
noun: point of view; plural noun: points of view
  1. a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.

There are always several points of view in religious matters. I was just curious as to why you considered a different POV as wrong, but I think I know. Sorry to have troubled you.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Arians believe that the first being God created is Jesus. And through Jesus, He then created all other things. This is also how they want to explain the title "only begotten Son of God". Because they say, Jesus is the only one who was created by God personally, but everything else was created through Jesus. So Jesus is the only begotten Son of God because He was created by God Himself, but everything else is not worthy of this title because they were not created by God personally. This doesn't make sense. God created everything through Himself, not through another, God alone created everything, no one helped Him. He said: Let there be...and it was. He spoke and it was. Everything came out of his breath, and in his Spirit all things are held together.
They also have completely wrong ideas about the Word of God through which everything was created, they assume that the Word of God is another created being besides God. This thought is absolutely wrong. The Bible says that the Word of God through which everything was created is the spoken words of God. By the breath of His mouth the heavens and the earth were created. Psalms 33:6-9
They also misinterpret wisdom. They believe that the wisdom of God personified in Proverbs 8 is also a being created by God. But this thought is wrong. The wisdom in Proverbs 8 is one of several attributes of God that is metaphorically personified. The idea that God created his own wisdom or word is very illogical. This would then mean that God was stupid for a time because he was without wisdom, and mute/dead because he had no word/breath.

LOL.....I think you are mixing up Arianism with JW’s here.
JW’s are not Arians so, much of what you have written here is made up nonsense....

"The Arian Controversy

The Trinity controversy came to a head at the beginning of the fourth century C.E. The main protagonists were three philosopher-theologians from Alexandria, Egypt. On the one side was Arius, with Alexander and Athanasius on the other. Arius denied that the Son was of the same essence, or substance, as the Father. He held the Son to be really a son, who therefore had a beginning. Arius believed the Holy Spirit was a person, but not of the same substance as the Father or the Son and in fact inferior to both. He did speak of a “Triad,” or “Trinity,” but considered it to be composed of unequal persons, of whom only the Father was uncreated.

Alexander and Athanasius, on the other hand, maintained that the three persons of the Godhead were of the same substance and, therefore, were not three Gods but one. Athanasius accused Arius of reintroducing polytheism by separating the three persons.

The head of the Roman Empire at that time was Constantine, who was anxious to use apostate Christianity as “cement” to consolidate his shaky empire. For him, this theological controversy was counterproductive. He called the Trinity quarrel a “fight over trifling and foolish verbal differences.” Having failed to reconcile the two opposing parties by a special letter sent to Alexandria in 324 C.E., Constantine summoned a general church council to settle the matter either way. At this First Ecumenical Council held at Nicaea, Asia Minor, in 325 C.E., the assembled bishops eventually came out in favor of Alexander and Athanasius. They adopted the Trinitarian Nicene Creed, which, with alterations believed to have been made in 381 C.E., is subscribed to up to the present day by the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and most Protestant churches. Thus it was that Christendom came to worship a mysterious, incomprehensible, three-in-one “unknown God.”


Perhaps a little education on the origins of your trinity are in order? Jesus was Jewish and the Jews never believed that God was a plural being. (Deuteronomy 6:4) To place any deity on equal footing with the Father was blasphemy. Jesus was the very 'beginning of God's creation'. (Revelation 3:14) If he is "begotten" then he needed a 'begetter' who existed before him....it is the very nature of the father/son relationship.

In Jesus’ day, God was not a trinity, and did not officially become a trinity in the minds of the “church” leaders until later when the foretold apostasy was in full swing. (2 Thessalonians 2:3; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1)

It took centuries of controversy to introduce this three-in-one God idea (borrowed from paganism and originally rejected by the majority) to become “church” doctrine....so who introduced it as such? The Roman Catholic Church under influence from a pagan emperor who feigned Christianity but kept to his pagan roots. He fused his pagan beliefs with some Christian concepts and created a "church" that Jesus would not recognize. He did so for political reasons, not religious ones.