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Why insult?


A Muslim young
It was near two weeks ago that two ISIS terrorists killed 14 persons including 2 Muslims and after this time French goverment began insulting to all that Islam sacred. Terrorists were two radicalists but question is if two radicalists were responsible for the attacks why Islam were insulted?
Whether these events occurred without knowledge of French goverment?
Why the French goverment began to desacration of mosques instead of retaliation by ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria? Are the French goverment has released just a village from ISIS terrorists in Iraq or Syria? Is it logical?
Why desecration? Why burning mosques? Why caricature?
If two radicalists were atacked why French caricaturists are making their caricatures of prophet Mohammad?
Insulting religions is forbidden in Islam and nobody insults other relogions in Middle East contries.
Why French goverment is accusing Iran of violating human rights, while Muslims aren't safe in this country?
However we see Christians are living in Islamic countries such as Syria, Lebanon,etc. And they are as same as other people.

Translated mostly with Google translate
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"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
So you would classify Islam as a religion that doesn't insult Jews?? Maybe not in the Koran, but today, right now??


Hammer of Reason
It was near two weeks ago that two ISIS terrorists killed 14 persons including 2 Muslims and after this time French goverment began insulting to all that Islam sacred. Terrorists were two radicalists but question is if two radicalists were responsible for the attacks why Islam were insulted?
Whether these events occurred without knowledge of French goverment?
Why the French goverment began to desacration of mosques instead of retaliation by ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria? Are the French goverment has released just a village from ISIS terrorists in Iraq or Syria? Is it logical?
Why desecration? Why burning mosques? Why caricature?
If two radicalists were atacked why French caricaturists are making their caricatures of prophet Mohammad?
Insulting religions is forbidden in Islam and nobody insults other relogions in Middle East contries.
Why French goverment is accusing Iran of violating human rights, while Muslims aren't safe in this country?
However we see Christians are living in Islamic countries such as Syria, Lebanon,etc. And they are as same as other people.

Translated mostly with Google translate
Hi Reza. I am not christian, I am not muslim, i am not jewish. I am an atheist and former christian.

Please provide reference where
after this time French goverment began insulting to all that Islam sacred

Please provide reference
if two radicalists were responsible for the attacks why Islam were insulted?
I do not believe muslims are responsible. I do believe those responsible were muslim. I believe that islam means different lessons to different muslims. I believe that what these terrorists did, they did because of the way they learn islam. We must ask how they learned islam.

I do not believe the following. Please provide reference where
Why the French goverment began to desacration of mosques instead of retaliation by ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria?

No excuse for this, but provide reference, I do not believe this is true.
Why desecration? Why burning mosques?

Caricature, in the west, is a way to express disagreement. Caricature of jesus, mosses, mohummed, president, king. It is a way to express disagreement and frustration without violence. This way we say things without physical harm.
Why caricature?

I have heard that some upset people have attacked, but not the government. and no muslim was killed. The government forbids this.
Muslims aren't safe in this country?

Christians must submit to the superiority of islam in muslim lands. these are not the same.
However we see Christians are living in Islamic countries such as Syria, Lebanon,etc. And they are as same as other people.


Sunni muslim
I can tell you that they invited everyone and always asked people to avoid amalgams. They invited imams, writters, journalists, philosopher (muslims), the mother of a muslim military killed by Merah, in all the channels.
Of course some incidents happened but there's always idiots everywhere.

The cartoonists insulted much more christians than muslims.
Because it's a free country they have the right to do it even if many people in France didn't like them. And because it's not a religious country.

In fact, Charlie Hebdo was near to bankruptcy, they even asked people to give them money to survive.
Many people didn't like them, even some journalists from Charlie Hebdo said it recently the people people who used to hate them now are supporting them.


Veteran Member
It was near two weeks ago that two ISIS terrorists killed 14 persons including 2 Muslims and after this time French goverment began insulting to all that Islam sacred. Terrorists were two radicalists but question is if two radicalists were responsible for the attacks why Islam were insulted?
Whether these events occurred without knowledge of French goverment?
Why the French goverment began to desacration of mosques instead of retaliation by ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria? Are the French goverment has released just a village from ISIS terrorists in Iraq or Syria? Is it logical?
Why desecration? Why burning mosques? Why caricature?
If two radicalists were atacked why French caricaturists are making their caricatures of prophet Mohammad?
Insulting religions is forbidden in Islam and nobody insults other relogions in Middle East contries.
Why French goverment is accusing Iran of violating human rights, while Muslims aren't safe in this country?
However we see Christians are living in Islamic countries such as Syria, Lebanon,etc. And they are as same as other people.

Translated mostly with Google translate

All Muslims should not be insulted. But a military Dictator who conquers and executes people who have different beliefs, orders people to whip and cane gamblers and people who drink, cut off the limbs of humans, stone adulterers, and cut people's heads off, is evil right?

So to call such people evil, is that an insult...well yes it is...but it is also a fact. The inventor of Islam did all of those things. Many Millions of Muslims would like to see his inhumane policies instituted. His lifestyle and deeds motivate many people in our world to commit violence, thinking that it is God's will. To call such murderers evil is simply calling a spade a spade.

Fortunately, there are many muslims who do not believe it is okay to commit violence against infidels. It is wrong to call those muslims evil. If they speak up against the Muslims who are bloodthirsty, I call them Heroes.

Why does Isis behead people? Because Muhammad did

Islamic historians tell us that in 627 AD Mohammed beheaded over 700 men (and boys) of the Qurayza tribe in Medina, Arabia.

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Hammer of Reason
I can tell you that they invited everyone and always asked people to avoid amalgams. They invited imams, writters, journalists, philosopher (muslims), the mother of a muslim military killed by Merah, in all the channels.
Of course some incidents happened but there's always idiots everywhere.

The cartoonists insulted much more christians than muslims.
Because it's a free country they have the right to do it even if many people in France didn't like them. And because it's not a religious country.

In fact, Charlie Hebdo was near to bankruptcy, they even asked people to give them money to survive.
Many people didn't like them, even some journalists from Charlie Hebdo said it recently the people people who used to hate them now are supporting them.
Yes. It seems that there is demand of 3,000,000 copies of the next edition, which will have a character of Mohammed. The magazine usually printed only 60,000 copies, of which only 30,000 were sold. Millions and millions of people who had never heard of Charlie Hebdo will now be reading at least the next few issues. People like to talk and gossip. It seems putting a bullet into free speech, even terrible speech, only serves to spread that very speech. These terrorists did more to spread the image of Mohamed than Charlie Hebdo ever did.


Veteran Member
Hey fellas!

What kind of terms would you use to describe someone who decapitates hundreds of people. Such a person reminds me of a hundred Jeffry Dahmers rolled up into one.

wicked, bad, wrong, immoral, sinful, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt,iniquitous, depraved, reprobate, villainous, nefarious, vicious,malicious;

Would these words be appropriate?

mass murderer, killer, assassin, serial killer, butcher, slaughterer

Would these be appropriate? Are they insults...yes. Are they accurate? You tell me.

These terrorists did more to spread the image of Mohamed than Charlie Hebdo ever did.

Dont confuse us with the Facts!
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Sunni muslim
Yes. It seems that there is demand of 3,000,000 copies of the next edition, which will have a character of Mohammed. The magazine usually printed only 60,000 copies, of which only 30,000 were sold. Millions and millions of people who had never heard of Charlie Hebdo will now be reading at least the next few issues. People like to talk and gossip.

I think this one will be "soft", but in general they are not.

You can already take a look at the front page of the magazine who will be published tomorrow : Mahomet en une du «Charlie Hebdo» de mercredi - Libération

It seems putting a bullet into free speech, even terrible speech, only serves to spread that very speech. These terrorists did more to spread the image of Mohamed than Charlie Hebdo ever did.

Exactly. That's what we all thought.


Veteran Member
Thank God the french are letting these sick disciples of Satan know they aren't scared:

This week's edition of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo will show a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad holding a "Je suis Charlie" sign.

Above the cartoon are the words "All is forgiven". This comes after Islamist gunmen last week raided the magazine's Paris office, killing 12 people.

Meanwhile, French MPs will gather for the first time since the attack.

In Israel, the funerals will be held for four Jewish victims of a separate Paris shooting by an Islamist gunman.

A total of 17 people were killed in three days of terror attacks in the French capital last week.

Coulibaly and the three stooges, A lot of Good your slaughter did. Not only are you burning in hell with your father Satan , Have another 3 million pictures of Muhammad. Idiots!


Jehovah our God is One
Muslim extremists have killed more Muslims in the name of Islam then the west ever did.

These are the fruits of the religion and it is Muslims themselves who suffer under its rule. The last thing Muslims need is more insults.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Meanwhile the carpet bombing of Syria and Iraq continues every day, and way, way more Muslims have been killed than in France, I guess that is the work of Satan too.....


Veteran Member
Meanwhile the carpet bombing of Syria and Iraq continues every day, and way, way more Muslims have been killed than in France, I guess that is the work of Satan too.....
There is certainly nothing in the life and example and teachings of Christ that would approve of it.

But tell me, if someone is shooting up a school, is it wrong to use lethal force against them to save the lives of others?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I... French goverment began insulting to all that Islam sacred.

I seriously doubt the French Government tried to insult Islam, but I have heard reports that certain apologists for radicalism are spinning it that the French Government did that. What I've read is they are trying to distract attention away from radicalism as the problem. You appear to be one of those who is doing that.


A Muslim young
Why does Isis behead people? Because Muhammad did

Islamic historians tell us that in 627 AD Mohammed beheaded over 700 men (and boys) of the Qurayza tribe in Medina, Arabia.


Who were Qurayza?
Between 620 and 630 AD some hypocrites want to kill prophet Mohammad. So they want to build a mosque which name was Zarara and they planed when he went into mosque they destroy it.
They built the mosque and they requested prophet Mohammad to say his prayers in this mosque but he was informed they plan so he didn't accepted. They were exposed and they escaped to his enemies.
They were united by his adversaries and then began to fight with him and they killed in this battle

All Muslims should not be insulted. But a military Dictator who conquers and executes people who have different beliefs, orders people to whip and cane gamblers and people who drink, cut off the limbs of humans, stone adulterers, and cut people's heads off, is evil right?

So to call such people evil, is that an insult...well yes it is...but it is also a fact. The inventor of Islam did all of those things. Many Millions of Muslims would like to see his inhumane policies instituted. His lifestyle and deeds motivate many people in our world to commit violence, thinking that it is God's will. To call such murderers evil is simply calling a spade a spade.

Fortunately, there are many muslims who do not believe it is okay to commit violence against infidels. It is wrong to call those muslims evil. If they speak up against the Muslims who are bloodthirsty, I call them Heroes.

Why does Isis behead people? Because Muhammad did

Islamic historians tell us that in 627 AD Mohammed beheaded over 700 men (and boys) of the Qurayza tribe in Medina, Arabia.

[URL='http://clashdaily.com/2014/09/isis-behead-people-mohammed/']WHY DOES ISIS BEHEAD PEOPLE? Because Mohammed Did


A Muslim young
I seriously doubt the French Government tried to insult Islam, but I have heard reports that certain apologists for radicalism are spinning it that the French Government did that. What I've read is they are trying to distract attention away from radicalism as the problem. You appear to be one of those who is doing that.

I am opposed to radicalism and I belive actions of a few radicalists should not have to be attributed to the one religion or faith
I seriously doubt the French Government tried to insult Islam, but I have heard reports that certain apologists for radicalism are spinning it that the French Government did that. What I've read is they are trying to distract attention away from radicalism as the problem. You appear to be one of those who is doing that.