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Why is Jesus called a son?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Wasn't it common at the time to refer to oneself and others as, "this son of man"? I seem to have heard that somewhere.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Wasn't it common at the time to refer to oneself and others as, "this son of man"? I seem to have heard that somewhere.

It sounds right. Jesus was called the son of man. He was born of a human and raised by humans. It makes sense he is called son of man whether you believe in the trinity or not.

It does not make sense that God The Father calls himself son.

There is another aspect of a father son relationship that does not make sense if The Father and the son are the same person as in the trinity. A true father of a son will give up his life to save his son. God cannot do that for anyone.


One thing that occurred to me is that the spiritual relationship of Jesus to God is a like that of a son to his father..a very close relationship especially in ancient middle eastern culture and continuing until today...hence Jesus calls God "Abba" (Father), this was in contrast to the attitude of regarding God as a remote deity.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
One thing that occurred to me is that the spiritual relationship of Jesus to God is a like that of a son to his father..a very close relationship especially in ancient middle eastern culture and continuing until today...hence Jesus calls God "Abba" (Father), this was in contrast to the attitude of regarding God as a remote deity.

That makes sense. Thank you. But friend, ally, companion, intimate, partner or supporter might be more likely if they have always been together and the "son" had no beginning like The Father has no beginning.

People who believe God is a trinity believe Jesus is like God (who had no beginning).


Veteran Member
Why, please?

To me, as it was written in Scriptures, anyone who walks in the ways of God and is righteous is a Son of God. Specially those who receive Him (receive His guidance and attributes).

However at the time that Jesus appeared, people were spiritually dead. The ignorance and cruelty was everywhere. Hence at that time, Jesus was the only one who could be called Son of God. His mission was to emphasize that there is a God in Heaven who is like a Father to all, but to be a Son they need to follow His ways and truly love Him.

But this message by Christians got too exclusive, to the point that Jesus became a part of family of God, like a biological son.


Veteran Member
People who believe God is a trinity believe Jesus is like God (who had no beginning).

That is subject to interpretation.

Scriptures call Jesus Image of God. By image is meant, what appears in a Mirror.
By that which appears in the Mirror is meant, the Attributes of God that were reflected in the Spirit of Christ. Hence Jesus by Himself can do nothing. He is created to reflect the image of the everlasting Father that has no begining.
Its likeness is a Mirror and the infinite Sun.
If you place a Perfect Mirror in front of the Sun, you see the image of the Sun that always existed. But the Mirror is created and did not exist before. If you see the Image in the Mirror and say, that is God who has no begining is correct. Then if you refer to the Mirror itself and say that Mirror did not exist before, that is also correct.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That is subject to interpretation.

Scriptures call Jesus Image of God. By image is meant, what appears in a Mirror.
By that which appears in the Mirror is meant, the Attributes of God that were reflected in the Spirit of Christ. Hence Jesus by Himself can do nothing. He is created to reflect the image of the everlasting Father that has no begining.
Its likeness is a Mirror and the infinite Sun.
If you place a Perfect Mirror in front of the Sun, you see the image of the Sun that always existed. But the Mirror is created and did not exist before. If you see the Image in the Mirror and say, that is God who has no begining is correct. Then if you refer to the Mirror itself and say that Mirror did not exist before, that is also correct.

That is a good description of it. Thank you.

I mentioned it in another thread and the only comment I got from a believer in the trinity was an insult. When someone explains it clearly and reasonably like you have there, they won't answer it.


Doubting Thomas
The gnostic view has helped me tremendously in sorting through the entire trinity/non-trinity issue. Both views are correct in a sense.


I do stuff
It sounds right. Jesus was called the son of man. He was born of a human and raised by humans. It makes sense he is called son of man whether you believe in the trinity or not.

It does not make sense that God The Father calls himself son.

There is another aspect of a father son relationship that does not make sense if The Father and the son are the same person as in the trinity. A true father of a son will give up his life to save his son. God cannot do that for anyone.
"The interpretation of the use of "the Son of man" in the New Testament has remained challenging and after 150 years of debate no consensus on the issue has emerged among scholars.[5][6]"

Son of man


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I cannot tell you how tired I am of Christian's teachings that something has to be true because so many people believe it or because someone so special taught it. :Singing: That's yawning not singing. You already know about the ear plugs.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
accession, adhesion, assent, assentation, consent; acceptance, acquiescence, concession, embrace, embracement; approbation, approval, favor; alliance, collaboration, collusion, complicity, conspiracy; compliance, concert, concertedness, concord, concordance, conformity, consonance, harmony, oneness, solidarity, understanding, union; empathy, rapport, sympathy

Go team! But I quit!


OK. I believe it. But believing he was born means he had a beginning. Do you believe he is like God having no beginning? Birth means beginning, doesn't it?
His human nature was created by the birth process. His Divine nature has no beginning. This was God in human flesh. To save humanity; God became human.

His "goings forths" (origins) are from "everlasting" yet He will be born in Bethlehem.
Micah 5:2
But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Though He is a child that is born He is called "mighty God" and "everlasting Father".
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Jesus claimed to have pre-existed Abraham.
John 8:58
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
John 8:58
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

Abraham is called the father of nations. God's purpose to be father to the nations existed before Abraham. That is what John 8:58 means.

Why can't you believe the man Jesus emptied himself and let YHVH in? You are saying he is YHVH. I am saying he is with YHVH. Do you see the difference?


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
It sounds right. Jesus was called the son of man. He was born of a human and raised by humans. It makes sense he is called son of man whether you believe in the trinity or not.

It does not make sense that God The Father calls himself son.

There is another aspect of a father son relationship that does not make sense if The Father and the son are the same person as in the trinity. A true father of a son will give up his life to save his son. God cannot do that for anyone.
The Father and the Son are not the same Person. The dogma of the Trinity does not teach that.