Why does the bible describe the Antichrist as a beast like a leopard of All Creatures?
Why does the bible so often contain prophecies that are coded in symbolism... Why doesn't God speak clearly instead.
A lot of people believe that the pope will be the Antichrist. The Bible could just call the Beast the pope and not a beast like a leopard with seven heads and feet like a bear... Are you sure God isn't the author of confusion?
He could speak clearly and he refuses. He doesn't want people to understand.
The bible calls the Antichrist a Leopard because the Devil who is Lucifer fell from heaven for deciding to be like God. This is found in Isaiah 14:12-14
Lucifer had a 5 point plan of how he would be like the most high. So when the end times occur and the antichrist arrives this will be a antitrinity, the father mocked by the Devil, the son mocked by the antichrist, and the Holy Ghost mocked by the false prophet. In order to be like God, Satan has to copy him best he can by fathering all the principles that God can not. An example is Jesus is the way, truth and life. Satan is the father of lies and was a murder from the beginning, in other words Satan copies God's attributes in a negative manner that God can't act under.
So when the bible says Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, it also says when Christ returns he will be the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Answer: Antichrist is called a Leopard because in the Greek compound a Leopard is a hybrid lion.
This is another attempt of being like God by calling himself a Lion in his own way.
Just as God is a Shepherd to sheep which represents the believers of Christ, the Devil is a idol Shepherd to the goats which represent the unbelieving world who rejected Christ. That' Why a pentagram has 5 points to represent Satan's 5 point plan and is in the shape of a goat head because goats represent the Devil and that's in Matthew 25:31-33
And the 5 pointed stars shape is called a star because in Revelations it says a star fell from heaven and had the keys to the bottomless pit, this means stars also represent Angels.
Thus the upside down Star, Goat head with 5 points represents Lucifers 5 point plan of being like God and called a goat as a representation of a nonbelievers or Christ denier.