I shall fix that for you. Islam requires all human beings to respect each other with some exceptions. One of those exceptions is anyone who isn't Muslim. The Qur'an says, "do not accept Jews and Christains as your friends". The Qur'an says, "Slay the Idolaters wherever you find them." Muhammad destroyed shrines and Idols sacred to Polytheists. The Qur'an contains graphic violence and torture of Muhammad's enemies. The best and true Muslim is Muhammad who did NOT in any way require human beings to respect each other, because he did and taught the opposite!
The OP was an epic fail! Again!
See, Beard Man, I have proved your statements false many times, and you give me the silent treatment, because I'm pretty sure you know I'm right, and you can't handle the truth, neither are you interested in the truth! Neither are you interested in freedom, equality, and social justice, that you so often claim to cherish.
Muhammad is considered the final prophet, and the greatest Muslim. Muhammad was an extremist who cut off many heads, and glorified the chopping off of hands and feet, torture, and crucifixion of his opponents. This can be proven in the Qur'an!
Muhammad is more like the Dictator Mussolini, who founded Fascism. Like an Islamic Theocracy, the Doctrine of Fascism was Spiritual form of government, defended Abrahamic Monotheism, attacked secularism, and Mussolini voiced disapproval of contraceptives, made swearing and blasphemy a public crime, persecuted Jews, disapproved of divorce, closed down wine-shops and places of "immorality", crushed opponents, outlawed free-speech, kept prayer in schools, and thought women should stay at home and care for their kids rather than work, and I'm betting had a dress-code for women.
Fascist Italy was very similar to Saudi-Arabia and many Islamic-majority countries today.
Muhammad was a fascist Dictator in many ways, and his policies to this day decrease the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people. Your many glorifications of Islam is not respectful to the hundreds of millions of people harmed, victimized, or brainwashed by Muhammad's version of Fascism.
I actually don't have a problem with Islam theoretically. I'm fond of Muslims praying five times a day, dressing like Nuns and monks, fasting during Ramadan, abstaining from pork or alcohol, and praying to something called Allah.
My problem isn't with Islamic Faith. I respect anyone's beliefs (that don't contain hate). So, I'd argue, my problem is not with Islamic faith, my problem is with Fascism, which is a form of government. Muhammad's Religion was okay theoretically, but Muhammad was a statesman and intolerant Dictator, who established a Fascist-like government that has ruined hundreds of millions of lives since then! That is the problem!