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Why Israel killing innocents?


Deviled Hen
\People here in muslim countries feel that Israel and western support killing innocents everyday.

Hi, moegypt! Good to meet up with you again and I hope all is well with you.

As to your comment, from my Western point of view, do people near you not see what a hard sell it is for us Westerners to take away support for Israel as along as Palestinians are intentionally targeting civilians in Israel?

Imagine for a moment...that Palestinians had taken the way of Ghandi instead. That the violence was so clearly one sided and against them. That the settlements were there (as they are).

Do you imagine there would continue to be any support from Americans if this were the case? I assure you support to Israel would be shortly cut off if that violence was lopsided against the Palestinians. There would be no argument to be made to defend an Israeli gov't that killed civilians when they were not being shot at.

As long as Palestinians fire armaments indiscriminately and use Mickey Mouse to teach their children to "kill Jews" they will find it very difficult to find any sympathy or support here in the U.S.

Which is very unfortunate, because there is at least some understanding here of the plight average peaceful Palestinians have to endure just to try and farm their own land and move around in territory that's supposedly theirs.

If there is any peace to be had in that region, two things must happen at minimum:

- Palestinians must give up terrorism as a political tool.
- The Israeli gov't must remove their boots from Palestinian necks

Unfortunately both sides have dug their heels in deeper and deeper over the years.

Until someone, somewhere is willing to offer a chance to move, there will only be more death.
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Well-Known Member
i am with you! i used to hope for that too. but i am afraid it is too late.:(

Why is it too late? The only reason why the governments surrounding Israel don't go in and take over is because they know that Israel would kick the crap out of them. The terrorist groups are too stupid to figure that out and keep sending in suicide bombers in some ridiculous effort to try to prove a futile point.

What's Israel supposed to do if the governments surrounding them refuse to take care of the terrorists living within their own borders? Sit back and take it?

What's keeping the Palestinian government from uniting with the Israeli government against terrorism?


Veteran Member
Why is it too late? The only reason why the governments surrounding Israel don't go in and take over is because they know that Israel would kick the crap out of them. The terrorist groups are too stupid to figure that out and keep sending in suicide bombers in some ridiculous effort to try to prove a futile point.

What's Israel supposed to do if the governments surrounding them refuse to take care of the terrorists living within their own borders? Sit back and take it?

What's keeping the Palestinian government from uniting with the Israeli government against terrorism?

because Israel and USA support, teach, give guns and money to those terrorists who fight against Islamic countries you talk about.

PKK (in Turkey), PJAK (in Iran) are both supported by Israel. they take guns from USA.

why would a country cooperate with a government who is actually trying to damage its system?

Palestinian people do not want to give up their land. why would they want to? i would not.

it is too late because damage is done. it is too late because you may not find one single family in Palestine who did not bury a relative cos of Israel. Israel won't give up taking as Muslims won't give up being independent.



Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, but I don't feel pity for the terrorists. If the USA hadn't given Israel weapons to defend itself, the terrorists surrounding them would have slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could get their hands on.

Nowadays, Israel doesn't really need US weapons. They're much better armed than even our military is.


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, but I don't feel pity for the terrorists. If the USA hadn't given Israel weapons to defend itself, the terrorists surrounding them would have slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could get their hands on.

Both sides are guilty of terrorist acts. I'm sick of Americans claiming that the Palestinians are the only ones who have targeted civilians. The truth is that the balance of terror is overwhelmingly against the Palestinians by Israelis. Of course, this isn't shocking given the balance of forces. The United States and Israel have continually rejected two-settlement solutions made by the Palestinians as well as peace treaties in return for Israel's withdrawal from the occupied territories. And believe me, the United States is not a negotiator in this mess; they have unmistakably drawn out this mess for the sake of acquiring a geographically superior military checkpoint as well as increased control over the most abundant petroleum-bearing region in the world.


Veteran Member
Sorry dude, but I don't feel pity for the terrorists. If the USA hadn't given Israel weapons to defend itself, the terrorists surrounding them would have slaughtered every man, woman, and child they could get their hands on.

Nowadays, Israel doesn't really need US weapons. They're much better armed than even our military is.

i would not feel pity for those who decides to kill to gain more. that is murderer.
yet in every war there is always one side who attacks and the other who defends. in this case Israel is not the one who's defending.


I don't care whose land it is. I think it's ridiculous that two groups of people can't live side-by-side on the same land without bombing the hell out of each other.

I keep hoping that people will grow up and act like adults instead of babies fighting over the swing set, but I doubt that will ever happen. I figure that one side would sooner kill the other off than share the same land.

It's not exactly rocket science.

The surrounding Muslim states hate their Muslim brothers and sisters whom they told to flee Palestine when the Muslim states were going to destroy the newly formed state of Israel in 1947 (which obviously backfired), and they have used them as political pawns ever since, unable to return to Palestine and unable to migrate to the traitors who abandoned them.

Now we have whole generations of people living in Israel (Jews, Christians, Arabs, and Muslims) who have lived their entire lives in fear of being blown to bits by [insert terrorist group here]. And the Palestinians have had to live with constant Israeli retaliation.

What a crappy way to live.


the same old story Hamas the government of Gaza has sworn to destroy Israel, it allows Islamic jihad to fire missiles into Israeli territory on a daily basis, when Israel hits back you stand up in indignation and cry WHY!

come on wise up or stop this ridiculous whining ,

you either don't know what Hamas and its buddies are doing and your indignation is born of ignorance

or you are lying its that simple maybe its Taqiyya.

get rid of the gunmen and the world will help you, keep firing and watch your people die

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Family killed during raid in Gaza


Veteran Member
"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." said Golda Maier. why? here is why

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." said Golda Maier.

according to Israeli government Arabs are not human.

"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan

Palestinian has to fight back and therefor they are announced terrorists. but why did they have to defend themselves? here is why..

"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves."

Israeli say it themselves. you might hate Muslims, you might be a racist, fine! but this is history. some were said by Prime minister of Israel. That's how Israeli government see Palestinians. i do not ignore it. you ignore it and you call who does not ignore the facts 'ignorant'. that is funny.



Active Member
Hi, moegypt! Good to meet up with you again and I hope all is well with you.

As to your comment, from my Western point of view, do people near you not see what a hard sell it is for us Westerners to take away support for Israel as along as Palestinians are intentionally targeting civilians in Israel?

Imagine for a moment...that Palestinians had taken the way of Ghandi instead. That the violence was so clearly one sided and against them. That the settlements were there (as they are).

Do you imagine there would continue to be any support from Americans if this were the case? I assure you support to Israel would be shortly cut off if that violence was lopsided against the Palestinians. There would be no argument to be made to defend an Israeli gov't that killed civilians when they were not being shot at.

As long as Palestinians fire armaments indiscriminately and use Mickey Mouse to teach their children to "kill Jews" they will find it very difficult to find any sympathy or support here in the U.S.

Which is very unfortunate, because there is at least some understanding here of the plight average peaceful Palestinians have to endure just to try and farm their own land and move around in territory that's supposedly theirs.

If there is any peace to be had in that region, two things must happen at minimum:

- Palestinians must give up terrorism as a political tool.
- The Israeli gov't must remove their boots from Palestinian necks

Unfortunately both sides have dug their heels in deeper and deeper over the years.

Until someone, somewhere is willing to offer a chance to move, there will only be more death.

Thanks Booko... I hope you are well and in a good health,

If Somepeople come in my home and say : " Hey, this is our home"... that make them civilians and innocents??

Who come and attack? Who begin the war in the previous century??
Israel today 28-4-08 killed one mother and her four childern when they were taking there breakfast.

Where is humanity and human rights? How can that happened and the world dont say anything?!

because there is nothing over there that we need, so there is no reason for the governments to take action, sadly if they had a couple tons of oil going spare we might be able to do something for them.


"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." said Golda Maier. why? here is why

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." said Golda Maier.

according to Israeli government Arabs are not human.

"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." Raphael Eitan

Palestinian has to fight back and therefor they are announced terrorists. but why did they have to defend themselves? here is why..

"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves."

Israeli say it themselves. you might hate Muslims, you might be a racist, fine! but this is history. some were said by Prime minister of Israel. That's how Israeli government see Palestinians. i do not ignore it. you ignore it and you call who does not ignore the facts 'ignorant'. that is funny.

you would not think Golda and Assad agreed on much

Syrian President Hafez Assad once told PLO leader Yassir Arafat:
You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.

In the words of the late military commander of the PLO as well as member of the PLO Executive Council, Zuhair Muhsin:
There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity....yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against​

back to the point, end the fighting , the west will give the Palestinians billions in aid what is stopping them?


Well-Known Member
there aloud to do that because i never heard of the people who died so don't realy care about them,
ofcourse if someone asks il say its terrible but he you know in your heart that you just don't care you just wana look politicly correct


Veteran Member
you would not think Golda and Assad agreed on much

Syrian President Hafez Assad once told PLO leader Yassir Arafat:
You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.

In the words of the late military commander of the PLO as well as member of the PLO Executive Council, Zuhair Muhsin:
There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity....yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against​

back to the point, end the fighting , the west will give the Palestinians billions in aid what is stopping them?

no surprises Kai. unfortunately:)

aids? many aid pockets sent there. only later it was realized that some powers were actually selling aids. during Arafat time, all the money went to his money account. so now his wife lives in France after his death and all the Palestinian people call Arafat 'prince of thieves'. Palestine is complete tragedy. when i talk about doings of Israel, i know that knowing would not save Palestine. i just want people to see why. Israel is not victim. i even asked my teachers what else i could do because i feel terrible once in awhile. i was told to pray, because both sides would have to live their destiny. do you know what it means?



That Israel killed a few Palestinians is so trite it's almost boring.