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Why "one God"?


Of course, "superfluous" does not mean "non-existent".

Presumably, an omnipotent god would be perfectly able to amuse himself without us... and an omniscient god wouldn't be any less bored with us around than without us.

You're talking about something like you talking to a puppet on your hand for your own amusement. Why do people have dogs? For companionship and the delight the provide for their spontaneity etc. And we the best is (God's?) creation, so far, that can think for ourselves about complex issues. God could tell one of us to sacrifice one of our children to It, and we could tell It to take a hike--as Abraham should have done. Gabriel's and Satan's choices were pre-programmed, our's aren't', and that's the whole point.


nolonger active
Heaven, hell, God, spirits, Jinn and Satan etc, these are areas in which religion can take much control on people who otherwise are religion-less. Even though these are not according to common sense ( How did the religions came to know about these?) rituals, practices and preachings makes it a hardbound faith.

I do not disagree with you Morphesium and I am not what most would call a religious person in the sense that you are presenting it. Not at all. Religion has way too much politics and psychological manipulation in it. Once one studies behavioral engineering religion and politics become a very interesting study :) ! The average person has absolutely no idea what they are up against. And if one were to try to explain it to them, for the most part, they would just get very upset. :) . Oh well, explaining that to others is somebody elses problem not mine. I am way to old to be doing that kind of stuff.


New Member
Yes I like that, why go looking for a so called god, when all along he's within us.

Many folks do not understand what the original Greek word for the phrases "dwell in" or "live in" or "abide in" on "continue in" or "remain in" mean. The Greek word "MENO" [the o has a long sound], is translated into several English words or phrases in the KJV. "Meno" is translated into the English words: "dwell in" and "abide in" and "live in" and "continue in" and "remain in." When examining ALL the scriptures that contain this word "meno," the CONTEXT most often carries the thought of BEING IN COMPLETE UNITY OF PURPOSE. I think a good over-all translation of "meno" would be "remains united with or in." Let me provide you with some examples please.

PLEASE NOTE THAT WE HUMANS CAN ALSO REMAIN UNITED [MENO] WITH ALL OF THE FOLLOWING THINGS: GOD, JESUS, GOD'S SPIRIT, GOD'S WORD, THINGS WE HAVE LEARNED, LIGHT, LOVE, JOY, CALLING. Being united or being one with is like God or Christ being "in you" and does NOT mean that we are God or Jesus or any of the other things listed; and, Jesus being united with or one with his Father, doesn't mean that he is literally the Father, who is named Jehovah God Almighty. Having God's spirit in us also doesn't mean we have a person living inside of us. Holy spirit is a tool or force used by God, just as "wind" can be used by God. In fact, the word "wind" is also translated from the same exact word as "spirit." Please read the following verse samples to see what I mean, and see if you concur. See what a variety of things we are in and are in us, meaning united, rather than, literally being inside of. [Words in brackets are mine for explanation purposes.]

John 14:10,16,17
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the FATHER THAT DWELLETH [meno] IN ME, he doeth the works.
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may ABIDE [meno] WITH YOU FOR EVER; 17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for HE DWELLETH [meno] WITH YOU, and shall be in you.

1 John 3:24
And he that keepeth his [Father's] commandments DWELLETH [meno] IN HIM [the Father], AND HE [the Father] IN HIM. And hereby we know that HE ABIDETH [meno] IN US, BY THE SPIRIT WHICH HE HATH GIVEN US.

1 John 4:12,15,16
12 No man hath seen God at any time. IF WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER, GOD DWELLETH [meno] IN US, and his love is perfected in us.
15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, GOD DWELLETH [meno] IN HIM, AND HE IN GOD.
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that DWELLETH [meno] IN LOVE DWELLETH [meno] IN GOD, AND GOD IN HIM.

1 John 2:10
He that loveth his brother ABIDETH [meno] IN THE LIGHT, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.

John 6:56
He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, DWELLETH [meno] IN ME, AND I IN HIM.
John 15:4,7,9.10
4 ABIDE [meno] IN MY, AND I IN YOU. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except IT ABIDE [meno] IN THE VINE; no more can ye, except YE ABIDE [meno] IN ME.
7 If ye abide [meno] in me, and MY WORDS ABIDE [meno] IN YOU, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: CONTINUE [meno] YE IN MY LOVE.
10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide [meno] in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and ABIDE [meno] IN HIS LOVE.
11 These things have I spoken unto you, that MY JOY MIGHT REMAIN [meno] IN YOU, and that your joy might be full.
1 Corinthians 7:20,24
20 Let every man abide [meno] in the same calling wherein he was called.
24 Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein ABIDE [meno] WITH God.
John 8:31
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye CONTINUE [meno] IN MY WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed;
2 Timothy 3:14
But CONTINUE [meno] THOU IN THE THINGS WHICH THOU HAST LEARNED and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;


Veteran Member
Hi truth4u, all very interesting, but how I see it is that we are all one in God, that is when we realize that we are not just the carnal body, that we are the Christ as Jesus was. Jesus became the Christ, as we also can, and as Paul said, "I live but not I, that Christ liveth within me".

I feel that much of Christianity take us away from who we truly are, it puts Jesus up on a pedestal where we cannot reach, and those who do try to reach are labelled blasphemous. No, we must go boldly to the thorn of God and take our true position as one with god. This realization is why I left the church, for they only kept me spiritually immature.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You're talking about something like you talking to a puppet on your hand for your own amusement. Why do people have dogs? For companionship and the delight the provide for their spontaneity etc.
We have pets to provide the companionship, etc., that we can't give ourselves. What can't an omnipotent god give himself? Are you - or any other person - more capable of providing God with "companionship and delight" than God was already capable of providing himself with?


Active Member
I do not disagree with you Morphesium and I am not what most would call a religious person in the sense that you are presenting it. Not at all. Religion has way too much politics and psychological manipulation in it. Once one studies behavioral engineering religion and politics become a very interesting study :) ! The average person has absolutely no idea what they are up against. And if one were to try to explain it to them, for the most part, they would just get very upset. :) . Oh well, explaining that to others is somebody elses problem not mine. I am way to old to be doing that kind of stuff.

Actually, with my earlier reply I was agreeing with your question "Why is going to Heaven important?". I don't think a religious person who believes in such things like heaven would ask this kind of question. (They may ask, but the chances are quite low). And your religion status saying "theist mostly" made a similar sense to me.
Personally, I don't disagree (or agree) with the concept of God. But i do disagree with every God that is somehow associated with a religion. Why do God need the help of a messenger to talk to us. I believe our "moral, our sense of being right" is the God's message to us. Thank you for the like.
Best regards.


Active Member
Why not one god?
one, two, three, ....

To count an object, one has to be sure that there is a mathematical property associated with the object which enables us to count those kind of objects. for example, we can count apples and grapes, but can we count space, water, etc; NO (these have uncountable property). we say little space, some water etc but not one water (one liter of water is different - it is the liter we count). Even there are things that cannot be included in any of the above categories. we have waves and alternating currents whose properties are explained with the help of complex numbers. We have electrons that exhibits wave like and particle like nature at the same time, can exist at two or more different places at the same time and so on.

What I am asking is when we say one God, How do we know that God has the mathematical property which enables us to count God. what i am saying isn't it more truthful or more elegant to say just "God" than "one God"
Best regards.


nolonger active
Actually, with my earlier reply I was agreeing with your question "Why is going to Heaven important?". I don't think a religious person who believes in such things like heaven would ask this kind of question. (They may ask, but the chances are quite low). And your religion status saying "theist mostly" made a similar sense to me.
Personally, I don't disagree (or agree) with the concept of God. But i do disagree with every God that is somehow associated with a religion. Why do God need the help of a messenger to talk to us. I believe our "moral, our sense of being right" is the God's message to us. Thank you for the like.
Best regards.

Your welcome :) and I like interacting with you. You post and say interesting things (which a lot of folks on this message board do). My problem is that I really do not want to go to Heaven :) . Lord Jesus took me to first level Heaven one time to have look at it and everything was white golden, everybody was busy, and everybody was happy. I am a grumpy old sucker and I just do not see how I could possible fit :) . From there I was taken to Muslim Paradise (I had no idea where I was because I had never heard of it back then and I didn't know that Muslim Paradise existed) and to be honest with you I liked Muslim Paradice :) . Of course I was much younger then, you know how it is :) .

"Why does God need the help of a messenger to talk to us?" I don't know, people just seem to be wired that way for some reason. I never needed a messenger to talk to God and I am not a messenger of God's. As far as I am concered if you want to talk to God, then go talk to Him. He will talk to you :) . The experience might be scarry, but He will talk to you!
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nolonger active
Yes I like that, why go looking for a so called god, when all along he's within us.

Well, based on my experience, there are a lot of folks that do not want to get "that" close to God . I have heard that over and over again when I have tried to explain what you are saying to others :) .


Veteran Member
Well, based on my experience, there are a lot of folks that do not want to get "that" close to God . I have heard that over and over again when I have tried to explain what you are saying to others :) .
Yes their frightened of god, they say they love god but they don't know what it means to love god, they believe he is some big man in the sky always watching them, they are actually paranoid of god, and to get close to him, and to say that I am One with him, is seen as blasphemy. I do feel sorry for these people and because of compassion I try to share what I myself have realized, as you are doing also.


nolonger active
Yes their frightened of god, they say they love god but they don't know what it means to love god, they believe he is some big man in the sky always watching them, they are actually paranoid of god, and to get close to him, and to say that I am One with him, is seen as blasphemy. I do feel sorry for these people and because of compassion I try to share what I myself have realized, as you are doing also.

Well Psycoslice, you have summed things up in a nut shell. I first met God when I was five, sixty years ago. Ours has been an interesting relationship ever since :) . Utimately the only way that I could be at one with God was to have Lord Jesus present at all times. I do not know how other folks do it without the presence of Lord Jesus. "I am in the Father, the Father is in me, and I am in you." And the problem is probably me and my crumbly early childhood personality programming. I do know one thing and that is that you do not approach God for "self power". You will just get yourself into a mess that gets deeper and deeper. There are other gods that you can do that with, but not with our Father that is in Heaven (the one that Lord Jesus calls His Father). That God is very picky about that one :) .


Just me
Premium Member
one, two, three, ....

To count an object, one has to be sure that there is a mathematical property associated with the object which enables us to count those kind of objects. for example, we can count apples and grapes, but can we count space, water, etc; NO (these have uncountable property).
That's what categories are for, to allow for space and water to count. Space and water are categorical, a category of one.

What I am asking is when we say one God, How do we know that God has the mathematical property which enables us to count God. what i am saying isn't it more truthful or more elegant to say just "God" than "one God"
Best regards.
One god to me isn't about countability, but about all-encompassing. Simply if there is nothing else in that everything is not distinct from god, then god is one.


Active Member
That's what categories are for, to allow for space and water to count. Space and water are categorical, a category of one.
well we can categorize ---- one kind of water*, one kind of space, or both into one kind of category for a specific property, etc, but one water, one space etc doesn't make sense to me.

* since there are isotopes for hydrogen and oxygen that make up water, there are different kind of waters because of their combination. similarly, there could be different kind of space with different properties like permittivity, permeability etc. this i am not sure.

One god to me isn't about countability, but about all-encompassing.
fine. "God to me isn't about countability, but about all-encompassing". I hope this sentence make a similar sense to you.

Simply if there is nothing else in that everything is not distinct from god, then god is one.

Frankly speaking, I definitely see no reason to say God is one or one God. Saying (just) “God" makes much more sense to me. "One kind of God"; not acceptable, "it is all part of God" (in the sense all -encompassing); acceptable. Whatever it is, I guess there are people with varying kind of God notations and godly concepts and it is all about faith and i respect that. There is no point is disagreeing with these.
thanking you.
Best regards.


Just me
Premium Member
Frankly speaking, I definitely see no reason to say God is one or one God. Saying (just) “God" makes much more sense to me. "One kind of God"; not acceptable, "it is all part of God" (in the sense all -encompassing); acceptable. Whatever it is, I guess there are people with varying kind of God notations and godly concepts and it is all about faith and i respect that. There is no point is disagreeing with these.
thanking you.
Best regards.
Regards to you, too, and a Merry Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
My belief now is...based on the context of the bible as a whole....that life begin with a flaw and therefore, was in need of redemption.
The very first set of parents, be it Neanderthals to modern human specie, were created flesh by reason of making gods.
The word "gods" here I interpret as made in the image of God's image which, means that we have the capability to reason, make judgement s between what is good and what is not.
Without that ability, we would be much like the animal kingdom. That's another subject.
Being flawed, there must be a means of redeeming the flawed vessel. And so, the redeemer of the whole lies in only one created vessel for the express purpose of redeeming the whole human race and all things considered.
That redeemer was the only one lost in place of, rather than losings the whole of the created specie of humanity.
No other religious belief can come close to that scenario!
For all religious beliefs, save Christianity,belief in the inherent effort of good works to achieve a status of attaining a better after life.
So, my belief is that universal salvation/redemption was/is the work of the One Creator God as an only Entity and not many, as proposed by many human beliefs.
This rule then applies to the flesh and not to our spiritual end result: Gal_6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
True, sowing can only be done in the flesh. So......is reaping as well.
But redemption of the soul can only be done by the One Creator Himself!
The problem exists of all the different beliefs is in not knowing the truth about how we were created, purpose and redemption.
Hence.........humanity's attempts to identify a diety comes in many forms.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

That's actually two. They are the one God -rather, they two are one -though the Father (God) is in authority and the Word (God) has no reason to refuse that authority -and will not -because it is perfect.

Joh_10:29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
Joh_10:30 I and my Father are one.

Therefore, the point is the absence of conflict.

Technically, God said we are all gods -and are the children of the most high.....

Joh_10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

Psa 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

However, not all of the children of God are yet "one" with God -as there is now conflict between the children of God and God -and among the children of God between each other -through the disobedience of his children (because they are new, and need to learn). Eventually, we will all be "one" -though God will still be in authority.

Rom 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.