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Why Religion?


No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)


ThrUU the Looking Glass
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?
Community and social justice work.

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.
Yeah, pretty much.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").
UU doesn't. Nor do many others. In fact, that's pretty much just Christianity and Islam.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)
Nor did the shelter my church just opened.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)

Those are problems prevalent in organized religion, but there are other ways to follow one. I, for example, follow a more philosophical religious path: elaborate places of worship aren't necessary. Jesus himself said as much: that the best place for worship is in one's own room.

Why? Well, why do we build rafts to cross rivers?

The thing is, simply stating morals isn't enough; people won't follow things they don't understand. Therefore, parables have to be told in order to fully illustrate the "why" of morals. Sure, it may seem obvious that stealing is wrong, and that murdering is wrong, but if it were really that obvious, thieves wouldn't exist, and murderers wouldn't exist.


Let's go racing boys !
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)

Because it's my choice to follow my belief....
Scared technique.....No I'm not "scared" at all....
It is as simple as good moral beliefs, it's either right or it's wrong....Your right they are logical..
My church is not elaborate, comfortable but modest (what I consider as my home church)
I think it is extreme to put a lot of money in a building you only spend a few hours a week attending.....I prefer to give to further my beliefs rather than in a building. This can be done by helping others or giving my time to people who are sick and maybe need a ride for medical attention or other necessities, after all that is what "Charity" is all about....Love and caring for others....I don't reserve my help for only believers but to anyone...


Agnostic Pantheist
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be
Its needed to be understood that religions are more than the beliefs which are on the debate table, such as creationism vs evolution in the US. a religion is meant to keep a community together above all else, some of the most significant religions in our world have detailed laws and corpus of communal guidelines and traditions. a religion is meant to keep the bonds of men, and to find ways to show respect among human beings.
most of our debates have to do with some of the external layers of religions, when one understands the social factor of religion one can also begin to understand the beliefs that 'just are' and their significance in inspiring the community through tradition.
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Premium Member
I don't see any difference between asking why someone why they believe and asking someone else why they don't believe.

But to answer the question- because I do. ;)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.
Every religion seeks a theological understanding that attempts to help us understand our spiritual nature.
To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").
Mine doesn't do that. Mine encourages honest spiritual seeking from a basis that assumes we're all OK.


Well-Known Member
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

Because people can if they so choose. I would also suggest because they like it. Why do I go surfing? Well because I can, and I like it. Why do I ride my bike? Well because I can, and I like it. Why do I drive my car when it is raining and not ride my bike? Because I don't like riding then.

My question to you, is why not? Perhaps some people don't like it?

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.

That is perceptional based at best, and, down a negative path at that.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").

As I am sure it is to you, that branches in life such as Atheism and Non-theism use fear and intimidation to try and get people to turn away from religions. Things like, no factual backing, delusional, scaremongering, believing in tooth fairies et al.

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

I hate to point it out to you TonyG, but your so called good, moral beliefs, don't lie, cheat, steal, kill et al, are in European/Western Society, because religion does exist. The bible actually promoted it. Before this time, pagans had control and domination of this known world, they used to kill people for fun and for sport. Christianity then took it to other parts of the world, The USA, Australia, and everywhere they went. And now most people in these societies know these same good values and where you most probably got them from, through your parents et al.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)

Rediculous arguement, based on perception. Yes some evangelistic religions have misused money, for most part religions get exemptions from taxes, because they put more back into a community than they take out.
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Because I think objectivity is unknowable by people, so I don't waste my time worrying about such affairs.

Edit: As a result, I often find myself asking the same question you are.
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Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?
Because it is the more logical of two conclusions from certain experiences I've had...

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.
Most religions are based at least somewhat in fact.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").
Not all even have the "stick". Even among those that do views on it vary widely.

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
Religion is more than just a moral code, it is community, and the search for the truth.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?
Well, I have looked into all the major religions and several minor religions and the consensus would seem to be because a given religion resonates within the mind of the believer. Some folks are content leaving the spiritual "heavy lifting" to others and so settle for something furnished on a inerrant silver platter.

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.
Superficially that would certainly seem to hold true, but one has to keep in mind that most religious movements begin with "deep" mystical experiences of their founders and the impact those experiences had on themselves and those around them. In other words faith was more often preceded by agape or awe.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").
Sadly, that is the net result of many religions, particularly those of the Abrahamic persuasion. If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance; baffle them with bull-twaddle. It's not like anyone can prove Hell worlds are not real, so it is a safe gamble.

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
I don't know. My personal belief is that if folks, including myself, could just let themselves be, then we would treat each other with more compassion. Perhaps if we believed in the inherent goodness of ourselves we wouldn't need a god to use as a role model.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)
I am not fond of the concept of worship, to be perfectly honest. I have had the idea explained to me, in seemingly reasonable enough terms, many times, but those reasons never seem to actually make all that much sense.


Guardian of Life
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?
Because my religion believes that the entire purpose of existence is to improve this Earth within certain moral parameters.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").
Interesting. I could swear that Islam and Christianity are the only major religions that make such a claim. Judaism makes no such claim. Neither does Buddhism, or Hinduism (I think).

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
Actually, in Judaism. All a person needs to do to be considered "righteous" is:
1. Believe in God
2. Respect God-IE Do not blaspheme God.
3. Respect Human life-IE Don't murder
4. Respect the Family structure-IE Don't commit sexual immorality
5. Respect Human Beings-IE Don't steal
6. Establish a Judicial System-IE Maintain Justice
7. Respect all creatures-IE Do not treat animals cruelly.

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)
Money given to religious organizations usually does not go towards building expenses (I cannot say this for all religions). The vast majority of money given to some religious based organizations go directly to charity.


Well-Known Member
No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

Because its my choice. I feel man has infinite possibilities and any particular religion is an instance of actualizing those.

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.
You are wrong there. All religions contain (as YmirGF said above) the mystical and spiritual experiences of their leading men and women. These people have actually experienced and in a way seen "the facts" through gnosis. It is a supra-rational understanding, and it has to be experienced to be understood.

For example the Quran, says in verse 49:14, that there is a difference between a Muslim and a believer. It is in reality stressing this point here: accepting some articles of faith is one thing and seeing them becoming self evident and hence truly Knowing them is another thing. The latter is the goal and the former (in many cases) a prerequisite.

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").
You are entitled to your beliefs. But I will suggest you learn more about all organized religions before forming an opinion concerning all of them.

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.

The primary goal of any religion is not good moral life (it may be the secondary goal). If it was so, there wouldn't be any left hand path. The primary goal is to fine-tune the relationship between man and God. (Here God is interpreted differently. Sometimes even there is no presence of God, instead some concept, state to be achieved etc.)

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)
Sounds like you are more angry at the institutionalization of religion then religion itself. That is a different matter.



Well-Known Member

No matter what the religion you follow... my question is why?

My short answer: Great good fortune! :)

My detailed answer: As the direct result of extensive reading, prayer, investigation, research, observation, and evaluation. Since suplemented by over 38 years as a member of the Faith I've chosen, during which I've NOT ONCE found any reason to regret this decision!

Every religion is based on beliefs that "just are". No real factual backing (they can all at least be argued), instead simply faith.

Ah, but you overlook the fact that the scriptures I endeavor to follow state explicitly: "Faith is conscious knowledge!"

To me, organized religions use the scared straight technique to get their point across ("do this/that or face enternal damnation").

Then you clearly haven't investigated enough religions because mine does no such thing!

Why isn't it as simple as good moral beliefs. Don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, etc. Those all seem like logical ways of life to most regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
They are. But I'd suggest there's more to life than just this!

But... who would you give your hard earned money to then? (those elaborate places of worship aren't going to build themselves)

I never said they would. Regardless, I find it appropriate to contribute to further this Cause and its goals, which are far more noble than your dismissive description above.

And I will also point out that NO ONE may give contributions to the religion I follow except enrolled members, so you'll never see one of us on the tube begging for money! (Our contributions are strictly confidential; further, no collection plate is ever passed!)

Peace, :)
