Interesting Article.
The rest is for you to read.
Why do Republicans love Sharia law? -
"To be fair, I'm not sure if all Republicans love Sharia law, but they certainly do love talking about it."
...And Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, winner of a Tea Party convention straw poll in February, went a step further when he recently declared that he would not even nominate an American-Muslim to his Cabinet because in his words, Muslims "are trying to force Sharia law on the people of this country."
To warrant this hysterical call to arms by these Republicans, American-Muslims must certainly be aggressively pushing for Sharia law to be imposed upon all Americans -- which would be an especially amazing feat considering only about 2% of our nation's population is Muslim.
I started out simply enough by asking the Muslims in my family and my Muslim friends if they wanted Sharia law to be the new law of America."
The rest is for you to read.
Why do Republicans love Sharia law? -