sojourner said:
Jesus is a person. Jesus, the Master, does give power to the Word, as it is revealed to us in scripture, because Jesus, the Master, is the Word.
If you are as esoteric as you appear to be, then you must have heard the axiom that
"Thoughts are things." Our thoughts carry power in the real world. It is precisely because so many have found the Master revealed in the thoughts of holy scripture, that holy scripture is powerful.
The scriptures are a map. And the map has an X. That X is the revealed Christ.
I'm not saying that the bible is worthless. Books are often the only source of spiritual nourishment that people have. However, the nutritional value is low. It's akin to spiritual junkfood. Most cannot tell the difference. They walk away feeling full and think they have accomplished something.
There have always been Christ figures among humanity. The world has never been without them. It is the destiny of all people to become a "Christ" themselves. One who walks with God while still in the body. This spiritual title is not exclusive to Jesus.
Jesus was a Christ, but he was also a Messiah. Messiahs are far more rare. A Christ can be anyone who is willing to take up that journey. A Messiah is a public figure sent by the almighty, who 's purpose is to effect a change in a large part of the population. They make course corrections for humanity.
Christs tend to work in localized ways. Most will never know them for who they are. They might be a local waitress or a homeless person in the streets, but unless you have some inner vision yourself, they will just be regular people to you.
I am familar with "thoughts are things". But, unless the mind has been brought under control, you will be unable to tell the difference between what the mind has created and what the divine whispers in your ear. This is why it is important to follow a living master. He has been where you are, knows the pitfalls, and has the power to correct your course when you have strayed into mental thoughtforms instead of the actual path. The more progressive you are in the pursuit of God awareness, the more intricate the traps are to hold you on earth.
This includes a book called the Holy Bible.