I have been watching people from the DNC soul search about their loss to Trump. Few seem to see how their failed policy platform was the main reason. Most want to blame everyone but themselves or their ideas, as though changing this or that tactic would have made the difference. I thought I would explain why? This line of reasoning came to me yesterday, when I saw a few Hollywood celebrities blaming new Trump supporters, because they thought these supporters were conned by Trump and were too ignorant to see the light of reason.
If you look at celebrities, like those acclaimed actors, their fame comes from reading lines and repeating these lines with style, to the camera. These lines are not even their own words, but rather, the lines and actions are a product of writers, producers, directors, supporting cast, scenery, music, etc. with all this propping up, making them the stars. This propping up, and the resultant fame and fortune, makes them ego-centric; inflated ego. They lose track of the fact, that they are the pinnacle of a production process, and that their accolades are partially fabricated by hype, advertising and emotions. This is the opposite of a self made person, yet the boost from the production process can make them like gods and royalty to their fans.
If you look the Broadway Theater, when a new production appears on Broadway, which is similar; live production, and the play gains success, the play expands and often appears on smaller venues, with minor actors, with the same lines and a similar production process repeated, to form local mini-me's of celebrity; local actor clones. This celebrity cloning explains the arrogant and lock step nature of the DNC. That one script is the key.
The ego-centricity created by writers and production staff, has made many unable to understand how they loss, since they were using a recipe for celebrity success. It had to be the audience, and not the play. Harris spent $1.5Billion on her production, but it was not well received at the theater, on opening day; Election Day.
When actors start to blame Trump supporters and not themselves or the play, it is because the ego is too inflated with a false sense of self that is not natural; based on merit, but is due to the production process that has cloned a sense of celebrity. They did not play for the audience; American people, but played for themself, and felt they shined like a star. The audience was too stupid to appreciate their craftsmanship. Other blame the production crew for not doing something that caused the audience to not see them shine, properly. But in reality, the play stunk and voters were being honest. Only the theatre group cannot see this. Some are now working on sequels, but few starting from scratch.