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Silverscale derg

Active Member
I will start off with something that hopefully won't get me banned, I already got banned on countless sites including facebook for my opinions I just hope you people aren't liberal pansies to report me for my question.

Creatures such as wolves (and coyotes) which are predators are needlessly killed by humans are done so in the claims of "population control" yet humans have such a high population compared to them and not only that, hunters claim they're invasive because they're Canadian wolves as opposed to US wolves which makes me shake my head. Humans wiped out the wolves in the US and it's not like they know about human boundaries, anyways they're killed for fur and that's about it. Killed to make a damn trophy. Killed for a predator killing contest...anything but food just so hunters can have more of "their" deer when they mature. What I don't understand is why can't those humans man up and accept that they need to share the world with creatures. They think of every creature but themselves as being lesser, heck lizards get treated worse. At least humans give a sure unfair yet humane death to wolves and coyotes as opposed to lizards which have been used as live bait where the hook goes through the middle of them leaving them to drown when thrown in along with the pain that comes when impaled when fish can be caught with literally anything else. I'm not a fan of using worms either because they're alive too. Humans share no regard to any other creature but they complain about the whole gender nonsense and equal rights because they're all "human"

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
How would that get you banned? There's at least a few of us here (myself in here) who would bash the brains in of a human long and way before they would harm another animal, and some of us who view trophy hunters as scum of the earth. I fully get and understand hunting for food - it's how nature works. But ****ers thing they're big and bad with their cowardice ways of using a gun to take down a lion, I say we give the lion a fair chance and have the trophy hunter ***** go against that lion using only what nature provides for them.
I've stated numerous times one of my favorite videos to watch is that deer kicking the hunters ***, and I've laughed many times, even on this site, at the picture of the bull who gored the matador up his ***.


How would that get you banned? There's at least a few of us here (myself in here) who would bash the brains in of a human long and way before they would harm another animal, and some of us who view trophy hunters as scum of the earth. I fully get and understand hunting for food - it's how nature works. But ****ers thing they're big and bad with their cowardice ways of using a gun to take down a lion, I say we give the lion a fair chance and have the trophy hunter ***** go against that lion using only what nature provides for them.
I've stated numerous times one of my favorite videos to watch is that deer kicking the hunters ***, and I've laughed many times, even on this site, at the picture of the bull who gored the matador up his ***.

I agree with you.

I'm a hunter, - for food and defense only. I hate the trophy hunters. They give us all a bad name.



I will start off with something that hopefully won't get me banned, I already got banned on countless sites including facebook for my opinions I just hope you people aren't liberal pansies to report me for my question.

Creatures such as wolves (and coyotes) which are predators are needlessly killed by humans are done so in the claims of "population control" yet humans have such a high population compared to them and not only that, hunters claim they're invasive because they're Canadian wolves as opposed to US wolves which makes me shake my head. Humans wiped out the wolves in the US and it's not like they know about human boundaries, anyways they're killed for fur and that's about it. Killed to make a damn trophy. Killed for a predator killing contest...anything but food just so hunters can have more of "their" deer when they mature. What I don't understand is why can't those humans man up and accept that they need to share the world with creatures. They think of every creature but themselves as being lesser, heck lizards get treated worse. At least humans give a sure unfair yet humane death to wolves and coyotes as opposed to lizards which have been used as live bait where the hook goes through the middle of them leaving them to drown when thrown in along with the pain that comes when impaled when fish can be caught with literally anything else. I'm not a fan of using worms either because they're alive too. Humans share no regard to any other creature but they complain about the whole gender nonsense and equal rights because they're all "human"

I agree that we need a few less humans on the earth - they blindly breed. We need a one-child campaign, or at most a replace yourself only, two per couple.

However, as an Alaskan, and a hunter, I can tell you that sometimes animal population control is needed.

Quite frankly this is often the result of human overpopulation shrinking the animal domain. However, not always. Sometimes there will be a die-off of one species resulting in a growth explosion in another. The result is an imbalance. Not enough food for them, killing off other non-traditional food sources for survival etc. It is a trickle-down effect. The animals lose, - starvation, etc. It is better to have a controlled hunt in these cases.

We have had this happen up here with both wolf and deer. We've also had interfering government drop off some down-south elk as a test, on a couple of islands, and I guess they told the critters to stay on their drop-off island. o_O Apparently they didn't know they could swim. And so can deer, wolf, and bear. :D The marauding elk got put on the hunting list. They are yummy. :)

EDIT - Gender and equal rights are not nonsense.

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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I will start off with something that hopefully won't get me banned, I already got banned on countless sites including facebook for my opinions I just hope you people aren't liberal pansies to report me for my question.

Creatures such as wolves (and coyotes) which are predators are needlessly killed by humans are done so in the claims of "population control" yet humans have such a high population compared to them and not only that, hunters claim they're invasive because they're Canadian wolves as opposed to US wolves which makes me shake my head. Humans wiped out the wolves in the US and it's not like they know about human boundaries, anyways they're killed for fur and that's about it. Killed to make a damn trophy. Killed for a predator killing contest...anything but food just so hunters can have more of "their" deer when they mature. What I don't understand is why can't those humans man up and accept that they need to share the world with creatures. They think of every creature but themselves as being lesser, heck lizards get treated worse. At least humans give a sure unfair yet humane death to wolves and coyotes as opposed to lizards which have been used as live bait where the hook goes through the middle of them leaving them to drown when thrown in along with the pain that comes when impaled when fish can be caught with literally anything else. I'm not a fan of using worms either because they're alive too. Humans share no regard to any other creature but they complain about the whole gender nonsense and equal rights because they're all "human"
All that needs to be done is a return to trans fat, cigarettes, and alcohol, no more seatbelt and helmet laws, and tobacco as it applies to items other than cigarettes. Drugs too. Population will even itself out naturally.


Devourer of Truth
First Law of Nature: Survival of the fittest. in essence, those with the best affinity survive
I would argue the second Law is
Second Law of Nature: Power is everything. without any power, you die. more power. the better off you are.

we have the power therefore we do. why should we value animal life equal to humans when there is no such thing as equality in nature. we are above them?

granted I feel we should control our population just as much as we do other animals. it's hypocrisy not to. but to play Devils Advocate. why should we? we are the strongest in way of Intelligence, other than destroying ourselves if a specific animal plays no part in our survival why not just wipe it out? for instance, mosquitos do little good and kill more humans than humans have killed humans. why not genocide them completely?

as for your point on lizards... lesser animals feel less pain. its actual requirement to put octopi under anesthetics and anesthesia due to their intelligence. but animals lower on the food chain feel less pain or at least less a rainbow of it than us. they lack self-awareness to even comprehend anything other than what pain is. a wolf and coyote are more aware than a Lizard so we give them more humane deaths to spare needless pain. granted pain could be avoided by not killing them but again with Power. we hold no natural requirement to even care. we do however hold a requirement to care for other Humans. we are a social species after all and our survival depends on how well we get along with each other. we hold more empathy for each other than we do animals. make friends with a monkey and I am sure if we could measure empathy they would feel less of it for us than their own kind. that's nature. if we gave out love to all animals we would have died off Millenium ago


Well-Known Member
I will start off with something that hopefully won't get me banned, I already got banned on countless sites including facebook for my opinions I just hope you people aren't liberal pansies to report me for my question.

Creatures such as wolves (and coyotes) which are predators are needlessly killed by humans are done so in the claims of "population control" yet humans have such a high population compared to them and not only that, hunters claim they're invasive because they're Canadian wolves as opposed to US wolves which makes me shake my head. Humans wiped out the wolves in the US and it's not like they know about human boundaries, anyways they're killed for fur and that's about it. Killed to make a damn trophy. Killed for a predator killing contest...anything but food just so hunters can have more of "their" deer when they mature. What I don't understand is why can't those humans man up and accept that they need to share the world with creatures. They think of every creature but themselves as being lesser, heck lizards get treated worse. At least humans give a sure unfair yet humane death to wolves and coyotes as opposed to lizards which have been used as live bait where the hook goes through the middle of them leaving them to drown when thrown in along with the pain that comes when impaled when fish can be caught with literally anything else. I'm not a fan of using worms either because they're alive too. Humans share no regard to any other creature but they complain about the whole gender nonsense and equal rights because they're all "human"
The mindless misuse and handling of animals where anything special needs to be hunted and killed so that a trophy picture may be taken with the killer proudly standing next and proclaiming I shot this beautiful creature - is simply satanic.

That is the mind of satan at work. It was not part of the reason why we were given care taking of the planet.

Silverscale derg

Active Member
The mindless misuse and handling of animals where anything special needs to be hunted and killed so that a trophy picture may be taken with the killer proudly standing next and proclaiming I shot this beautiful creature - is simply satanic.

That is the mind of satan at work. It was not part of the reason why we were given care taking of the planet.

It is not the mind of satan come on. Dragon law states that prey and predator are given a fair chance, predators sometimes kill prey, but sometimes prey kills the predator in a balanced way. "demons" like us despise humans slaughtering needlessly despite us still being meat eaters. You can't claim it's satanic when "heathens" respected and heck they even worshiped those creatures but the bible group on the other hand made them convert or be killed, not to mention the witch hunts that happened. Are you going to claim that was Satan too? Conservatives are mainly the ones who hunt and guess what...they're religious

Silverscale derg

Active Member
All that needs to be done is a return to trans fat, cigarettes, and alcohol, no more seatbelt and helmet laws, and tobacco as it applies to items other than cigarettes. Drugs too. Population will even itself out naturally.

You forgot war and nukes too. Humans are such strange creatures. Sure some creatures eat their young but humans slaughter each other off of books but that still doesn't bring back the countless creatures they killed in the name of population control


Active Member
Yes I am looking for attention to bring light to issues regarding animal cruelty which some may not claim mass hunting of creatures or using live lizards as bait as animal cruelty but I do. I'm all for equality of all animals...all of them.

Then I would suggest a different approach because blaming some one for the inequality usually results in being bogged down in a distracting battle.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Yes I am looking for attention to bring light to issues regarding animal cruelty which some may not claim mass hunting of creatures or using live lizards as bait as animal cruelty but I do.
Thanks for sharing.

I'm all for equality of all animals...all of them.
And you're all for trying to confront us with ...
..., I already got banned on countless sites including facebook for my opinions I just hope you people aren't liberal pansies to report me for my question.
You're trolling for confrontation. You do it poorly. Stop while your behind.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to claim that was Satan too? Conservatives are mainly the ones who hunt and guess what...they're religious
Since when has the spirit of satan, the evil wicked ways of some people, been the purview of the non-religious. Wickedness comes clothed in a frock, or the spirit of the frock, in atheism, etc. It doesn't mind the belief of the individual. Wickedness has its own ends.

It has no borders, it knows no gender. It is a state of the mind, usually human.

Silverscale derg

Active Member
So you’re saying it is nonsense to give rights to humans but we should have the utmost regard for non-humans??
How ridiculous.

Humans have all the rights, they're greedy with rights. There needs to be strictly animal rights instead being that humans are animals too and that would cover everyone. I want equality, I feel repulsed when humans call us dragons prideful and say it's our downfall yet when it comes down to it humans are even more prideful. Yes they're strong but that's with their weapons because without them they would die. We should respect every creature. To take a life shouldn't be seen as fun. Those who get a kick out of killing a bunch of coyote, wolves, bob cats, iguanas, brown anoles, lions...the list goes on. It's a life and it is sacred. Humans aren't the only lives that matter. I understand the need for meat yet that can be made in a much more peaceful way but the wild creatures especially predators are slaughtered based on "population control" like somehow humans aren't highly overpopulated. They cheer on the death of the creatures and even pose with the dead body. Humans have guns...it's not much of a hunt. Even with a bow it's cowardly. The true predators should cheer because they lived through another hunt which is potentially deadly for them. When humans kill predators they mainly just take the skin and leave the body out which is highly disrespectful