Noticed the article appears in, Islamic Publications, The Review of Religions. Curious as to what the religious connection here is.
News outlets geared towards religious groups cover "secular" topics as well. Religion done right is supposed to be an all-encompassing way of life that weaves meaning into our existence. Any and all topics can be understood through that weave of meaning.
Peace be on you.
Honey [and hence honey-bee] has very special place in Islam. Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) has praised honey on occasions.
Holy Quran:
[16:69] And thy Lord has inspired the bee, saying, ‘Make thou houses in the hills and in the trees and in the trellises which they build.
[16:70] ‘Then eat of every kind of fruit, and follow the ways of thy Lord that have been made easy for thee.’ There comes forth from their bellies a drink of varying hues. Therein is cure for men. Surely, in that is a Sign for a people who reflect.
The Holy Quran
From the essay of an Ahmadiyya-Muslim dedicated-for-faith young man.
"" I would like to quote the summary of a Friday Sermon which was graciously held on 19th December, 2008 titled The Divine Attribute of Ashaafi, The Healer: “God has provided cure for every illness, and many herbs and insects contain such cures (e.g. snake’s venom). One such example is that of a honeybee, and to describe the medicinal properties of honey, the Holy Quran has used the term “shafa-un linnaase” i.e. “Therein is cure for men” (16:70). Research on honey has provided many benefits to the world. These days, however, the honeybee is being afflicted by a certain disease-causing germ which is causing their wide-spread death and the researchers are concerned that if they cannot find a cure soon, honeybees may become extinct worldwide or in certain parts of the world in a matter of few years. Hazooraba however provided his insight into this matter saying that since honey has been mentioned in the Holy Quran, which is a book for all times, it will never perish; however it may disappear from certain areas as form of punishment. Since the system of revelation is also linked to the honeybee, God will certainly make it a sign for those who believe in His Unity. Hazooraba urged Ahmadis to go into research in this field and other areas, as this will give them the opportunity to firmly ground themselves in the developed countries. If there are Ahmadis already working in this area (research of honeybee), they should contact Hazoor aba immediately.”
In conclusion, it is advisable to reiterate Hazoor’s words and request Waqfeen-e-Nau especially to please research on honey bee and its produce. The Holy Quran is the true word of God and no doubt, it will be fulfilled. Therefore, it’s a wonderful opportunity for Waqfeen-e-Nau to prove the truth of the Quran by demonstrating scientifically the fact that honey is “shafa-un lin-naase” i.e. a cure for the whole of mankind.""
Honey a cure for whole of mankind @ PAGE 39 @