So you don't understand Jewish commentary. Big shock.
There are helpful truths in extra biblical material without doubt. Not all of those bits should build our understanding-some are deviations from scripture.The book of Enoch mentioning a day is a thousand years has helped rabbis in their exegesis of the Torah, but it is a mixture of truth and error. I believe the rabbis were right when they said that God died for every single person, but that doesn't mean I agree with all their interpretations of who the Messiah is. Should Enoch Be Included In The Bible? | Reasons for Jesus
By Steven Bancarz| One of the most common questions I have seen since coming to Christ is the question of whether or not Enoch should be included in the Bible. The short answer to this is that Enoch is not Scripture and was never considered to be on the same level of Scripture historically by any Christian institution other than the Ethiopian Orthodox church of 1959.
But wasn’t the Book of Enoch quoted from in Jude of the New Testament? While it is true Jude quoted from Enoch in Jude 14-15, all this means is that what Enoch said in that particular passage is true.
It doesn’t mean the entire book is divinely inspired, but it does mean that at least that quote by Enoch was true. Just because something is true does not necessarily mean it is inspired by God. History books are true but are not inspired by God. Paul quotes a greek poet named Epimenides in Titus 1:12 but that does not mean that Epimenides was inspired by God.