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Why would God create Evolution?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It is the evolving consciousness of God. There is nothing else. That is how evolution manages to work. Without that, there is no reason why chaos would order itself, other than accident and luck. But we have already been there, right :)

Maybe we have. I can't be expected to follow such a train of speculation, though.


Coincidentia oppositorum
So you don't think he existed? Or you don't think he can do what he says?
I believe there was some teacher in the beginning, or perhaps a leader of a small group. He had a different view on religion in general, and it was the tiny speck of dust that started the whole chain of events. Stories were told. Things were quoted. And over time he was made into a legend and myth. We don't know if anything in the Gospels reflect what Jesus said at all. And I don't think he was the unique God's son. We're all God's children. Salvation comes from ourselves, from within, and that's what it means to have Jesus in you and the kingdom of heaven amongst you. It's here. It's now. We make it happen, because we're God's sons and daughters.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I believe there was some teacher in the beginning, or perhaps a leader of a small group. He had a different view on religion in general, and it was the tiny speck of dust that started the whole chain of events. Stories were told. Things were quoted. And over time he was made into a legend and myth. We don't know if anything in the Gospels reflect what Jesus said at all. And I don't think he was the unique God's son. We're all God's children. Salvation comes from ourselves, from within, and that's what it means to have Jesus in you and the kingdom of heaven amongst you. It's here. It's now. We make it happen, because we're God's sons and daughters.
I agree with the end, it is within us. But he was God's son, as we are in another way, also God's children. But he is the saviour, as he is everything, and all is held together in him. All we saw was the outside, the man. That situation we did not handle very well, if I recall correctly!


Coincidentia oppositorum
You don't think there are scientists who think it is wrong? I am surprised you would even say that.
You have to be careful listening to fringe elements of any group. On rare occasions, people like that might have some truths to the matter, but in this case, there's a lot of misinformation regarding evolution.

Most of those who we hear about that "think evolution is wrong" don't think it's wrong at all, only parts of it. There are just a small handful of scientists who are completely against evolution, but even they admit to many of the evolutionary processes we do know for a fact happening. So on a scale from A to Z, they're all over the place. To say that evolution is wrong in general terms because one or another scientist have issues with some pieces of evolution is flat out wrong. It's like saying that Theism must be wrong because there are some philosophers who think it is wrong. It doesn't matter what one or two or one hundred thinks unless you know what they actually are saying and can argue their claims.

There are times when I see a quote from some scientist supposedly denying evolution, but when I then check into the full quote and the scientists position on evolution, I discover that they're full supporters of evolution but point out minor difficult issues only.


Coincidentia oppositorum
I agree with the end, it is within us. But he was God's son, as we are in another way, also God's children. But he is the saviour, as he is everything, and all is held together in him. All we saw was the outside, the man. That situation we did not handle very well, if I recall correctly!
Well, I don't. I used to, but not anymore.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
You have to be careful listening to fringe elements of any group. On rare occasions, people like that might have some truths to the matter, but in this case, there's a lot of misinformation regarding evolution.

Most of those who we hear about that "think evolution is wrong" don't think it's wrong at all, only parts of it. There are just a small handful of scientists who are completely against evolution, but even they admit to many of the evolutionary processes we do know for a fact happening. So on a scale from A to Z, they're all over the place. To say that evolution is wrong in general terms because one or another scientist have issues with some pieces of evolution is flat out wrong. It's like saying that Theism must be wrong because there are some philosophers who think it is wrong. It doesn't matter what one or two or one hundred thinks unless you know what they actually are saying and can argue their claims.

There are times when I see a quote from some scientist supposedly denying evolution, but when I then check into the full quote and the scientists position on evolution, I discover that they're full supporters of evolution but point out minor difficult issues only.
Is not Behe (spelling?) not to do with ID?


Coincidentia oppositorum
Is not Behe (spelling?) not to do with ID?
Quote from Behe:
"Evolution is a controversial topic, so it is necessary to address a few basic questions at the beginning of the book. Many people think that questioning Darwinian evolution must be equivalent to espousing creationism. As commonly understood, creationism involves belief in an earth formed only about ten thousand years ago, an interpretation of the Bible that is still very popular. For the record, I have no reason to doubt that the universe is the billions of years old that physicists say it is. Further, I find the idea of common descent (that all organisms share a common ancestor) fairly convincing, and have no particular reason to doubt it. I greatly respect the work of my colleagues who study the development and behavior of organisms within an evolutionary framework, and I think that evolutionary biologists have contributed enormously to our understanding of the world. Although Darwin's mechanism – natural selection working on variation – might explain many things, however, I do not believe it explains molecular life. I also do not think it surprising that the new science of the very small might change the way we view the less small." Darwin's Black Box, pp 5–6.
Meaning, he believes evolution to be true to some degree. As I said, don't take one scientists reasoning and arguments for something in evolution to be wrong to equate that evolution as a whole is wrong.

Sue D.

New Member
I was just looking back at the question being discussed -- why would God create evolution? Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." And then He continues to tell us when and how He did it. Evolution takes God OUT of the equation.


Coincidentia oppositorum
I was just looking back at the question being discussed -- why would God create evolution? Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." And then He continues to tell us when and how He did it. Evolution takes God OUT of the equation.
So can you explain when and how he did it? I don't think it says when or how.