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Why you are christian?


New Member
Hi there.
I'm talking with Muslims about their religion and I asked them this question too.
They say our religion is the best with some evidences and also they say Christianity is a manipulated religion that you cant rely on.

Now I wanna to ask this question from you.
Why you are christian?
How you know you religion is the best?
Do you believe you religion is manipulated?


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Why are you Ehsansh?
How do you know this is the right name for you?
Are you currently being manipulated?

Sorry, I can only come up with questions at this time.

Again, sorry.


Oldest Heretic
Religions can't be Better or worse.
They are either true or not.

When it comes down to it God is God. and how we worship him is the religion.
But probably the deciding factor is the Teachings that support it.

Jesus teaching are a true reflection of the God of Love.
Whilst I find that the teachings in Islam can be easily misinterpreted to become very destructive.

Both religions have Variations and we hear of many attacks between the various supporters in Islam.
This was also so in Christianity in the past, but reason has all but eliminated such enmity.
Islam attempts to be a "Static" religion that is unchanging.
Christianity is ever changing around the central message of Jesus. Interpretation is encouraged to better understand how the teachings apply in a changing world.

I simply do not believe the Quran is from God any more than I believe the Bible is... they are both books written by men. However the teachings of Jesus as the son of God are indisputable. It is a pity so little was recorded of his life's work, but that was no doubt the decision of God.
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My version of "Christianity" is actually fairly close to the Islamic version. No Trinity, most of the texts are "corrupted" and filled with interpolations, edits, and tamperings, and we have no way of knowing what exactly the originals said short of Divine revelation or further manuscript discoveries (which there may possibly very well be hidden documents in certain libraries, such as the Vaticanus which Napoleon had to force the Vatican to hand over for objective scholarly review) . There are texts like the Egerton Gospels that show there may have been things the later writers snipped out. We don't really know what was written prior to the 4th century except for fragments, and it seems the Nazarenes and Ebionites went by a version of Matthew that was called "Gospel to the Hebrews" and rejected Paul as an apostle. That's another issue, Paul's epistles paint a radically version of "Xtianity" than what you'd get from reading Matthew and James, and of Paul's epistles, many of them are considered completely spurious. I also regard certain "non-canonical" texts that some may call (erroneously) "Gnostic" like Gospel of Philip as very possibly inspired (though some are truly "Gnostic" in the post-Sethian sense). I disagree with the later Rabbinical/Talmudist teachings, and find the words of Yashua to be what I believe as well, and I believe he fits the description of what the Guilt Offering of Isaiah 53:10 is. Those who say he doesn't fit the Messianic requirements, I say that he the process wasn't meant to be done overnight, but over the course of a long time, even over 2000 years, similar to how the Jews wandered in the desert for 40, I see the prophecies unfolding over a course of the ages.

But I do believe one should not throw out the entire concept that Yashua was the Moshiach because of these issues. One is left to put it together like a puzzle, of what fits the Jewish scriptures regarding what the Moshiach and New Covenant is supposed to be (such as from Isaiah and Jeremiah), and to look out for what is later gentile editing meant to structure their own heathen doctrines that deviated from the original teachings. Ultimately I am "Christian" in the sense that I believe Yashua was the Jewish Moshiach, but I am not "Christian" in the sense of the beliefs of those who were part of the Orthodox or "Gnostic" movements, (though some who were called "Gnostics" weren't really in the same boat). I believe the Nazarenes and Ebionites correctly carried on the teachings of Yashua, who taught a reactionary approach to the Ancient Israelite religion, denouncing the Pharisees and Sadducees (and perhaps Hellenists) and restoring a "pure" form of Israelite religion.


Rogue Theologian
Hi there.
I'm talking with Muslims about their religion and I asked them this question too.
They say our religion is the best with some evidences and also they say Christianity is a manipulated religion that you cant rely on.

Now I wanna to ask this question from you.
Why you are christian?
How you know you religion is the best?
Do you believe you religion is manipulated?

I don't use the label of Christian on myself.
I don't consider myself worthy....however.....

The Carpenter is my Inspiration.
His parables....His handiwork...are right on the mark.

No other like Him.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Teachings of the 4 testament Christ make sense to me.

I am sure some tampering has been done, but the teachings I extract for the 4 testaments are good enough for me to say there is great morals in them and that I try as I can to emulate them and pray to get better at it.

That´s about it I guess


New Member
I read something in bible that says:
"The god was speaking with humans directly!"
Do you believe this is from bible or it's tampered?


Lets be honest, if you are inclined to believe in a faith, the country of your birth dictates whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or whatever!

it's as simple as that, with very few exceptions.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I don't think we can put God in a box. However, I also believe in the existance of absolute truths, and I believe it is my duty in life to search for truth.

In my search for truth, and coming from the perspective of an American female born in the 20th century, I have chosen Christianity - not because it's perfect, or because it embodies all the truth that God offers the world, but because it's a great vehicle for my own walk of faith and search for truth.


Active Member
Great question! :) I'm a Christian b/c I saw things in my life that I knew I wanted changed and I knew only God could change them in me. I am a Christian b/c I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and without his death on the cross and accepting his payment for my sin I couldn't have a personal relationship with God, which I wanted to have. I realized I am a sinner in need of a savior. I realized it was in my nature to sin and I had a desire to sin, and I didn't want that. I knew only God could help me fight those desires and only through the Holy Spirit in my life. So I repented of my sin, asked God's forgiveness and help in my daily life. That's why I'm a Christian :)


I belong to Jesus Christ because of His love and forgiveness. I see religion as a distraction and think any religion can be manipulated or manipulative, but not Jesus Christ the living, risen Savior.