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whydo all religions work


everybody has a opinion
Im ok in the study in religon but i think science and everything goes to gether....who is to say that all the religions today are the official religion from bwginning of time.....writing was not even aroun then....di.osaurs was here before us....how can you tell me that tgenesis is thw truth and that in all the other ancient texts are true..how can you tell me that contact with spirits is wrong...how can you tell me anything in any religion is wrong when thw people who do all these rwligions has a connection to god..so how can you say one is superior..writing was not here in the beginning not even language..but we based what we believe from the past that was pass downinstead of resear hing through reality...the firsthumans i bet everythi.g they worshipped the sun because badhings happenin darkness.i also think e ery man has a mind and the mind is very powerfull. I think the first humans didnt even look lime how wd do today...keep in mind pregnancy cloning and all that has something in common it started from a source that grew into something large...i believei. All religions...i do not worship no man beforw god.........the thing that gets me the most is the old testiment.....it describes thebeginning in genesis but how can someone know this....through a dream.......everythi.g is spiritual....how can yoh tell me that abraham and all the descendents all were christians muslims jews and so forth.one thing i have learned the first humans bodies were not corrupted..so that means everybody was prophetic and didnt have religion.....alot of things can make a person not have a direct and strong connection with god. Yourbody is a temple you have to keep clean and i also assume that every human is onsiderwd a godif one person is considered one.....all i want is the truth and i think someone have that i.formation and willing to change my life for the truth because people are not aware things go real deep but comes from one sour e


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
This... paragraph??? is impossible to read, so I really have no idea exactly what you are trying to say. However, the original question asks why all religions work. They do not.


Well, I read the entire thing. I think you raise some good questions. Personally I don't think that any religion can bring you anything more beneficial for you or better than an understanding through science and reason of the world and universe around you.

When you aren't part of a religion, you don't have to think about a celestial dictator keeping tabs on everything you do and you can finally reach independence. Learn as much as you can, believe whatever you want to believe. I have no problem with people believing what they believe, I just can't bring myself to believe 99% of them and I love it when people legitimately criticize religion and basic beliefs.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I agree. There needs to be distinguishment and discernment in regards to interpreting the direct reality of things, of which in cases, an impulse arises to embellish and fabricate well beyond the obvious.

Your on the right track illusion86 by asking and investigating the tough questions in face of what is well known and established. I think you already notice a number of embellishments whenever contrasted with fact* that a number of religions choose to ingore, and are afraid to acknowelege forthright. Keep your feet on the ground and you will certianly notice the truth. :O)

*Like a brilliant light shining in the dark, wisking away whatever is imagined.


Hostis humani generis
I had to take this into gedit (like notepad), and cut it down into paragraphs to understand it. Please try to use paragraphs for clarity's sake. :) I had a bit spare time, so I went ahead and answered this as best as I could.

Regarding the questions you have asked, not everyone says that the religion they follow is "the official religion from the beginning of time", except for those religions who believe in revelations, usually by a messenger. An "official" religion from the beginning of time does not really make sense, in my opinion.

Not everyone believes the events in Genesis are true. Many do not, and this includes many Jewish and Christian believers. I do not follow an Abrahamic religion, and so Genesis has absolutely no meaning to me besides from being one of the ancient stories of the creation of the world, which may, or may not, have been intended to take literally. I do not know how this ties in with a religion being "superior" to another, though, but I don't think there is such a thing as a "superior" religion.

You are correct that writing was not here in the beginning. However, oral tradition has been a strong part of human society for a long time, which has only diminished significantly in the last few hundred years in the West. There are places in the world which still preserve their spiritual teachings through the oral method. Many religious texts, such as the Bhagavad Gītā, the Vedas, and the Śrī Gurū Granth Sāhib, as well as the Quran are written in poetry to make it easier to follow.

If you would like to see Vedic chanting being done (it is far less common today than it was) you can watch the video below:

vedic chanting from south india part 1 - YouTube

True, we did base on what we believed from our past - but then again, did they have little reason not to? In addition to this, we have had philosophers, thinkers, and reformers cutting away at the 'fat', so to speak. Thankfully, we have scientists and the scientific method to help us now. I think it is more likely that the first humans were animists.

There is no way anyone could know the events in Genesis of the beginning of the world. There is probably an Abrahamic discussion of this, but as I'm not an Abrahamic I have no want nor need to find something on for a group of religions I do not follow for a text which holds no value to me right now.

I think the first humans didnt even look lime how wd do today...keep in mind pregnancy cloning and all that has something in common it started from a source that grew into something large... <<moved for relevant and tidy quoting>> one thing i have learned the first humans bodies were not corrupted
What do you mean that the first humans do not look like how we do today, and how does this relate to pregnancy and cloning? In addition, what do you mean the first human bodies were not corrupted?

Yourbody is a temple you have to keep clean and i also assume that every human is onsiderwd a godif one person is considered one.....all i want is the truth and i think someone have that i.formation and willing to change my life for the truth because people are not aware things go real deep but comes from one sour e
I don't understand what you mean here?

Hope this helps.