.....and your assertion that PA & Fatah are not interested in "serious negotiations" isnt true. and to imply that carpet bombing is the only realistic solution for Gaza, being that it is under the control of Hamas; simply isnt sane. To say one extreme or the other are the only possible answers (tea and cookies-carpet bombing) isnt true. and to blame the entire Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the Palestinians; isnt honest.
this idea, that somehow, Palestinian atrocities are the only ones ever committed, is not true. an honest observer will see that Israel has committed a number of their own. and the Palestinian grievances (not all of them) with Israel have merit.
the world isnt black and white. Israel isnt all good, and Palestinians arent all evil. both have committed crimes, both have done more to further the violence than the end it. it just so happens, that Israel is far stronger, and they have killed far more Palestinians than the contrary. it just so happens that Israel has the West Bank honey-combed with settlements and walls. making it illegal, in many cases, for a Palestinian to cross a street.
the Palestinians arent the only ones with ground to give on the issue.