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Will someone please talk to me?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What did I say? In Romans and other places in Paul's writings the word law does not always refer to the written code of law. What Paul does say is that there is a law that you must have the faith to obey in order to be declared righteous by God. This law was put into effect through angels by the hand of a Mediator who authored and perfected it. Gal. 3:19 Acts 7:53 "The law was added so that the trespass (singular) might increase." Rom 5:20 Law in this statement is not a ref. to the written code.

I agree

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
No sa! An enemy is someone wishing harm to another. I don't believe anyone is wishing me any harm. Actually I am sure there are some people praying for me. I am still alive and well, I see! :hugehug:

"a man's enemies will be the members of his own household." Mt. 10:36 is what is written and it is also written "Do not go beyond what is written." 1 Cor. 4:6, because you can't.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"a man's enemies will be the members of his own household." Mt. 10:36 is what is written and it is also written "Do not go beyond what is written." 1 Cor. 4:6, because you can't.

You're not making sense. He didn't say a man's enemies MUST be members of his own household. It was a warning that they might be. The word means hostile. I do not feel like anyone is hostile toward me. I am being ignored.

Also, the context shows he is referring to a person's secular situation, not spiritual situation.


Well-Known Member
Nazi Germany should not be used to boast about how righteous and special you are, it was a time of survival, people did what they had to do to survive, others resisted, all should get sympathy, no group was better than the other is what I am saying.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nazi Germany should not be used to boast about how righteous and special you are, it was a time of survival, people did what they had to do to survive, others resisted, all should get sympathy, no group was better than the other is what I am saying.

I never worry anymore about being understood or misunderstood. The fact is you will be misunderstood most of the time. I understand you Horrorble and I appreciate your contribution to my thread. I never saw you post anything that wasn't clear or that was insulting.

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
You're not making sense. He didn't say a man's enemies MUST be members of his own household. It was a warning that they might be. The word means hostile. I do not feel like anyone is hostile toward me. I am being ignored.

Also, the context shows he is referring to a person's secular situation, not spiritual situation.

A man's spiritual situation determines his social situations. "They will treat you as they have treated Me.", and if they don't you can bet your sweet bippy you ain't one of His. Understand?

Theodore A. Jones

Active Member
You're not making sense. He didn't say a man's enemies MUST be members of his own household. It was a warning that they might be. The word means hostile. I do not feel like anyone is hostile toward me. I am being ignored.

Also, the context shows he is referring to a person's secular situation, not spiritual situation.

Every theologian directly contests what is written. Didn't you make the claim of being a theologian?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
God is The Law. The foundation of the law never changes. To obey God is to obey The Law. Law changes. God's desire that we obey the law will never cease.

If you obey the law's foundation it is enough, in my opinion.


Avid JW Bible Student
Bland you seemed to have missed my point, JWs like to bring up nazi germany as evidence that they are specially prosecuted-that is sickening
Who said we were claiming that that JW's were "specially prosecuted"? Like the first Christians, JW's were persecuted along with others, who suffered as they did in the arenas. The difference, as I pointed out, was that only the Christians were given the option to walk free by doing something that compromised their faith. In Nazi Germany, they chose death rather than just being taken to a gas chamber for extermination.

No one should disrespect what these brothers went through and diminish the fact that they could have walked away. The Jews and others were not given that option.

Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I even had a JW boast about it telling me that JWs shared their food with each other in the concentration camps and the jews didn't.

This was attested to by camp survivors and obviously was true of those the survivors witnessed not sharing with their Jewish "brothers". It was said to confirm that Christians do not consider their own lives as more worthy than their brothers'. On long marches, some stronger ones carried their weaker brothers because if anyone went down, they were shot on the spot. We are proud of them, and rightly so.

Recalling actual events is not bragging that we were the only ones persecuted, but we never gave in to the Nazi regime by renouncing our God. Nor did those brothers and sisters let their experience embitter them. Many of the guards after the war told of their admiration for the integrity of these ones under extreme persecution. Some became Witnesses themselves.

Nothing should diminish their courage in the face of awful suffering or certain death.

The Holocaust Museum in Washington DC is dedicated to the memory of ALL who were persecuted by the Nazis. Among others groups, the museum has videotaped interviews with 74 Witnesses who were victims and survivors of Nazi rule.

Please get this in perspective.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
One sided news is called propaganda. Propaganda is organized lying. Anyone engaged in propaganda is an enemy of Truth.

The Jehovah's Witnesses on Religious Education Forums have done a fine job telling their side of the story. But because it is only one side of the story I am not going to keep restrained to offer the other side. I am not only opposed to the Jehovah's Witnesses doing it. I am also opposed to the enemies of Jehovah's Witnesses doing it, and they know it. You think the JWs do not like me? The other side doesn't like me more.

Rutherford and the Watchtower's support of Hitler


Avid JW Bible Student
One sided news is called propaganda. Propaganda is organized lying. Anyone engaged in propaganda is an enemy of Truth.
I thoroughly agree. Propaganda is propaganda, but you have to know when you're looking at it, because truth is there too, wheat are growing right alongside the weeds. You think the devil is not clever enough to make the lies look like truth and vice versa? :facepalm:

The Jehovah's Witnesses on Religious Education Forums have done a fine job telling their side of the story. But because it is only one side of the story I am not going to keep restrained to offer the other side.
Albeit a very distorted view IMO. That is your view and you can believe whatever you wish. We all believe what we WANT to believe. That is why God reads hearts, not just actions. (1 Sam 16:7)

I am not only opposed to the Jehovah's Witnesses doing it. I am also opposed to the enemies of Jehovah's Witnesses doing it, and they know it. You think the JWs do not like me? The other side doesn't like me more.
Where you stand is entirely for you to work out.

This too is a gross distortion.

Do you remember Paul's words "For, though I am free from all persons, I have made myself the slave to all, that I may gain the most persons. 20 And so to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those under law I became as under law, though I myself am not under law, that I might gain those under law. 21 To those without law I became as without law, although I am not without law toward God but under law toward Christ, that I might gain those without law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak. I have become all things to people of all sorts, that I might by all means save some. 23 But I do all things for the sake of the good news, that I may become a sharer of it with [others]. (1 Cor 9:19-23)Whatever those brothers needed to 'become', in order for the "good news" to continue to be heard was undertaken. One tack was tried and when that failed to persuade, they tried another.

The fact remains, NO Witness of Jehovah supported the Nazi regime in its heinous treatment of the Jews or anyone else.

Let me just highlight one portion of the cited material.

The conference of five thousand delegates also noted - as is expressed in the declaration - that the Bible Researchers of Germany are fighting for the very same high ethical goals and ideals which also the national government of the German Reich proclaimed respecting the relationship of humans to God, namely: honesty of the created being towards its creator."

I have underlined the part that was the truth. What was proclaimed by the German Govt. was indeed ethical and could be agreed with, but what they did in practice was something else entirely.

The comments on the Jews as the ones responsible for Jesus' murder and the role of big business in the world is as true today as it was back then, maybe more so. The Anglo-American world power is the last ruling power before the "eighth king" of Revelation takes over the reigns of one world government.

The truth can be twisted to appear to be damning, but knowing what the brothers knew, (that according to Bible prophesy, Hitler would not win) they were doing only what Paul recommended. The good news was their focus and assisting their brothers to continue in that work was paramount.

Opposers can twist the story all they like. We expect it.


Avid JW Bible Student
Why not broadcast that to all the people who suffered loss? What did Hitler not win?
Broadcast what? :confused:

The brothers knew that Bible prophesy foretold the Anglo-American world power as the dominant ruling power when the end of the system comes. Hitler was never going to win the war but that did not stop him from doing his best to establish his regime as a world power....by sheer evil force. God does not prevent these things but keeps his worshippers spiritually strong in the face of it. Where is Hitler now? Where are Jehovah's Witnesses whom he vowed to exterminate?