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Will there be freewill in the afterlife?

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
For religions that put emphasis on this life being a test because we have freewill and can make bad/wrong decisions, will people have freewill in the afterlife? If freewill makes people so unpredictable that we need to be tested in the first place, what will keep them from making bad/wrong decisions in the afterlife? Will our freewill be removed? Will freewill be limited in some fashion so transgressions can't be made? If our freewill will be removed or limited later, what purpose is there in testing us at all?

That's why the test is so difficult, there can be no such thing as good without bad, no more than left without right, they define each other.

Can you ever really do something 'good', if you literally have no alternative? So it must be a free choice, and so in heaven, we have free will, but we have learned to only use it to choose good.
For religions that put emphasis on this life being a test because we have freewill and can make bad/wrong decisions, will people have freewill in the afterlife? If freewill makes people so unpredictable that we need to be tested in the first place, what will keep them from making bad/wrong decisions in the afterlife? Will our freewill be removed? Will freewill be limited in some fashion so transgressions can't be made? If our freewill will be removed or limited later, what purpose is there in testing us at all?

So many religions use the term "rest" to describe the afterlife so if the afterlife is "rest" why would there be a need for "will", free or other wise? Will infers action, not rest.
Why didn't god just create the world without "evil" to begin with?

I would say man created evil, not god.

God created two equally opposing conditions, gravitation and radiation that he used to create the universe and everything in it. That evil crap is all on us. The only blame you can put on god is for giving us free will and the ability to act like morons.
Just sayin :/
Without the perception of evil, we would be robots.

You cannot have goodness without evil, and vice versa. Similarly, you cannot have up without down.

I disagree. This IS a polarized universe in as much as its electrically divided +/- but that has nothing to do with behavior. Its possible for everyone to all be "good" or "bad" ppl and the rest of the universe would think nothing of it.

Good or bad is nothing more than a choice.

Up or down on the other hand have to do with gravitation and radiation. Those are equal constants that we can't avoid.


Well-Known Member
As for good or bad as a result of the choices, in heaven there will be no evil. Every negative emotion we have in this life will be completely removed from our hearts. I don't know the nature of how that works, but it was described in the Quran. Some of these verses are:

Quran 78:35
"No ill speech will they hear therein or any lies"

Quran 56:25-26
"They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin, but only talk of peace.

This was explained to me in what I consider to be a reasonable degree of detail. Whether we are "righteous" or "wicked", we shall be conformed to which ever we are, absolutely.

Clarification: If we are "wicked", we shall be conformed into the "robes" (image/pattern) of "wickedness", where we will exist in this state without end. The same is true if we are "righteous". As the Christians say, they shall be conformed to the "robes" of "Christ". This is as simply as I can explain what was taught to me.


Premium Member
To which ' hell ' are you referring ?
The non-biblical hell, or the Bible's hell ?
Especially when the Jews began mixing with the Greeks they adopted their theories and philosophies and began teaching them as Scripture.
The non-biblical hell began being taught as Scripture although Not Scripture.
The KJV (King James Version) translated into English the word ' Gehenna ' as hell fire.
Gehenna was simply a garbage pit outside of Jerusalem where things were destroyed and Not kept burning forever.
There is No oxygen to burn people in the Bible's hell because the Bible's hell is simply mankind's stone-cold grave for the sleeping dead.
The day Jesus' died Jesus went to biblical hell - Acts of the Apostles 2:27; Psalms 16:10
Since Jesus taught sleep in death - John 11:12-14 - then Jesus knew he would be in an unconscious state until God would resurrect Jesus out of biblical hell (grave)
Jesus was well educated in the old Hebrew Scriptures which also teach sleep in death:
Please notice -> Psalms 6:5; Psalms 13:3; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4; Daniel 12:2; Daniel 12:13; Ecclesiastes 9:5

Everyone Jesus' resurrected from the dead had physical bodies.
The Bible's hell comes to a final end according to Revelation 20:13-14
After everyone in hell is ' delivered up ' (resurrected) out of biblical hell, then emptied-out hell is cast vacant into a symbolic ' second death ' for vacated hell.

While on Earth Jesus was giving us a preview, or coming attraction, of what Jesus will be doing over Earth during his coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth.
The majority of people will be brought back from death's sleep to a happy-and-healthy physical life on Earth - Revelation 22:2
As far as the wicked, they will be ' destroyed forever ' - Psalms 92:7
Jesus will destroy Satan - Hebrews 2:14 B
Satan ends up in ' second death ' - Revelation 21:8
So, ' second death ' is a fitting term for destruction.
The righteous to gain everlasting life, the wicked are destroyed in everlasting 'second ' death.

I was referring to the Islamic belief, therefore it's texts, as I said in my first post of this discussion:
I can't say "after life", but I can talk heaven/paradise, and in the Islamic belief. There then will be complete freewill.
since the thread did not put a specific belief.

This was explained to me in what I consider to be a reasonable degree of detail. Whether we are "righteous" or "wicked", we shall be conformed to which ever we are, absolutely.

Clarification: If we are "wicked", we shall be conformed into the "robes" (image/pattern) of "wickedness", where we will exist in this state without end. The same is true if we are "righteous". As the Christians say, they shall be conformed to the "robes" of "Christ". This is as simply as I can explain what was taught to me.


Good information there.


Veteran Member
I was referring to the Islamic belief, therefore it's texts, as I said in my first post of this discussion:

Is Islamic hell the same as biblical hell ?________
The Bible's hell is a temporary sleeping state for the dead until resurrected out of hell.- Psalms 16:10; Acts of the Apostles 2:27
KJV translated the word Gehenna as hell fire, but Gehenna was a just a garbage pit outside of Jerusalem where things were destroyed Not kept burning forever.
Since Jesus and the old Hebrew Scriptures teach ' sleep ' in death, then the Bible's hell is mankind's stone-cold temporary grave for the unconscious dead (R.I.P.)
- John 11:14; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5


Veteran Member
This was explained to me in what I consider to be a reasonable degree of detail. Whether we are "righteous" or "wicked", we shall be conformed to which ever we are, absolutely.
Clarification: If we are "wicked", we shall be conformed into the "robes" (image/pattern) of "wickedness", where we will exist in this state without end. The same is true if we are "righteous". As the Christians say, they shall be conformed to the "robes" of "Christ". This is as simply as I can explain what was taught to me.

First of all, there ' is going to be ' a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous - Acts of the Apostles 24:15
As regards the wicked they will be ' destroyed forever ' - Psalms 92:7; Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6
That includes wicked Satan because according to Hebrews 2:14 B Jesus will destroy wicked Satan.
Genuine Christians alive on Earth at the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth - Matthew 25:31-33,37 - can remain alive on Earth, and continue to live on Earth, right into the start of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth begins.


Veteran Member
So many religions use the term "rest" to describe the afterlife so if the afterlife is "rest" why would there be a need for "will", free or other wise? Will infers action, not rest.

However, even though ' many religions use the term ' rest' to describe the afterlife ', the Bible teaches resurrection, and Not afterlife ( <-more alive at death than before death )
' Rest ' in connection to death (R.I.P.) is what the Bible really teaches because the Bible really teaches: unconscious sleep in death:
- Psalms 6:5; Psalms 13:3; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4; Daniel 12:2; Daniel 12:13; Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 11:12-14
When people are resurrected out of death's deep sleep, then they will have the opportunity to use their free will to act responsibly toward God.- Acts of the Apostles 24:15
Micah 4:3-4 talks about ' the millennium-long resurrection day coming under Christ ' when people will Not learn war any more, and No one will make us tremble or be afraid.


Veteran Member
That's why the test is so difficult, there can be no such thing as good without bad, no more than left without right, they define each other.
Can you ever really do something 'good', if you literally have no alternative? So it must be a free choice, and so in heaven, we have free will, but we have learned to only use it to choose good.

According to Scripture, everyone who died ' before ' Jesus died does Not go to heaven - John 3:13
Both King David - Acts of the Apostles 2:34 - and John the Baptizer did Not go to heaven - Matthew 11:11
So, the majority of people will have a happy-and-healthy physical resurrection back to live eternally on Earth starting with Jesus' coming 1,000-year rulership over Earth.
Only those called to heaven have a first or earlier resurrection to govern with Christ for a thousand years over Earth or over earthly subjects - Revelation 20:6; Revelation 5:9-10
Jesus, as Prince of Peace, will usher in global Peace on Earth among people of good will - Psalms 72:8; Psalms 72:12-14
However, even though ' many religions use the term ' rest' to describe the afterlife ', the Bible teaches resurrection, and Not afterlife ( <-more alive at death than before death )
' Rest ' in connection to death (R.I.P.) is what the Bible really teaches because the Bible really teaches: unconscious sleep in death:
- Psalms 6:5; Psalms 13:3; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4; Daniel 12:2; Daniel 12:13; Ecclesiastes 9:5; John 11:12-14
When people are resurrected out of death's deep sleep, then they will have the opportunity to use their free will to act responsibly toward God.- Acts of the Apostles 24:15
Micah 4:3-4 talks about ' the millennium-long resurrection day coming under Christ ' when people will Not learn war any more, and No one will make us tremble or be afraid.

The bible also says in Matt 11:28 Come to me, all you who sre weary and burdened, and I will give you "rest".

And I never implied the rest meant unconscious.

Rest as Russell teaches it, is a return to the creator in the oneness of he/she "sexless" still light.
You can not have rest and motion. You have either rest or motion.
The physical universe is 2 way electric light motion. When your physical body ceases its motion, your spirit returns to rest in the oneness of the creator until or unless you return to motion, which would be rebirth into the physical world.


Well-Known Member
First of all, there ' is going to be ' a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous - Acts of the Apostles 24:15
As regards the wicked they will be ' destroyed forever ' - Psalms 92:7; Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6
That includes wicked Satan because according to Hebrews 2:14 B Jesus will destroy wicked Satan.
Genuine Christians alive on Earth at the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth - Matthew 25:31-33,37 - can remain alive on Earth, and continue to live on Earth, right into the start of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth begins.
Charming how you say such things with such certainty. In other words, your higher power is going to resurrect those he deems wicked, just to annihilate them? Seems spiteful?

Athiest: " Oh, you actually exist. Wow. I'm sorry I didn't believe in you."
YHVH: "I have resurrected you so you can see what you may never have. I will now destroy you forever!"
Athiest: "That's not fair! Why did you bother resurrecting me then?"
YHVH: "Silence! I will destroy you now forever!"


Veteran Member
The bible also says in Matt 11:28 Come to me, all you who sre weary and burdened, and I will give you "rest".
And I never implied the rest meant unconscious.
Rest as Russell teaches it, is a return to the creator in the oneness of he/she "sexless" still light.
You can not have rest and motion. You have either rest or motion.
The physical universe is 2 way electric light motion. When your physical body ceases its motion, your spirit returns to rest in the oneness of the creator until or unless you return to motion, which would be rebirth into the physical world.

Agree about Matthew 11:28 about Jesus giving ' rest ' ( refreshment )
The ' rest ' Jesus was talking about at John 11:11-13; John 11:14 was that the dead are in a sleep-like state of knowing nothing - Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4

As a foreclosed house ' returns ' to the owner and the house does Not move or go anywhere else, our life's spirit ' returns ' to God until Resurrection Day meaning Jesus' millennium-long day of governing over Earth when at that time ' enemy death ' will be No more - 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8


Veteran Member
Charming how you say such things with such certainty. In other words, your higher power is going to resurrect those he deems wicked, just to annihilate them? Seems spiteful?

Apparently those judged as truly wicked will Not have a resurrection. The resurrection according to Acts of the Apostles 24:15 is for both the righteous and unrighteous.
The wicked are judged as Not deserving of life according to Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6
Jesus' ransom, according to Matthew 20:28, covers MANY or the majority of mankind.
Jesus is a righteous judge - Isaiah 11:3-4 - and a righteous warrior - Revelation 19:11; Revelation 19:14-16 - so only the wicked will be destroyed forever - Psalms 92:7


Well-Known Member
Apparently those judged as truly wicked will Not have a resurrection. The resurrection according to Acts of the Apostles 24:15 is for both the righteous and unrighteous.
The wicked are judged as Not deserving of life according to Matthew 12:32; Hebrews 6:4-6
Jesus' ransom, according to Matthew 20:28, covers MANY or the majority of mankind.
Jesus is a righteous judge - Isaiah 11:3-4 - and a righteous warrior - Revelation 19:11; Revelation 19:14-16 - so only the wicked will be destroyed forever - Psalms 92:7

Only the wicked? Okay, just what constitutes one being labeled as wicked then?


Veteran Member
Charming how you say such things with such certainty. In other words, your higher power is going to resurrect those he deems wicked, just to annihilate them? Seems spiteful?
Athiest: " Oh, you actually exist. Wow. I'm sorry I didn't believe in you."
YHVH: "I have resurrected you so you can see what you may never have. I will now destroy you forever!"
Athiest: "That's not fair! Why did you bother resurrecting me then?"
YHVH: "Silence! I will destroy you now forever!"

How is it you concluded that just being an atheist makes a person as being wicked ?
Romans 6:7 plainly says that the one who has died is freed or acquitted from sin.
That is Not automatically making a person as now innocent, but as a governor can pardon a person so the crime charges do Not stick, Jesus can pardon a person so the sin charges do Not stick. So, even dead atheists can be part of the resurrection of Acts of the Apostles 24:15
As far as we the living are concerned, we are all now urged to ' repent ' so as Not to ' perish ' ( be destroyed ) - 2 Peter 3:9
Jesus is the future judge between the people on Earth of Matthew 25:31-33 as to who will be considered as righteous ' sheep' or the haughty ' goats' who are against Jesus.
Destruction comes to the living wicked while alive on Earth. They will have No resurrection - Jeremiah 25:31-33; Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:11; Revelation 19:14-16


Veteran Member
Only the wicked? Okay, just what constitutes one being labeled as wicked then?

In our time frame, those who will be against Jesus at the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth - Matthew 25:31-33 - will be classed as haughty ' goats' and will Not be around to be part of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth. Those figurative ' goats ' refuse to repent and would rather be against Jesus' millennial rulership over Earth.
Jesus will only usher in global Peace on Earth among men of goodwill. Apparently the ' goats ' are Not people of goodwill, but wish to be, or remain, troublemakers on Earth.
Agree about Matthew 11:28 about Jesus giving ' rest ' ( refreshment )
The ' rest ' Jesus was talking about at John 11:11-13; John 11:14 was that the dead are in a sleep-like state of knowing nothing - Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4

As a foreclosed house ' returns ' to the owner and the house does Not move or go anywhere else, our life's spirit ' returns ' to God until Resurrection Day meaning Jesus' millennium-long day of governing over Earth when at that time ' enemy death ' will be No more - 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8

There is no sleep like state for conscious mind. Conscious mind exist outside the body. The body is the window do to speak that conscious mind peers through into this simulated universe.

The resurrection is a continuous Cycle.

I prefer the Jesus in the book of Thomas over the Jesus of Matthew. There are reasons for me to believe its more truthful.


Well-Known Member
In our time frame, those who will be against Jesus at the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth - Matthew 25:31-33 - will be classed as haughty ' goats' and will Not be around to be part of Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth. Those figurative ' goats ' refuse to repent and would rather be against Jesus' millennial rulership over Earth.
Jesus will only usher in global Peace on Earth among men of goodwill. Apparently the ' goats ' are Not people of goodwill, but wish to be, or remain, troublemakers on Earth.
Those who do not wish to be ruled, perhaps?