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Will your god love me?


Veteran Member
:help: I have faith in God. I want to be closer to God. I want to love God and have God love me back. Can you accept me into your faith system if I already belong to another?

God loves everyone. unfortunately it is only people who don't love God back. you'd be welcomed :) of course! there are two directions to go. no one could continue walking on two opposite directions. yet i don't expect people to be shifted from one to another. it takes time to learn. so i would invite you to learn and know what religion is. if you want to reach God because of your love for God, you'd see and experience, as i did, God would take you and lead you to a path and you'd be just happy, naturally.



Let's go racing boys !
You are welcome because God loves you. lava is right you cannot walk 2 different directions, you need to learn about a religion then you can make a choice......


Guardian of Asgaard
You don't need a religion to believe in God. Just do what you want to do, not what everyone else tells you too. Ultimately you make your own decisions, all anyone else can do is enlighten you on their personal belief system. However, no system was made to fit everyone perfectly. Theres nothing wrong with picking and mixing.


Yeh -get that -but here's a wacky idea.
-If all the paths lead to the light.
-If that light is God and all the paths are, are recognised, workable ways to get there.
-Then why can we not love All of Gods 'faces' and just love God no matter what he looks like or what rules and regulations the prophets have proclaimed he asked for. Besides some are quite funny. Perhaps we shouild start a forum where we start to collect 'Ridiculous things man thinks God wants us to do' Do you know some people think God is opposed to us using RED SILK under your saddle when riding a horse. Really making the world and all I really don't think he gives a **** do you?

-Don't misunderstand me I love ALL Gods because I love God and I am not arrogant enough to think I've got all the answers -I just like to challenge those who think they have.
Thanks for replying x


I do not go in two directions at once because I love God -whatever that means to you. I was simply asking about peoples interpretations of God's will. I have been in love with God for 15 years after a religious experience. Which of the God's revealed themselves to me first is personal and more to do with what I was open to at the time. Only two directions? No I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO LOVE ALL PEOPLE, OF ALL FAITHS, AND ALL GODS -My God told me to do it -You'll never guess which one it was!


Sweet n Spicy
Namaste and welcome to RF.

"There is only one religion, the religion of love." ~ Sai Baba.

You are already close to God. Your true Self or Spirit is that of God. Just look within and all the love in the world is right there! :)


My "faith system" is anti-authoritarian and therefore anti-God. Is there any way our beliefs could possibly be reconciled?
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Just me
Premium Member
My "faith system" is anti-authoritarian and therefore anti-God. Is there any way our beliefs could possibly be reconciled?
Sure: where both "God" and "self" are co-authoratative (they co-author the universe). Reference mysticism.


:help: I have faith in God. I want to be closer to God. I want to love God and have God love me back. Can you accept me into your faith system if I already belong to another?
Any church will welcome you to fellowship, if not STAY AWAY. However, faith is your choice. If you choose to follow different beliefs than the church you attend, that is your own decision. I don't really understand what you mean by being accepted into a faith system? Why would you want to be considered part of a religion that you yourself do not adhere to?


Premium Member
God loves all people. All you have to do is accept God- He calls everyone. There are some who don't listen. You have listened to God's call to you.


I wasn't talking about individual churches. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I am currently in negotiations with my local vicar to see if his (not God's as he is God's representative and individual vicars have individual opinions) policies sit comfortably with me. However, where I do my praying is not the issue.

I love God and 'The One Who Calls Himself God' (translated from the Arabic!) and Brahman and Arwen and Gaia because all of these are God and I love God -I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU CALL HIM/HER/IT

NOW you may try to tell me I'm not speaking to the same God as you but for that you are going to have to either use telepathy (a sin punishable by stoning I think -don't quote me) or you are going to have to use logic from the bible. Well, the bible was written by prophets.

I don't know about you but I don't think prophets are any more perfect than other humans and they don't always get things right. What you are talking about is NOT WHAT GOD SAID BUT SOMEONES INTERPRETATION OF HIS WORD . Did you know Islam is a re-interpretation of Jesus' work? That Mohammed agreed that Jesus was talking about the same God as him but that JC had got it slightly wrong?

What about an eye for an eye? Think about it; someone rapes your sister -do you seriously want to commit the same sin? Personally I'm more with letting Saint Peter decide but what of the prophet who wrote the eye thing? Are all his other works thrown out too? No. They're in the bible along with a vast mixture of things you can and can't follow.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE WATCH 'ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE' its a wonderful description of the beautiful and bizarre ways mankind has tried to understand and explain the concept of something as huge and awe-inspiring as God.

All I do everyday is the best I can. To make sure I am truly worthy to speak to my God.
To never be unkind. To try to see value in everyone and to nurture that. To speak the truth always no matter the personal cost and if that may cause distress, to do so gently. To be as good and as positive and helpful as I can everyday -religiously so. And to never burden myself with regrets but to learn most diligently from my mistakes. Because God (and I answer to them ALL) tells me too.


Lord of the Badgers
I'm sorry but my God and I are in a strictly monogamous relationship... just like everybody else and theirs.


My "faith system" is anti-authoritarian and therefore anti-God. Is there any way our beliefs could possibly be reconciled?

Not every God (concept) is "authoritarian" Darkness.
Though I'm sure you already know this.

I'm guessing you and I could reconcile our beliefs/"faith systems".

Would you like to try for fun, in a one on one "debate"?
I've never done one of those before.



How wonderful -a surprise -I like surprises!
I honestly would never have expected that response from a Buddhist. But whatever.
Some Witches have a bit of a 3-way cos they worship 2 Gods at the SAME time, 1 male & 1 female, who when working in PERFECT (but seperate) harmony they become as one.
Hindu's choose from lots of deities and most recognise Brahman, the light, as higher but therefore at the same time.
Christians worship Jesus -sometimes as a kind of God.
Now I know there is only one Buddah but doesn't he/she take many forms. Surely it's just cheating if you say there's only one God because all the 'faces' have the same name.
Personally I love Buddism but then I worship all Gods because God is God is God. I might not subscribe to all the prophets however.
I am yet to recognise Ron L. Hubbard as a prophet -let alone a God so if you know any scientologists who would like to challenge me on that. Oh yeh. What's Shinto?


Premium Member
One of the things I struggle with (because I don't have the answer) is if all (or at least most) Gods are the same one, no matter what religion. I can't say that they are or that they aren't because I honestly just don't know. I pray on this, but God is the one with the answer-- and maybe a person's heart.


Lord of the Badgers
How wonderful -a surprise -I like surprises!
I honestly would never have expected that response from a Buddhist. But whatever.

Personally I love Buddism but then I worship all Gods because God is God is God. I might not subscribe to all the prophets however.
Heh, I don't have a God, but everybody has a God-concept, even if they're atheist they still have an idea of "God" in their mind.
My point was that everybody has a unique image of God, even people within the same religion, the same physical Church or Mosque etc will all have a slightly different image of God in their minds eye.
Therefore every relationship between a person and their God is strictly between those two, and so you can take whatever God-concepts you like from around the world and believe whatever you like about them if you so desire, because everybody does it to a degree.


Sorry I misunderstood your perspective. I do tend to get passionate about dogmatism.
We agree so it seems.
You don't beleive in God??
Fine with me. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with Buddah, but Buddhism is a wonderful way to peace.

I suppose I was saying that I accept all concepts of God as potentially valid. The value systems prescribed to each concept need a bit more personal scrutiny before I will trust my Karma on it. So I am scrutinising faiths through the only real source -the faithful. I am comfortable with my God but wanted to reach out to others.

This is me practicing not being abrasive. How am I doing? Ha ha.
Wish me luck I've got an appointment with a Vicar on Wed to see if he finds my views offensive.
