This is in the context of a loving, marriage, where two people actually love each other and have decided to live a Christian life together. She honors her husband, caring about him, not putting her personal wishes above the marriage. He honors her, not placing his selfish whims above the marriage.
We paint "subservient" to mean the worst possible thing and it can be when people are complete morons and sick in the head. But, when you're loving people and you're in your marriage for the right reasons - you honor and respect each other, because it's important for a healthy marriage.
Husband is head of household per most Christian denominations. That doesn't mean that wife's place is defined as being in the kitchen and popping out babies. The point is...without solidarity between hubby and wife - the marriage isn't going to work and God's design was that they approach it as a team.
Think in context of those families where one partner isn't pulling their weight or mistreating the other and it has negate impact on the family. This isn't a design that's meant to oppress anyone and it wouldn't if people are in healthy relationships to begin with.
Edit: As a divorced and remarried woman, I certainly don't approach Christian marriage, traditionally. But, I think I still understand the basic concept of this. Happy and happy marriages are rarely misogynistic, cruel, slave-driving, etc. (in the context of Christian households).