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"Wives who aren’t subservient to husbands are preaching ‘false gospel, . . .’


Veteran Member
. . . Southern Baptist official warns"​

Russell Moore, president of the denomination’s ethics and liberty commission, said Christians determine the nature of reality through their family relationships, but he warned that marital closeness can undermine biblical teachings.

He said the Bible instructed Christian women to be subservient to their husbands, who in turn are commanded to be faithful to their wives.

“Sometimes you have people who are preaching a false gospel to themselves in their homes by men who aren’t loving their wives as themselves and wives who aren’t submitting to their husbands,”


Masochists aside, one has wonder why any female would want to be a Southern Baptist.

Me Myself

Back to my username
You didnt pay attention skwim. You jumped to the worstossible conclusion. Pay attention

Woman is subservient = man is faithful to wife in return

Given no such equivalency is given the other way around... The wife can find a lot of other men to be subserving HER! :D


Veteran Member
You didnt pay attention skwim. You jumped to the worstossible conclusion. Pay attention

Woman is subservient = man is faithful to wife in return

Given no such equivalency is given the other way around... The wife can find a lot of other men to be subserving HER! :D
The order of play as explained in the article is:
". . . the Bible instructed Christian women to be subservient to their husbands, who in turn are commanded to be faithful to their wives."
First the woman must be subservient to her husband THEN "IN TURN" the husband is to be faithful to her. Point being; If she ain't bein' subservient then he don't need to be faithful.

Want a faithful husband, Baptist woman? Then ya better be doin' those subservient things. :slap:

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Can a woman be subservient but not faithful in response to their men being faithful?

And this is kind of sick when you think about it. "Obey me or I can cheat on you." is kind of the message and by all means of modern psychology this is an abusive relationship from the start....

Servantry =/= faithfulness.

Me Myself

Back to my username
The order of play as explained in the article is:
". . . the Bible instructed Christian women to be subservient to their husbands, who in turn are commanded to be faithful to their wives."
First the woman must be subservient to her husband THEN "IN TURN" the husband is to be faithful to her. Point being; If she ain't bein' subservient then he don't need to be faithful.

Want a faithful husband, Baptist woman? Then ya better be doin' those subservient things. :slap:

I must insist on the other side of the coin not existing gives her full right ti be unfaithful :D

You just gotta see the bright side of life :D


Well-Known Member
. . . Southern Baptist official warns"​

Russell Moore, president of the denomination’s ethics and liberty commission, said Christians determine the nature of reality through their family relationships, but he warned that marital closeness can undermine biblical teachings.

He said the Bible instructed Christian women to be subservient to their husbands, who in turn are commanded to be faithful to their wives.

“Sometimes you have people who are preaching a false gospel to themselves in their homes by men who aren’t loving their wives as themselves and wives who aren’t submitting to their husbands,”


Masochists aside, one has wonder why any female would want to be a Southern Baptist.

I'm not surprised. After all, that church is rooted in a slave-keeping culture.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
As loopy religious beliefs go, I really like this one.
My every need & whim catered to.....pretty darned good!


Mother Heathen
This is in the context of a loving, marriage, where two people actually love each other and have decided to live a Christian life together. She honors her husband, caring about him, not putting her personal wishes above the marriage. He honors her, not placing his selfish whims above the marriage.

We paint "subservient" to mean the worst possible thing and it can be when people are complete morons and sick in the head. But, when you're loving people and you're in your marriage for the right reasons - you honor and respect each other, because it's important for a healthy marriage.

Husband is head of household per most Christian denominations. That doesn't mean that wife's place is defined as being in the kitchen and popping out babies. The point is...without solidarity between hubby and wife - the marriage isn't going to work and God's design was that they approach it as a team.

Think in context of those families where one partner isn't pulling their weight or mistreating the other and it has negate impact on the family. This isn't a design that's meant to oppress anyone and it wouldn't if people are in healthy relationships to begin with.

Edit: As a divorced and remarried woman, I certainly don't approach Christian marriage, traditionally. But, I think I still understand the basic concept of this. Happy and happy marriages are rarely misogynistic, cruel, slave-driving, etc. (in the context of Christian households).
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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Perhaps this is the reason gay marriage is not supported?

Two blokes marrying would equate to lots of dirty dishes, and no-one to look after the kids. Two women marrying would be impossible, since who would earn enough to pay rent? Besides, they'd both be subservient to each other, which would clearly make it difficult to decide who's turn it was to have their every need and whim catered to, so to speak.


Well-Known Member
As loopy religious beliefs go, I really like this one.
My every need & whim catered to.....pretty darned good!

I agree. And of course the husband-being-faithful part is metaphorical. He must be spiritually faithful to his wife, but not physically faithful.

That'd just be silly.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yikes - you're a braver man than I !! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the real boss doesn't find this post :D
One of the secrets to a successful & long marriage is selective honesty.
Mrs Revolt doesn't waste her time reading posts on forums.
(She's the worker in the family. I'm a kept man....a boy toy if you will.)


Veteran Member
One of the secrets to a successful & long marriage is selective honesty.
Mrs Revolt doesn't waste her time reading posts on forums.
(She's the worker in the family. I'm a kept man....a boy toy if you will.)

Good for Mrs Revolt!

I've been told that the secret to a successful marriage is knowing that she's right and you're sorry :D