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Worshipping Jesus as a deity?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I'd like your help, advice, or thoughts on this my friends. I have been feeling an attraction to Jesus lately as a deity. I'm certainly not a Christian and not looking to be one.

What are your thoughts on if I wanted to worship him? Like I believe there's a reality behind his deity. He's there.

He was really the only god I knew as a kid growing up Christian.

Would it be ok/advisable to worship him? Like I said, not a Christian though

Do any of you have experiences with him?


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
As Cyndi Lauper said in She Bop, "Ain't no law against it yet". :p

If you feel he is worthy of being included in your pantheon, go for it. I don't have him on my altar because I haven't found a decent representation. :D Barring that, he represented a message of love and compassion no less than the Buddha did, and I have the Buddha and other buddhas and bodhisattvas in my shrine. They are emanations of God, imo. Was/is he God? That I do not know... at the very least, Jesus was a prophet (the true meaning is one who speaks for God, not one who predicts the future), a bodhisattva or a yogi.

My experience? I believe in Jesuism and Christism.
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The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I think of Jesus as an incarnation of God, but I don't entirely believe in the philosophy of Christianity, only parts of it, mostly the Jesus parts, if that makes sense.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
You'd make some Christians upset, and some Neopagans upset, but honestly? Your path, your relationship with the gods, your business. I have no problem with anyone finding appropriate ways to honor the aspects of reality they think are worthy of worship and celebration. Neopagan-Christian syncretism is fairly common in my country anyway given Christianity is the dominant religious grouping. There's books on it that could probably give much better counsel than I, because I do not honor Jesus as a god-concept.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I'd like your help, advice, or thoughts on this my friends. I have been feeling an attraction to Jesus lately as a deity. I'm certainly not a Christian and not looking to be one.

What are your thoughts on if I wanted to worship him? Like I believe there's a reality behind his deity. He's there.

He was really the only god I knew as a kid growing up Christian.

Would it be ok/advisable to worship him? Like I said, not a Christian though

Do any of you have experiences with him?

That's totally cool. I woud like to see how you going about it. Please keep us updated. Also feel free to bounce ideas off of me

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Well like I said, if you want an idea- its not the Christian Jesus exactly. Of course it wouldn't be, but it might be the Gnostic docetic Jesus, a spirit of enlightenment and wisdom.

I've been reading Jesus myth literature and its giving me an idea of this deity that might be like Baal Hadad from the Semetic pantheon

Jesus may be an aspect of him. That may be who he was based on.

John Martin

Active Member
I'd like your help, advice, or thoughts on this my friends. I have been feeling an attraction to Jesus lately as a deity. I'm certainly not a Christian and not looking to be one.

What are your thoughts on if I wanted to worship him? Like I believe there's a reality behind his deity. He's there.

He was really the only god I knew as a kid growing up Christian.

Would it be ok/advisable to worship him? Like I said, not a Christian though

Do any of you have experiences with him?

If you feel to worship Jesus you can do but only as an ideal which you are suppose to realize in your life. Jesus Christ is the symbol of one hundred percent love of God(the Father and I are one) and one hundred percent love of neighbour( whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters that you do unto me). He was one with God and one with the whole of creation and humanity. He invited everyone to grow into this truth.
Jesus does not want anyone to worship him. To worship him as an ideal to reach is one thing and to worship him as God and thus remaining separate from him is another thing. I worship Jesus as my own potentiality to be realized in my life.
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Elagabalus and Domitian, I think, worshipped Jesus in their pantheon, at least temporarily. There are strong properly pagan antecedents for what you are proposing.


Well-Known Member
I think of Jesus as an incarnation of God, but I don't entirely believe in the philosophy of Christianity, only parts of it, mostly the Jesus parts, if that makes sense.

Again I am confused, you have stated you are a lot of different things. So are you just going through a huge seeker phase. I mean first your a Jedi then an atheist than a christian then something else. Its all very confusing...

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I tend to respond to certain parts of Christian mythology on a spiritual level, and enjoy blending it into my own paradigm.

Christ, in a sense, is Odin crucified on Yggdrasil, or Buddha under the Bodhi tree. He is the mystic finding that connection between humanity and God, sealing that gap we feel existentially between ourselves and the universe. In that way, the cross is not a dissimilar symbol from the pentacle.


Get me off of this planet
I was also raised to worship the good Lord Jesus Christ in a Southern Baptist way.

I believe Jesus was real, it's preposterous to claim he was made up by Rome.

I mean his birth was sort of an event, yet it seems irrelevant at his trial.

I've come to the conclusion and spiritual guidance the Jesus was a/the Son of a
God and to be Israel's God King. Yet they did not believe him and believed he
contradicted their God. His sacrifice changed the face of the European world
forever, not even Israel. Most of Europe paid for the blood of Christ not even

The Monotheist think Paganism and Polytheism is horse **** when there are multiple
Gods competing to this day by the acts of Man all over the World. Polytheism and Pagan
worship was the standard for eons before the Crusades and enforcement of Monotheism
which I need to study the history of more.

The Judaic Lord was part of a Pantheon before the enforcement of his worship alone.

If the Judaic Lord is in fact the ancient War God of that regions Pantheon he would be
related to Ares, whom was said to have Children based on relations to the Roman
God Mars who's children founded Rome.

But Jesus was the Only Begotten Son of this Lord so it's hard to understand because
most of the Gods had children. The Judaic Lord was also married making the modifications
to the O.T. confusing as well as the New Testament.

But it is possible the Jesus Christ was the way, the one, the holy Lord and the
trinity isn't complete nonsense and he is the Alpha and Omega who kept
his throne despite prophecy.

In Greek there is a prophecy the Zeus would be replaced by a son. To think
mighty Zeus would sacrifice himself to remain King of the Gods is radical.

And people just capitalize on new age opportunities,
Henotheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Feisty Penguin
I'd like your help, advice, or thoughts on this my friends. I have been feeling an attraction to Jesus lately as a deity. I'm certainly not a Christian and not looking to be one.

What are your thoughts on if I wanted to worship him? Like I believe there's a reality behind his deity. He's there.

He was really the only god I knew as a kid growing up Christian.

Would it be ok/advisable to worship him? Like I said, not a Christian though

Do any of you have experiences with him?

I don't see why not! I still feel a pull towards the Virgin Mary after being Pagan all these years.
Hello Rainbow Mage! How are you?

How do you define 'DEITY' my friend? That English word takes it origin in the Latin 'DEI' (Meaning God) and literally means Godlike and figuratively worshiped. Do you therefore feel your attraction for Jesus Christ as a worship able entity? And if so in what manner? Like a son adoring his parent? Or a lover in passion to his beloved? Or a servant in gratitude to his benevolent master? Or a lustful person burning with infatuation for his or her source of lust? OR AS YOUR GOD AND SALVATORE AND REDEEMER FOR THE SIN YOU HAD SUPPOSEDLY COMMITTED BEFORE BEING BORN AND THE SINS THAT YOU HAVE COMMITTED AFTER TAKING BIRTH? And after deciding your feeling for Jesus Christ ask yourself this question: AM I GOING TO BE TRUE TO JESUS CHRIST IN THE RELATION THAT I WANT TO ESTABLISH WITH HIM AND NOT FORSAKE HIM EVER AFTER NOR EVER DOUBT AND BE ASHAMED OF ESTABLISHING THIS RELATION? If you have a firm answer, go ahead with godspeed! If not then BEWARE! IT IS NOT JESUS CHRIST BUT YOU WHO SHALL BE THE LOSER!

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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
I don't see why not! I still feel a pull towards the Virgin Mary after being Pagan all these years.

The Virgin Mary is, to many people, one particular representation of a divine or universal mother, though orthodoxically (I'm sure that's not a word :D) she's not considered a goddess ala Kwan Yin, Yemaya, Durga, Tara, Lakshmi.


The Feisty Penguin
The Virgin Mary is, to many people, one particular representation of a divine or universal mother, though orthodoxically (I'm sure that's not a word :D) she's not considered a goddess ala Kwan Yin, Yemaya, Durga, Tara, Lakshmi.

You're right, she's not a goddess, but more of a divine figure. I was just sharing an experience :)


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
You're right, she's not a goddess, but more of a divine figure. I was just sharing an experience :)

Yes, I understand. Her divinity could be thought of as being filled with the Holy Spirit, which is God. And according to Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox (and I believe Anglican) theology, she does have divine powers (Fatima, Lourdes, Częstochowa).

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Well like I said, if you want an idea- its not the Christian Jesus exactly. Of course it wouldn't be, but it might be the Gnostic docetic Jesus, a spirit of enlightenment and wisdom.

I've been reading Jesus myth literature and its giving me an idea of this deity that might be like Baal Hadad from the Semetic pantheon

Jesus may be an aspect of him. That may be who he was based on.

Very interesting. I'd love to hear how you reached that conclusion, because I don't see it. :confused: It's new to me, at least!


Active Member
Premium Member
I'd like your help, advice, or thoughts on this my friends. I have been feeling an attraction to Jesus lately as a deity. I'm certainly not a Christian and not looking to be one.

What are your thoughts on if I wanted to worship him? Like I believe there's a reality behind his deity. He's there.

He was really the only god I knew as a kid growing up Christian.

Would it be ok/advisable to worship him? Like I said, not a Christian though

Do any of you have experiences with him?

This post is already old, but I felt the need to respond anyway.

According to my experience, I recommend you that if you think of putting Jesus on an altar, better put Horus. And if you put Horus, also put her mom Isis. And I don't tell you this because of Zeitgeist, but because of some of my UPGs. Good luck!