Veteran Member
I do not believe that God speaks to people in words. Some people get signs from God or angels, but they have to be aware in order to recognize them.In my understanding, a god or other heavenly beings can and do contact humans, but the problem is that to many people can not understand the message because it is more like sign, the words.
Of course God and the heavenly beings do not care about anything in the material world, thus when we take our flight to the spiritual kingdom the only thing that will matter is how we demonstrated good morality, ethics, truthfulness, compassion and benevolence in our lives and towards others. As such, I consider it a complete waste of time to focus on the material world. People ask me why then do I have three houses and I tell them I bought all of those before my spiritual period of life so I have kept them since they bring income for security in my old age, since I have no children and they do me no harm. I just don't care to purchase any more and I do not care to have any more than I need to live. A car is a car, it does not need to be new or fancy. Our primary car is a 1986 and our newer car is a 1999. We only have two cars because we live out in the country and we need a second one for backup.Gods, buddha or other heavenly beings dont care about mundane things like, Fame, money, wealth, or luxus that humans ser as important. Gods only looking for good morality, ethics, truthfulness, compassion and benevolance in human beings