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Would You Like To Live a Thousand Years?

Would You Like To Live a Thousand Years?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • No

    Votes: 9 40.9%

  • Total voters


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout.

Would you want to live that long or longer?

If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
With 1000 years, I might actually finish all the projects I have.
(Of course, I know I'd just add more.)

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Living for a thousand years with depression with an inability to die as I watch the world continue going the way it is?

No f*****g thanks.


Transitioning from male to female
It depends on where I am supposed to spend these 1000 years...If that's in a favela,no thanks...


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
As long as I have purpose, health and love, I think I could manage a thousand years. Possibly even eternity. Why not?
If the question were changed and asking if we would choose to live this current life on this stressful and heartbreaking planet, then no, definitely not.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout.

Would you want to live that long or longer?

If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:

Yes, of course, I would like to live forever, as long as i still can take my life when I want.


- viole

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout.

Would you want to live that long or longer?

If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:

Interesting question. No. I wouldnt want to live forever. It would be odd, though, to change the conditions of this life (no age, etc) to accomdate living forever without pain. Is that realistic or or that in itself heaven?

If I lived forever on earth, I would be extremely bored. I mean, I believe my grandparents exist as spirits but I always wonder if they are bored too or is it like the movie Ghost (cant tell you the plot; good movie by the way). I think life is kind like Six Sense really. Thats a good movie. It hit home how I know about life and spirits growing up and I am sure movies have a sense of truth to them.

Eternal life would be living with my family I never got to meet in thr afterlife. Id probably ask them about how they feel sense they are still on earth but as spirits rather than a gold plated heaven.

Heaven seems so unrealistic to me so living forever as a perfect human defies the laws of nature. We live on as spirits on earth. The logistics in it, like people with God, is a mystery.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I have no interest in eternity but a 1000 years might be nice

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I think I would say yes. Any argument of living to a thousand; all your family is dead, out of place and time, ect are all arguments that could reasonably be done for living to 100. Though I would only want to live to 1000 if I was at least somewhat young. I don't expect to be in my 20's that long but so long as I don't live my last 900 years as a bed-ridden elder. That would be hellish.


With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout. Would you want to live that long or longer? If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:

Eternal life is a spiritual state..not related to our bodies...

"Concerning thy question whether all the souls enjoy eternal life: Know thou those souls partake of the eternal life in whom the spirit of life is breathed from the Presence of God and all beside them are dead -- without life, as Christ hath explained in the texts of the Gospel. Any person whose insight is opened by God seeth the souls in their stations after the disintegration of the bodies."

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - , p. 387


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I would only consider choosing to live 1000 years or more if I had very good reason to expect society to change a lot for the better. Starting with less populational growth, more education, less nationalism and militarism.

Otherwise, what would the point be?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout.

Would you want to live that long or longer?

If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:
1000 years is OK I think. Maybe 2000 years is OK. But forever seems too long to me. When I was Jehovah's Witness I could accept forever as I imagined each day would be new and not like it is now. If it was God's will it would be fine. Now I am not so sure it is God's will. It is written that death will be no more, but I think that is referring to the kind of death we know. Even in the Jehovah's Witness new world society animals will die. I am aware that some people feel real loss when a pet dies and cry, but scripture says there won't be crying. Revelation 21:4


Active Member
With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout.

Would you want to live that long or longer?

If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:
Voted yes, provided I am healthy, with my friends and family, not much sorrows, never ending fun, good food, seeing the progress of science and technology (I really long to see the technological advancement of 3000AD since childhood) , contributing some goodness to the society etc. If life is enjoyable, a 1000 year will appear to go in a flash. (But never for ever - I just can't imagine that)
If life is dull, i will vote no.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
With some prophecies saying death will be removed, and people will live a thousand years with Christ; wondering how many people would actually want to live that long?....Saying there is no decay, you don't age and stay youthful throughout.

Would you want to live that long or longer?

If not, and you're expecting eternal life; please explain to me how or why you would want eternal life, if you don't want to live that long? :confused:
You raise a good question. No, we probably wouldn't; possibly a thousand but almost certainly not an eternity.

I like my eastern/Hindu/Advaita view of this. We are in continual growth, change and new experiencing until we become the One/God/Brahman.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes. There is just so much about today that really makes me curious how we will be viewed in 1000 years. Such as, what will they think of our squandering natural resources with impunity? What will the map of America look like? Will they consider America an Imperialist state? What will be their interpretation and views regarding the civil rights movement? Will anyone be obsessed with "restoring America to its former glory" like some have been obsessed with "restoring Rome to its former glory?" Will the nation boundaries of Europe keep changing, or might they finally find some stability? How will Islam and terrorism be viewed? Will the history books have a special section regarding religion, politics, violence, and war, and put Medieval Europe and today's Middle East next to each other?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
1000 years with Christ means 1000 years without the governments of man according to Jehovah's Witnesses and others. Daniel 2:44
Though I have said I think Daniel wrote about nations crowding God's Kingdom and not God's Kingdom crushing all other nations. Nobody believes me even though the evidence is right in front of everyone. Some people care little or not at all for evidence.
Only people who obey the laws of God get to live 1000 with Christ according to popular opinion. And Jesus heals them and makes them young again.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Noooo, thanks. I like life well enough, and hope to live a good long life, but I don't wanna live THAT long.

Let alone forever. Eternal life just sounds absolutely torturous inherently.