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Would You Report A UFO or Alien Encounter?


Citizen Mod
A UFO sighting or abduction scenario has been reported to be a very life-altering experience. It stretches the knowledge and tests the understanding of every witness. When faced with such an encounter, a witness only in search of answers receives very little assistance and consideration from others concerning their encounter. People who have obsessed over their pursuit at getting to the truth have been known to neglect their responsibilities, their reputations and health. Some have lost their jobs, their marriages and families and even their sanity all due to their encounter with something unknown.

In ye olden days, witnesses were subjected to barbaric means of persecution some being accused of such superstitious branding as consorting with demons or believing that curses would befall their towns and livelihoods. Some were jailed; others put to death or burned at the stake.

Today, witnesses face a similar skepticism in the form of ridicule, persecution even death threats. It would seem that we do not yet have a measure or procedure to handle such encounters with compassion and understanding.

There is a fact that among the UFO investigation community that thousands of sightings and abductions go unreported every year. This may be out of fear of what others may say or think.

A Virginian radio reporter who photographed different UFOs on several nights had his life and family threatened, his house broken into and his UFO photograph negatives stolen. Eventually he suffered a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized. He regretted his encounter and his active pursuit to figure out what he encountered and offered the advice that we should “never look up” because he never wanted another witness to go through what he did.

If you saw a UFO or had an alien encounter, would you report to an authority like the police, the military or a local UFO investigation group?

Would you notify the media?

If you had an alien encounter would you be willing to seek assistance in recovering memories or seek the help of a trained professional who dealt with these concerns?
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Well-Known Member
Of course not.

They'd lock me up in a mental institution because the government doesn't want anyone to know the truth...


Alien Hybrid
A UFO sighting or abduction scenario has been reported to be a very life-altering experience. It stretches the knowledge and tests the understanding of every witness. When faced with such an encounter, a witness only in search of answers receives very little assistance and consideration from others concerning their encounter. People who have obsessed over their pursuit at getting to the truth have been known to neglect their responsibilities, their reputations and health. Some have lost their jobs, their marriages and families and even their sanity all due to their encounter with something unknown.

It has a very big influence on your life. It is normally a very traumatic experience, and have led to suicide.

There is a fact that among the UFO investigation community that thousands of sightings and abductions go unreported every year. This may be out of fear of what others may say or think.

They say that almost 2/3 of all sightings go unreported.

If you saw a UFO or had an alien encounter, would you report to an authority like the police, the military or a local UFO investigation group?
The Police and Military is a big no-no. Local UFO groups maybe.

Would you notify the media?
Only if I want to be ridiculed

If you had an alien encounter would you be willing to seek assistance in recovering memories or seek the help of a trained professional who dealt with these concerns?
Yes, but most isn't trained to deal with Alien Abductions


Tu Stultus Es
Of course not.

They'd lock me up in a mental institution because the government doesn't want anyone to know the truth...



Tu Stultus Es
If I experienced something so epic, so life changing as an alien abduction; if I were so convinced I'd actually made contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence I'd broadcast it far and wide. I'd accumulate as much info' and evidence as I could, hit every talk show, forum, media source available and make my presence so well known that the world would know if I were missing for 10 minutes- the MIB would have to try hard to keep me out of the spotlight.


Alien Hybrid
If I experienced something so epic, so life changing as an alien abduction; if I were so convinced I'd actually made contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence I'd broadcast it far and wide. I'd accumulate as much info' and evidence as I could, hit every talk show, forum, media source available and make my presence so well known that the world would know if I were missing for 10 minutes- the MIB would have to try hard to keep me out of the spotlight.
That's why they won't come for you :p:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Don't know if you remember Barney and Betty Hill? They Couldn't change people's view.


Well-Known Member
No way... the media can't be trusted 100% anyways. There are so many flaws. I'd keep my experiences to myself. I'd probably think I was a nut job anyways so why on Earth would the authorities or the media not think the same?


Tu Stultus Es
That's why they won't come for you :p:D
Exactly! Hide in plain sight I say. :D
Don't know if you remember Barney and Betty Hill? They Couldn't change people's view.
True, but their story was never too convincing to me. I think they were sincere in experiencing something that they couldn't explain, but I also think the hypnosis sessions they underwent contributed towards convincing them of the validity of their experience. And their bias towards attributing the experience to aliens cemented their certainty that they were abducted. Unfortunately Betty Hill did seek out publicity and attended many a UFO conference only to be mocked by UFOlogists who used to believe her. Her UFO claims became progressively bizarre and even her most ardent supporters turned against her when at a UFO vigil one participant said of her credibility that she was "unable to distinguish between a landed UFO and a streetlight.”
It's a famous UFO case but I think it's more useful as a study in fantasy prone personalities than aliens visiting our planet.


Hostis humani generis
If you saw a UFO or had an alien encounter, would you report to an authority like the police, the military or a local UFO investigation group?
I wouldn't report it to the police or military, but I would consider reporting it to a local UFO investigation group.

Would you notify the media?
Only if I have proof, and even if I did, I would still expect to be ridiculed and silenced, so I'd want some pretty epic proof. I'd go on a lie detector on TV, maybe go under hypnotherapy live to recover my memories, etc - as much as possible to prove that I wasn't lying or making anything up.

If you had an alien encounter would you be willing to seek assistance in recovering memories or seek the help of a trained professional who dealt with these concerns?
I don't know, but I think I would. :)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No, I wouldn't.

First of all, "UFO" stands for "Unidentified Flying Object." That means ANY object in the sky that can't be identified. If it can't be identified, then why try to identify it as an alien spacecraft? Most likely it was just junk of some sort, or a visual distortion. (Or an hallucination if I hadn't gotten a good night's sleep in a while.)

If I were abducted, what would be the point of reporting it?

On the other hand, I would probably notify someone, stressing that I don't know what it is and am not claiming it's an alien spacecraft, so that it can be investigated by the authorities; I would not go to the press with it, and I would request to remain anonymous.


I don't think that I would tell anyone, especially UFO researchers.

They can't tell their *** from a hole in the ground.


If I had some great evidence, or something extremely interesting, I'd probably spill it to the media. What's law enforcement going to do anyways? Unless I am attacked by an alien:areyoucra, I see no reason to call the police if I witnessed something I could not explain. I don't think I'd report it to a UFO group, because those organizations don't have a whole lot of credibility from the view of science. I'd rather try and contact someone of expertise within the scientific field at a university probably, if I felt my evidence was something that deserved an expert opinion. So yea, it depends on the quality of my evidence. I can't see myself reporting it to a ufo group or to law enforcement in most situations though.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Why no, I don't believe I would mention any encounters with UFO's. I would probably offer them a parking spot in my barn to keep things low profile. ;)

Metalic Wings

Active Member
I doubt I'd tell. As a kid any little thing I thought was out of the ordinary was explained to my face as being logical.

I'd be too embarassed to let that happen nationally, or even locally. Because knowing me, it probably would just have been a blinking radio tower.