Can it be a fun God king ? I don't want a 40k emperor situation but maybe like we get a guy who turns into Hanuman or something. Oooo or a big squid. I like the idea of us having a big eldritch squid king!... you knew for a fact that God Himself appointed the King?
Think back to the biblical book of Judges. The Israelites had God prove His literal existence for them, so they knew for a fact their Abrahamic God was real and they would listen to the Judge He would appoint (sometimes).
Suppose we were in a similar situation like that. Hypothetical; One day, a big booming voice comes out of the sky for everyone to hear, saying “I have decided that it would be best if so-and-so was king of everyone, so everyone listen to him now.” Then God shoots a bunch of fire out of the sky or something scary to make everyone believe that it was God.
Would you support this king? In this hypothetical, we would all have the free will to follow this king or not. As an anarchist, I think the only kind of government I could get behind is a theocracy, but only if the government was to be literally appointed by God Himself. So in this hypothetical I would follow the new king. Would you?
I mean in all honesty if God is appointing kings now that is fine. I wonder if I could be a High priest or something? I would be pretty down for that tbh. Might try and force everyone to love one another and all that.