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Would You Support an AR style Rifle Buy Back for $1,000 each in the U.S.?

Would you Support a $1,000 Gun Buy Back for AR style rifles?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I clicked on your link which highlights in bold at the top that "survival rifle" means they're going to use it to eat, and hunt things. I don't even know how you reload those monstrous looking things. I'm used to pilots with a sidearm. Of course, again, that'll be a 9mm glock. Like cops. Like anybody.


So what? I was only asking for possible personal reasons one would have for owning an AR. If you can't think of anything better than virility-enhancement or mass murder, so be it. I can't either.

I gave you a funny rating because I felt sorry for you, poor guy.


highlights in bold at the top that "survival rifle" means they're going to use it to eat, and hunt things. I don't even know how you reload those monstrous looking things. I'm used to pilots with a sidearm. Of course, again, that'll be a 9mm glock. Like cops. Like anybody.

One of the SF (Special Forces) guys I knew when I was in the service had a survival knife he made from an old file. The blade was about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and the handle was wrapped heavily with 100mph tape (military duct tape).


Veteran Member
I think they already do that for convicted felons with guns plus prison time and that doesn't stop them so....
How much does it cost to keep someone in prison for a year?
The rule of law is never going to work for everyone. But it does work for most people most of the time.

And it's not the hardened criminals that are doing most of the killing, anyway. It's the drunk, drug, and rage-addled idiots and teenagers who have easy access to military grade killing machines when in one of their regular moments of idiocy. So anything we can do to diminish the number of those things out there, and thereby diminish that easy access to them by these idiots will save lives. And what are those lives worth to us?


The rule of law is never going to work for everyone. But it does work for most people most of the time.
And it's not the hardened criminals that are doing most of the killing, anyway. It's the drunk, drug, and rage-addled idiots and teenagers who have easy access to military grade killing machines when in one of their regular moments of idiocy. So anything we can do to diminish the number of those things out there, and thereby diminish that easy access to them by these idiots will save lives. And what are those lives worth to us?

What percentage of AR style rifles are used in homicides? It has already been pointed out that of all gun crime AR style rifles make up a very miniscule amount of total gun crime. I imagine one could look up statistics of legal non gun products misused for murder and you will probably find much deadlier objects than AR style rifles.


Veteran Member
You are just plain flat out wrong.
The survival rifles are for pilots who go down in hostile territory.
You really should start doing research before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

Taking the hint, knowing little more thsn that black guns
are probably black I tried google: "militsry use of 22"


Taking the hint, knowing little more than that black guns

Due to a large increase in female interest in the shooting sports over the last several decades many firearms come in designer colours and this includes AR style rifles.
10/22s are nice too
Last edited:


Veteran Member
The rule of law is never going to work for everyone. But it does work for most people most of the time.

And it's not the hardened criminals that are doing most of the killing, anyway. It's the drunk, drug, and rage-addled idiots and teenagers who have easy access to military grade killing machines when in one of their regular moments of idiocy. So anything we can do to diminish the number of those things out there, and thereby diminish that easy access to them by these idiots will save lives. And what are those lives worth to us?

I wonder what "military grade" is supposed to mean?
Seems like just a way of saying bad bad bad.
Army guns are mavhine guns, hsrdware store ^grade"
guns are not.

As for "anything" that can be done to save lives...

That leadeth into deep waters. Sorry ah, we wont
hire you as a polucy maker.


Veteran Member
What percentage of AR style rifles are used in homicides? It has already been pointed out that of all gun crime AR style rifles make up a very miniscule amount of total gun crime. I imagine one could look up statistics of legal non gun products misused for murder and you will probably find much deadlier objects than AR style rifles.
Life is full of unintended consequences.
Terrs who cannot get guns might turn to far worse.


Life is full of unintended consequences.
Terrs who cannot get guns might turn to far worse.

They already have, you can pretty much go into any hardware or feed and farm store and find everything one might need for a pretty devastating bomb, also you can just take a car or truck and run into a crowd or just behead people in middle of the street like they did in England.


Veteran Member
That is the first "Hello Kitty" one I've seen, wonder if it enhances virility and encourages mass murder.

I used to own a gun that I bought after being assaulted.
A Smith and Wesson, lets see, "Lsdysmith" .38 calibre
revolver with rosewood handle and brushed stainless steel.

The hello kitty stuff is funny but, tacky.


Veteran Member
What percentage of AR style rifles are used in homicides?
Their effectiveness makes even one of them too many.
It has already been pointed out that of all gun crime AR style rifles make up a very miniscule amount of total gun crime.
"Miniscule" until some idiot brings one of them into a children's grade school. Also, there is no logical reason why any American citizen would need one. I am not for banning all guns, but I would agree to banning ARs, completely. These idiotic fantasies people have of needing them to fight the evil government or to fight some evil police force or to fend off some imaginary marauding horde is exactly that: idiotic. And anyone using that excuse for wanting one is showing me that they are exactly the kind of paranoid, delusional, idiot that should never be given access to them.


I am not for banning all guns, but I would agree to banning ARs, completely.

Considering the premise would be because someone might use them illegally what is your next target to ban?

These idiotic fantasies people have of needing them to fight the evil government or to fight some evil police force or to fend off some imaginary marauding horde is exactly that: idiotic. And anyone using that excuse for wanting one is showing me that they are exactly the kind of paranoid, delusional, idiot that should never be given access to them.

If a person is adjudicated by a court as being mentally defective or have been committed to a mental institution they are legally barred from purchasing a firearm *with exceptions*
(Question 11f, ATF form 4473) and are committing a felony if they lie on the form. This should turn up as a flag during the instant background check, it is not an arbitrary personal judgement that decides.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Strawmen with memes....
Gun ownership in the U.S. cuts across all religions (or lack of it) , races, gender, sexual preferences and political affiliations (or lack of it), ARs and their variants are owned by very diverse groups . You are either ignorant of these facts or if you are aware of these facts then you are just attempting to simplify it for your own agenda.

Purpose of owning an AR? because we can
Just like choosing a Mustang over a Yugo or a Jaguar over a Toyota.
AR (style) is not an assault rifle. As per Op.

A lot of people refuse to acknowledge that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
What percentage of AR style rifles are used in homicides? It has already been pointed out that of all gun crime AR style rifles make up a very miniscule amount of total gun crime. I imagine one could look up statistics of legal non gun products misused for murder and you will probably find much deadlier objects than AR style rifles.
The question should be: What percentage of mass shootings involve military style hardware?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That is the first time I have heard anyone suggest that a constitutional right should come with a pricetag.
It's only recently that courts have begun ignoring the "well organized militia" clause and interpreting the ammendment to mean a blanket right for everyone to own personal firearms.