Of course I would vote for him. In fact, I believe my State of California will secure the nomination for Trump 2016. In fact, I have been so busy doing my part in the “propaganda wars” with the Cruzbots, I have been so crazy busy with that in doing my part for Trump, it seems I almost have no time for anything else. As for what I have been doing, it is only my little contribution to his victory and I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but damn, damn am I good at it. The reason I enjoy to do so as well is, because of all the great associations I am having with those who I get to hang with as we all do our part from Trump. There is literally an out and out battle royal going on, as some may know but really a lot of foreigners have no idea the reality and nature of it. For example, right now Trump is being attacked for NOT being a hater of Transvestites like Jenner. This is the latest battle raging as of the last four days. One of many, many that have been fought over the last many weeks, but in each case Trump comes out triumphant because the fact of the matter is he has the majority of support among the VOTING Republican base (not the establishment Republican “leaders”, viz the “GOPe” - “e” stands for establishment). I haven’t seen a battle like this in decades, and actually not only does it give me a reason to make my enemies cry, it has me excited because our main issues are:
* The economy and jobs, and support for the workers of America
* Nationalism
* Stop the establishment’s (including Hillary) war on various “dictators” of which the “rebels” we end up supporting give us worse than Saddam
* Stop the hordes of illegal aliens from invading America
* Stop Islamic terrorism by calling it what it is and targeting ISIS instead of running around attacking various “Middle Eastern dictators” and assuming the “rebels” are good
* Stop the globalists and stuff like TPP
* We want to change the Republican Party, and find Cruz - who is running around praising voterless elections and double agent delegates – appalling
California is Trump country, I am doing my part. Better Trump than Hillary, that is for sure.