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WoW - FTL - The only WoW review that counts

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Yes, i know i'll get flamed but I think you should all know. that WoW Sucks... every facet of the game is horrible, including the artwork.

They can't balance characters in pvp, they can't come up with original quests every creature is the same model jsut a different color and size, , and the time you put into the game to get what? .......NOTHING! congratulations! you get NOTHING! You knwo what the most exciting part of the game was? clicking the "Cancel my Subscription" Button.

I know, I used to play WoW, i played for a year, I had a level 70 Character, 1st one of my class on my server.

Then i realized something! this game is a pile of POO. And I feel very sorry for anyone who plays this game. what would you do if WoW went away? would you be sad? would you be bored and miserable? would you become EMO?

Honestly, I had to say it because everyone thinks it "Why do i keep playing this game?" I could take that 16 dollars a month and put it into my kid's college fund, or something.... and then guess what else is cool? you get free time to go do other wholesome activities, OUTSIDE! yeah, thats right, don;t be scared, don't be shy, It's only the outdoors, bears onyl live in the woods i swear, they don't live next door.

You know what else is great? MELANIN! yeah that's right, it helps your skin come alive with color, and it's good for you, and Sunlight exposure (not fake baking, or too much sun) helps that! You know what else Sun Exposure does for you? It clears complexion! yay no more Acne all you little teeny boppers! Yay! don't we feel much better about ourselves?

Also, you might have time to enjoy your food once in a while, maybe even with your family, rather than scarfing down a burrito with your only free hand while your face is 6 inches away from your computer monitor trying to take down Ragnaros.
"Yay, guess what mom, i got a dagger with +6 Ogre Slaying!:drool:"
"And it only took you a month of playing 5 hours a day to get it!"
"I'm so proud of you!"

:shout:shout:shout I beg of you to stop thsi nonsense and get back to a real life, and stop trying to live vicariously through a fantasy character, No, you aren't Gordack, or Lammaman528, you are Bill, and you have bills, and no job, and you have a home, and flesh and bones, that are rotting away as you waste your time trying to hit on every female character in the game, even though 90% fo them are played by men, and the other 10% might as well be men. There are women who are right outside your window, (Yesm there are, go outside and take a peek, or try openeing the blinds in your home once in a while. or would that cause your computer screen to glare?):shout:shout:shout



Obstructor of justice
And, yet, millions of people still play. Go figure :rolleyes:

Seriously, you're entitled to your opinion that the game sucks, but why take that opinion and try to ruin other peoples fun?

Besides, with the amount of time you spend here, I may as well tell you to go and find yourself a life.


And, yet, millions of people still play. Go figure :rolleyes:

Seriously, you're entitled to your opinion that the game sucks, but why take that opinion and try to ruin other peoples fun?

Besides, with the amount of time you spend here, I may as well tell you to go and find yourself a life.
Millions of people are also mentally handicapped, millins of peopel have commited suicide, millions of people eat carrots, millions of people are diabetic. just because millions of people do it, does it mean you should to? your point in fact being?

It's not my fault my days at work are spent in a cubicle where i do probably 4 hours of real work a day.

I'm not trying to ruin people's fun because
A) It's not fun and
B) I'm only enlightening people.
and C) How does my post stop your "Fun?" It doesn't. It's called a review.

I have a beautiful wife, and i don't spend my time online when i'm home, i spend it hanging out with my wife and spending time with her, because that is what really matters, not a bunch of pixels in cyberspace.


Veteran Member
Yes, i know i'll get flamed but I think you should all know. that WoW Sucks... every facet of the game is horrible, including the artwork

You are entitled to your own opinion.

Then i realized something! this game is a pile of POO. And I feel very sorry for anyone who plays this game. what would you do if WoW went away? would you be sad? would you be bored and miserable? would you become EMO?

What would I do? Take up another hobby, play another video game with my husband, perhaps do other things. That last bit was very uncalled for IMO.

you get free time to go do other wholesome activities, OUTSIDE! yeah, thats right, don;t be scared, don't be shy, It's only the outdoors, bears onyl live in the woods i swear, they don't live next door.

Many WOW players are successful people in their real lives. Take that senator for instance, he is a senator which probably takes up most of his time. I have a job that I work anywhere from 20-40 hours a week at, I also read quite a bit, spend time on this forum, go for nature walks with my husband and I am working on my family history and working out as well as trying to learn Mandarin Chinese.

You know what else is great? MELANIN! yeah that's right, it helps your skin come alive with color, and it's good for you, and Sunlight exposure (not fake baking, or too much sun) helps that! You know what else Sun Exposure does for you? It clears complexion! yay no more Acne all you little teeny boppers! Yay! don't we feel much better about ourselves?

You'd be surprised how many WOW players are more then just 'teeny-boppers'. Actually, I do not personally know a single WOW player that is under the age of 19.

I beg of you to stop thsi nonsense and get back to a real life, and stop trying to live vicariously through a fantasy character, No, you aren't Gordack, or Lammaman528, you are Bill, and you have bills,

Who is living vicariously through a fantasy character? It's an enjoyable hobby that most people put away when they go to their jobs and real lives. Perhaps you may have tried that, but I for one have never, I like my real life.


Not flaming, just countering your argument with real-life examples. You seem to think all WOW players are a stereotype, which in all-reality, they aren't. Most are successful people who have jobs (how else would they be able to pay for it) and enjoy spending their time on a video game interacting with other people, how is this a problem?


The cake is a lie
You are entitled to your own opinion.

What would I do? Take up another hobby, play another video game with my husband, perhaps do other things. That last bit was very uncalled for IMO.

Many WOW players are successful people in their real lives. Take that senator for instance, he is a senator which probably takes up most of his time. I have a job that I work anywhere from 20-40 hours a week at, I also read quite a bit, spend time on this forum, go for nature walks with my husband and I am working on my family history and working out as well as trying to learn Mandarin Chinese.

You'd be surprised how many WOW players are more then just 'teeny-boppers'. Actually, I do not personally know a single WOW player that is under the age of 19.

Who is living vicariously through a fantasy character? It's an enjoyable hobby that most people put away when they go to their jobs and real lives. Perhaps you may have tried that, but I for one have never, I like my real life.

Not flaming, just countering your argument with real-life examples. You seem to think all WOW players are a stereotype, which in all-reality, they aren't. Most are successful people who have jobs (how else would they be able to pay for it) and enjoy spending their time on a video game interacting with other people, how is this a problem?
Becky, I think you have completely missed the point! Madhatter85 has given you the only review that counts. Reflect on that for a while, then come back and ask those questions again.


Veteran Member
Becky, I think you have completely missed the point! Madhatter85 has given you the only review that counts. Reflect on that for a while, then come back and ask those questions again.

I forget, his is the ONLY opinion that counts, because he has played before and he is a reformed player, just like some of those ex-mormons. Hmmm....I'm sure those ex-mormons are right about the LDS Church, perhaps I should start taking their advice and listening to them! :eek::rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Yeah, I'm not a fan of WoW. The monthly fee puts it even lower on my list.

I'm not too much of a fan of that, but one of my friend figure out it's only 50 cents a day, so that makes me like it a little more, I don't mind, most hobbies cost money, so video games are my hobby. :) I'd rather it didn't, but I still have fun.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You are entitled to your opinions, but don't nit pick as much about things that don't matter, and things that others might have a different approach about.

They can't balance characters in pvp, they can't come up with original quests every creature is the same model jsut a different color and size, ....
I remember RPGs on earlier consoles such as the Sega Genesis. EVERY model was the exact same, maybe a slight color difference, and the only characters that had a unique model were key characters. Shinning Force for example is a great game that fits that description, had 2 sequels, and was even re-released a couple years ago for GBA. Graphics are not everything in a game.
Even the spirit of Dragon Warrior lives on, and that had very few models, and most of the higher level enemies were simply the same as lower level enemies, only colored differently and had higher stats.

and the time you put into the game to get what? .......NOTHING! congratulations! you get NOTHING! You knwo what the most exciting part of the game was? clicking the "Cancel my Subscription" Button.
Me and my friends have a good time. I've even made a few friends on the game.

I know, I used to play WoW, i played for a year, I had a level 70 Character, 1st one of my class on my server.
Uhhh.......congrats???? My server had a lvl 70 two days after BC was released.

Actually, it is possible to play the game and still have a life. I use to play it all the time, and had quite a few high level characters, and now that I play much less, my highest character is only lvl 63, and that account was started over a year ago. I probably wouldn't be that high, but I had a bet to win that was started over a year ago. Granted, you may never be ranked as high on PVP, or collect all the cool gear, but you can still play and have fun.

Also, there are private servers that offer a slightly higher experience rate and drop rate. It's not so high you can hit lvl 70 in three hours, or just one hit, or such a high drop rate that eventually everyone will get all the best equipment, but just good enough for the casual gamer to get something out of the game. And the best part, most private servers are free.

Also, the game is a "Role Playing" game. Even in DnD, you aren't your character on paper, but rather you are pretending to be. It's called fantasy. It's actually rather fun with a group of friends, and a good way to escape the real world for awhile. And even if you don't live a boring, mundane existence, it's still fun once in awhile.
I will continue on being NecroAngel, one the deadliest Warlocks on my server (not that hard, especially since Warlocks are very uncommon on my server), and the biggest threat to all Alliance players who are alone, in groups of two, and even groups of three, depending on the classes in the group. I have even taken on a group of five with only me, my pet, and a shadow priest, and wiped them without any problems. Unbalance? Not really. It comes down to the skills of the individual player, and then the stats of the characters.

And if WOW went away, there is always Diablo 2, Starcraft, and eventually Starcraft 2.


Student Nurse
I can't imagine having to make monthly payments on a game. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned but when I buy a game I pay for it once and then it's mine to play with all I want until my computer dies. I was never one to go to an arcade either, can't stand having to put quarters in a machine over and over again.


Veteran Member
I can't imagine having to make monthly payments on a game. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned but when I buy a game I pay for it once and then it's mine to play with all I want until my computer dies. I was never one to go to an arcade either, can't stand having to put quarters in a machine over and over again.

That's why I'm stopping for awhile in Novemberish. That way, I can see if another game takes my fancy.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I was never one to go to an arcade either, can't stand having to put quarters in a machine over and over again.
Fair enough. Although, for the game time (say, 5 hours a week), an arcade is much more expensive


Obstructor of justice
I'm not trying to ruin people's fun because
A) It's not fun and
B) I'm only enlightening people.
and C) How does my post stop your "Fun?" It doesn't. It's called a review.

So, then it never occurred to you that because you don't think it's fun, that other people aren't going to agree?

If someone came up to you and told you that all Mormons were stupid, and that it was a terribly wrong religion and you should find something else to believe in, would you go out looking for another religion? If you wouldn't, then hopefully you'll see how totally irrelevant your opinion is to people who like to choose how to spend their free time.


Like i said, My review is the only one that counts :p

I'm not sorry if people don't like it.

It was more for entertainemnt purposes than anythign else... My co-workers who are all WoWheads thought my review was fantastic and hilarious. (minus improper grammar and horrible typing skills, but hey they are just words, they don't control us.):no:

Becky and Luke, You are the ones i see getting the most defensive about something i posted, Why is that? people who tend to get defensive know there is truth in at least some things that are said. no matter how much they argue deep down inside they know it's right.

I suggest taking this thread at face value, exactly what i said "My opinion is the only one that matters" if you can't take a joke, don't post.:cover:

I've got to get back to work. I wish you all a good joyful day in Azeroth:)


So, then it never occurred to you that because you don't think it's fun, that other people aren't going to agree?

If someone came up to you and told you that all Mormons were stupid, and that it was a terribly wrong religion and you should find something else to believe in, would you go out looking for another religion? If you wouldn't, then hopefully you'll see how totally irrelevant your opinion is to people who like to choose how to spend their free time.

I get it all the time, especially from the "Evangellicals" that hang around the mall. And I laugh at them and, if time or circumstance permits, i rebuke them untill they can't argue anymore or they leave. Then I tell them "peace be with you."


Veteran Member
Becky and Luke, You are the ones i see getting the most defensive about something i posted, Why is that?

Wasn't getting defensive actually, just pointing out the fact that not all people who play WOW are the stereotypical idiots that you claim they are.

people who tend to get defensive know there is truth in at least some things that are said. no matter how much they argue deep down inside they know it's right.

You get defensive about the LDS Church when people attack it with anti-Mormon slander, so their must be some truth in that junk they try to get us to believe. :rolleyes:

if you can't take a joke, don't post.:cover:

If your idea of a joke is to make fun of people and be downright rude at times, then no, I can't take a joke.


Will to love
Yes, i know i'll get flamed but I think you should all know. that WoW Sucks... every facet of the game is horrible, including the artwork.

They can't balance characters in pvp, they can't come up with original quests every creature is the same model jsut a different color and size, , and the time you put into the game to get what? .......NOTHING! congratulations! you get NOTHING! You knwo what the most exciting part of the game was? clicking the "Cancel my Subscription" Button.

I know, I used to play WoW, i played for a year, I had a level 70 Character, 1st one of my class on my server.

Then i realized something! this game is a pile of POO. And I feel very sorry for anyone who plays this game. what would you do if WoW went away? would you be sad? would you be bored and miserable? would you become EMO?

Honestly, I had to say it because everyone thinks it "Why do i keep playing this game?" I could take that 16 dollars a month and put it into my kid's college fund, or something.... and then guess what else is cool? you get free time to go do other wholesome activities, OUTSIDE! yeah, thats right, don;t be scared, don't be shy, It's only the outdoors, bears onyl live in the woods i swear, they don't live next door.

You know what else is great? MELANIN! yeah that's right, it helps your skin come alive with color, and it's good for you, and Sunlight exposure (not fake baking, or too much sun) helps that! You know what else Sun Exposure does for you? It clears complexion! yay no more Acne all you little teeny boppers! Yay! don't we feel much better about ourselves?

Also, you might have time to enjoy your food once in a while, maybe even with your family, rather than scarfing down a burrito with your only free hand while your face is 6 inches away from your computer monitor trying to take down Ragnaros.
"Yay, guess what mom, i got a dagger with +6 Ogre Slaying!:drool:"
"And it only took you a month of playing 5 hours a day to get it!"
"I'm so proud of you!"

:shout:shout:shout I beg of you to stop thsi nonsense and get back to a real life, and stop trying to live vicariously through a fantasy character, No, you aren't Gordack, or Lammaman528, you are Bill, and you have bills, and no job, and you have a home, and flesh and bones, that are rotting away as you waste your time trying to hit on every female character in the game, even though 90% fo them are played by men, and the other 10% might as well be men. There are women who are right outside your window, (Yesm there are, go outside and take a peek, or try openeing the blinds in your home once in a while. or would that cause your computer screen to glare?):shout:shout:shout


The denial, the self-loathing, the guilt...sounds like a closet WoW addict to me! :D


Wasn't getting defensive actually, just pointing out the fact that not all people who play WOW are the stereotypical idiots that you claim they are.
Did i say All wow players are like that? no, i did not, :rolleyes:
I'm reaching out to those who are in eed to comforting. being an Ex-Wow player, I can speak.:)
You get defensive about the LDS Church when people attack it with anti-Mormon slander, so their must be some truth in that junk they try to get us to believe. :rolleyes:
I don't get defensive, i laugh and tell them the error of thier nonsense.:slap:

If your idea of a joke is to make fun of people and be downright rude at times, then no, I can't take a joke.
Did i make fun of you? if that description does not fit you then why do you care so much?:eek:
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