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Me Myself

Back to my username
Wow. What were those guys thinking, I wonder?

I honestly have no idea.

I ve noticed its a trend in WWYD.

People go faster to rescue women in most scenarios.

I cant believe they are actually seeing the poor guy not only have something done to his drink but even display symptoms of sickness and they dont do a thing...

I mean, Wow. People can be cold ****


Well-Known Member
It says the video has been blocked because it contains content from ABC news who blocked it or something.


Well-Known Member
I honestly have no idea.

I ve noticed its a trend in WWYD.

People go faster to rescue women in most scenarios.

I cant believe they are actually seeing the poor guy not only have something done to his drink but even display symptoms of sickness and they dont do a thing...

I mean, Wow. People can be cold ****
Yeah, this is sexism pure and simple. Women are regarded to need help, but when it comes to a man...


Yeah, this is sexism pure and simple. Women are regarded to need help, but when it comes to a man...

Well, a woman did eventually help him.

There is a meme floating around that goes "doesn't matter, had sex" along with some awful, embarassing or disturbing encounter. That's what the reaction of those guys in the video reminded me of. Doesn't matter if the girl is doping and robbing him, cuz he might still get sex.


Well-Known Member
Well, a woman did eventually help him.

There is a meme floating around that goes "doesn't matter, had sex" along with some awful, embarassing or disturbing encounter. That's what the reaction of those guys in the video reminded me of. Doesn't matter if the girl is doping and robbing him, cuz he might still get sex.
Reminds me of a book I encountered on a library. Basically a woman was raped by a man. Then she decided to take vengence and rape him. Never actually read the book, but I think it was about how society views rape differently when it comes to what gender the victim and perpretator has. If its a man who rapes a woman he is a *******. When a man gets raped by a woman he wasnt actually raped because he is a man. Thats my guess anyway.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Reminds me of a book I encountered on a library. Basically a woman was raped by a man. Then she decided to take vengence and rape him. Never actually read the book, but I think it was about how society views rape differently when it comes to what gender the victim and perpretator has. If its a man who rapes a woman he is a *******. When a man gets raped by a woman he wasnt actually raped because he is a man. Thats my guess anyway.

I actually think the gender of the victim has less to do with it.
(I don't mean in reality, I mean in how it is viewed)

The gender of the perp seems to drive general attitudes. I think it's understandable though.


Well-Known Member
I actually think the gender of the victim has less to do with it.
(I don't mean in reality, I mean in how it is viewed)

The gender of the perp seems to drive general attitudes. I think it's understandable though.
I think both has something to do with it, to some degree. But you might be right. Unfortunately, I have somehow missed what the attitudes towards homosexual rape is, so that is why I can only say "might" :p.

Come to think of it, maybe "unfortunately" is the wrong word. "Lucky" seems more appropriate, lol.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I think both has something to do with it, to some degree. But you might be right. Unfortunately, I have somehow missed what the attitudes towards homosexual rape is, so that is why I can only say "might" :p.

Come to think of it, maybe "unfortunately" is the wrong word. "Lucky" seems more appropriate, lol.

Hmm...well, first thing, it's generally not referred to as homosexual rape. But in case you change your mind...

Dr Raj Persaud: The Psychology of Male on Male Rape

Me Myself

Back to my username
Yeah, this is sexism pure and simple. Women are regarded to need help, but when it comes to a man...

Yeah... I mean it says in the other one the response was automatic, there was no flinching. Maybe it is outrating its previous case, but I dont know.

Well, a woman did eventually help him.

There is a meme floating around that goes "doesn't matter, had sex" along with some awful, embarassing or disturbing encounter. That's what the reaction of those guys in the video reminded me of. Doesn't matter if the girl is doping and robbing him, cuz he might still get sex.

Sure, a woman did eventually help him, but drats, it would be really too spooky if no one helped him in none of them. She even apologized because the perpetraror was being "nice" to her... Dammm

I honestly think it has more to do with unability to imagine a woman as being a straightforward dangerous jack**** . I dont think it is the doesnt matter had sex because of the victim wouldnt look like someone who would have trouble having sex, but blarg, it is pure speculation what passed through the people's mind.

I think it is more about what didnt pass through their minds. Dont know is why.


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what to think about it but I am sickened by the fact that the men who watched her put the powder in the drink didn't seem to care too much about it. People need to learn to care more for their neighbor whether that be your actual neighbor or someone in another state.


That's what the response of those people in it clip advised me of. Doesn't issue if the lady is doping and taking him, cuz he might still get sex.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
This thread brings to my mind a situation from a few years ago. A friend of mine had this girlfriend, who also happened to be somewhat attracted to me. I was living in Dunedin at the time, and she had to do a trip to Christchurch, and as my friend couldn't go, I went with her in his stead.

Long story short, the two of us - myself and my friend's girlfriend - went to a party, and I got a while lot more affected by the alcohol than was normal for me. It could have simply been that I hadn't slept well, but that's kind of besides the point. We were both rather drunk, and had planned to sleep in a spare room at her friends place. Within minutes she had taken my clothes off, and we got beyond far to intimate...

At least, that's what I gathered add happened, because the next morning we had to make a trip to the family planning centre for a dose of emergency contraceptive. Honestly, I remember very little of the night, other than her lying on top of me, and me thinking that it was a really bad idea. Oh yeah, and I had to pay for the contraceptive (apparently it's the mans fault whenever something like this happens...).


I got shafted.

My friend and I very quickly made up, and they broke up within the month. For that I am eternally grateful, that he would choose my own loyalty to him over his girlfriend's betrayal.

Of course I took responsibility for whatever part I might have played, but the bit that rankled me the most was that it was assumed it was my responsibility as a male to have to pay for the emergency contraceptive, as though she had nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. What were those guys thinking, I wonder?

I was a manager of a sex shop in 1979. It was a part-time job I got off a university jobs board. I had a partner who was pregnant, so I wanted to get some extra income while I studied.

I was working there on the night of the first 'reclaim the night' feminist march through the streets of Melbourne. Lots of women carrying candles.

The shop only had one entrance/exit. The back door into a lane was bolted and chained shut. The entrance had a wooden structure to conceal the interior of the shop, a kind of vestibule. In the vestibule were very flammable items of lingerie.

One of the women from the march decided to set the shop alight with her candle.

I managed to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. It could have got very ugly very quickly. It was worthy of a charge of attempted murder.

I went outside after extinguishing the fire. There was a community radio ( 3CR ) news crew, set up in the street. They seemed to be waiting for me.

They began to interview me about my attitudes to pornography, and whether I thought it was exploitation of women. I pointed out that a lot of it was gay magazines, and the hetero stuff was also bought by a lot of women, and couples. Which was true.

They were obviously hoping I was a knuckle dragging chauvinist. I answered their questions in an enlightened kind of way, despite their attempts to brand me as an oppressor of women.

Then I pointed out that a woman had just set fire to the shop, and I could have been burned alive.

At that point they ( males ) actually said to one another, "let's finish up" and terminated the interview. All of the women listening glared at me like I was the enemy. No-one protested at the act of irresponsible and possibly lethal arson.

That was illuminating (pardon the pun).


Well-Known Member
At that point I realised that for some women, feminism was a war, and regardless of my attitudes or behavior, I was the enemy.

Unfortunately, 'feminists' and the 'alternative socialist left' media gave those women unconditional support. Not one woman present objected to what had happened. The community radio journalists swept the arson under the carpet.

I did not (and do not) consider any of those women ( dozens were aware of what had happened) who saw this event and raised no objection to be decent or moral, nor their passivity anything less than tacit support for a violent attack on a male for 'political reasons'.

That is how it was in 1979.

How will that be viewed here on RF in 2013 ?

Those women were not feminists, if by feminist you mean someone who stands for equality.

What were they ?

Would anyone like to venture a suitable adjective ?