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Yemeni child bride dies after internal bleeding on marriage night


New Member

Ah, for the "consumation" of the marriage - gotcha. Curiously, I wonder where did Islam decide upon said ruling of 9 years old for females to be married, hmmm? ;)

The age of marriage is not 9 years. The age of marriage is post puberty but it cannot be less than 9 even if a girl got her periods. Its the lower limit, just like in Texas it is 14 years. I hope you got it. ;)


Well-Known Member
The age of marriage is not 9 years. The age of marriage is post puberty but it cannot be less than 9 even if a girl got her periods. Its the lower limit, just like in Texas it is 14 years. I hope you got it. ;)

Forgive me, that's what I meant: as in why 9 was the lowest age allowed.

Anyways, do you have any ideas as to why the limit is 9 years old?


New Member
I am not a scholar and so i maybe very wrong.
The 9 years limitation is mostly based on the report of Ayesha's age when the marriage was consumated.
But according to other reports she could be around 16 to 18.

The bottom line is girl should have reached puberty.


Well-Known Member
I am not a scholar and so i maybe very wrong.
The 9 years limitation is mostly based on the report of Ayesha's age when the marriage was consumated.
But according to other reports she could be around 16 to 18.

The bottom line is girl should have reached puberty.

I've also heard that Aisha was 6, but whatever - I guess we'll never know. :shrug:

So, there wouldn't be a problem here if the Yemeni girl was one year older when she married - at least as far as Islam is concerned?


New Member
you did not understand a thing. Right?
No marriage below 9. Period and above it only if the girl is sexually mature.


Agnostic Theist

I've also heard that Aisha was 6, but whatever - I guess we'll never know. :shrug:

So, there wouldn't be a problem here if the Yemeni girl was one year older when she married - at least as far as Islam is concerned?
Not quite. There are a variety of views here. For many, there is the idea that one must be of an age of maturity; when they know what they are getting into. For many, this suggests an older age. More so, it is accepted by many that the woman also has a choice in the matter. So these forced marriages are going along a cultural idea.

There is even some debate as to what the Quran says on the subject, regarding the idea of a women being at a marriageable age at menstruation. There is some suggestion that it is actually quite a bit older that a woman has to be.


RF's pet cat
It's horrible, regardless if she had reached puberty or not. It's rare but it happens but regardless, at that age, there's no way that their body is like of an adult!

I have experience in this because I had mine young and my body was still that of a child. I think it wasn't until I was about 14 that I had an adult body and even then, the maturity, mind and emotional state was no where near (this however is a variable factor depending of the country).

It might have been a bit different back in the days (only over 100 years ago were the age of marriage starting to be raised) but today is a different story. I never seen anything in the Qur'an justifying this. It's cultural monstrosity.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
I have an 8 year old cousin. She just started 3rd grade. I can't imagine something like this happening to her. The kid still has trouble keeping her shoes tied, for heaven's sake.

This is one of those things that's hard to separate the religious from the cultural effects. Both feed into each other. If Islam wants to separate itself from such practices, however, it certainly has the power to do so. Make it a sin, make a fatwa against it, or whatever it is that they do. Islam is a religion with a very tight control over their adherents. If child brides and the rape of little girls is something that Muslims want to end in their culture, then let's see some serious action towards that goal.

Until then, yes, the religion is certainly part of the cause for these atrocities.

I don't get to say this much, but i agree with Falv :p

Where is the outrage?

If riots happen at the creation of a cartoon depicting mohammed, then WTF can't some of that passion be put towards saving the lives of innocents.


Well-Known Member
No he didn't.

Ugh - to be quite frank this whole thing with Aisha is a minefield. 6, 9, 16,19 etc.

We could argue this 'til we're both blue in the face, ultimately we will never know for certain how old she was (since we were not there). However, in my opinion at least from what I have seen, Aisha was between the ages of 6 and 9 when the marriage was "consummated".

To be perfectly honest with you, whether she was 9 or 6 it was still pedophilia - it was still completely morally reprehensible for a man in his 50's..... even worse for an apparent Prophet of an all just and merciful God.


Freedom Of Mind
What a big story,one child was killed in Yemen due to internal bleeding.

How many children were killed due to premature marriage in muslim countries,
any report,statistics..etc

Compare that story of the one child being killed in Yemen to many children being killed in Iraq.

Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Reference : Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com


What a big story,one child was killed in Yemen due to internal bleeding.

How many children were killed due to premature marriage in muslim countries,
any report,statistics..etc

Compare that story of the one child being killed in Yemen to many children being killed in Iraq.

Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

As many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.

Reference : Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

Any child dying, for any reason, is sad. Any child dying, for human reasons, is even sadder. And any child dying, due to human ignorance, is the worst of all. Why did I post this story? Because it came up in my news feed. And something you're implying is a good point: the US media is crap. The story you mentioned, should have been talked about, and unfortunately, it wasn't. But here's something I want to ask: which story shows more ignorance? Killing children due to economic sanctions is heinous, but I'm willing to bet the parents/whoever, felt like they had no other choice, and probably did it out of distress. This was done due to nothing more than base human desire and plain old ignorance and lack of common sense.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Religion of peace. Religion of science. These are epithets we hear about Islam from Muslims all the time. And then we see stories like this, which make us realize that these aren't the case. And it's not just science which says something like this is just ignorant. Common sense does too.

So why do Muslims practice this? Do they not know that a child's body is not mature enough to handle this? Nor are their minds developed enough for this. It's just plain ignorant to think that a child is ready for marriage, and all the things that go along with it. Do Muslims not know that science has already determined that things like this are a bad idea?
Some Christians let venomous snakes bite them. Some of them don't even take their child to a doctor when they are sick. But many Christians are fine doctors themselves, and hold doctorates in other academic/scholarly/STEM majors. Many Christians also work tirelessly volunteering for the poor.
Yes, some Muslims are like that. But not a single Muslim I have known in real life is. Making assumptions about a group is never a good thing, lest ye assume all Atheist support gay rights, all Christians are far-right Evangelicals, all Agnostics are immature, all Rastafarians are couch-surfing stoners, all Satanists make blood sacrifices, and I think you get the idea.

Now, as for what happened, it is horribly such practices still exist today. But sadly I don't think there ever will be a day when all of such savageries are no more.
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Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
What a big story,one child was killed in Yemen due to internal bleeding.

No, she was killed by being raped, due to a culture and religion that sanctions and promotes such proceedings.

And what's your point? Yes children die for a multitude of reasons. That in no way means that we can't speak out against a specific horrific, ignorant, and disgusting practice that results in a child being raped to death.

We hear these stories sporadically of little girls dying through this abhorrent practice. But what of the many others that don't die? These poor children are stuck in a life of repeated rape, when their bodies and minds are much too young to handle such things. Just awful.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not all Muslims do. What I'm trying to find out, is why those who do, do it at all.
To this there is no real simple or easy answer. The easiest way to explain it cultural expectations, customs, tradition, and the world view this culture has. But for a more detailed explanation is going to require a good deal of study in Yemen culture and history, and into the history of such marriages. They probably happen still just because they have, and have been since before anyone can remember.


Do you 'know' or believe?
The men who marry such girls in Islam are probably the same sort of men who become child abusing priests in Christianity, they are merely expressing it in a way that their culture facilitates. To me it is no mystery in terms of the men; what intrigues me is why the child's family allows it, unfortunately the only answer that really comes to mind why a family might allow their child to be treated in such a way is that perhaps they have little choice (in terms of poverty most likely) - that is what we need to address with relation to this issue, not Islam but rather the conditions which result in a family believing that they have no option but to treat their daughter in such a way.