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Young people and masturbation

Me Myself

Back to my username
what usually happens when you water a plant? Does it not grow larger?

When you already have something grown larger in between your legs and you wait hours for it to go away so you can sleep, the best way to resume usual blood circulation is to get out of your system what you need to get out of your system.

In my teens, this was one of my main causes of insomnia, till I figured how to qwell that need. Then on, 15 mins after lustful thoughts I was asleep.

I can talk from personal experience that you will have A LOT less lustful thoughts if you dont try to repress them oand simply deal with them than if you pretend they will go away when satisfaction is at arms reach,

I really have noo idea from were could you possibly imagine that analogy fits.

Still havent seen one sensible scientific researched quoted by you on the subject.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Wait a minute...are we still talking about masturbation? :D

Yes and no :p

The point is that we use pillows for comfort, comfort is the same as "cause it feels good"

So, "cause it feels good" is not inherently bad. One would need to show how the action that feels good brings undesirable consequences for it to be problemaic.

But you knew this already :p


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
what usually happens when you water a plant? Does it not grow larger?

What happens when you eat? Do you not stop being hungry?

Do you really believe that masturbation will decrease a persons appetite for it?

I don't know how it is for women, but for men, it absolutely does. I don't believe it; I absolutely know it.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
what usually happens when you water a plant? Does it not grow larger?

Do you really believe that masturbation will decrease a persons appetite for it?

I don't know about you but when I masturbate, I'm pretty much good for another week. Lol. I don't have a partner (although I'd very much enjoy having one) so it's great for relieving sexual tension. It's all I have for sexual pleasure right now.
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Jehovah our God is One
People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness

Nor is it evidence of a person practising self-control.

And the reason why we take this stance against it is because all JW's are active ministers of God. To be such a minister, one must have self control and self regulation and not be selfish or self-centered and most certainly should not be coveting such a sexual appetite.

If a minister came to my door, I would expect that person to be a good example of one who follows the high standards they are preaching. When JW's come knocking, you can be sure that they are upholding such standards and not secretly indulging in fleshly things.... to be a spiritual person means to put such things aside and get control of the fallen flesh. If we were being led by the flesh, then we wouldnt have a freeness of speech toward God or man.


People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness

If it is selfish to masturbate, what is the opposite? Sitting in the street and begging for release from a helpful hand? Obviously you cannot recommend a married relationship to ease the craving, as this would simply lead to using the spouse as a means to an end.

Simple drives can be simply satisfied. If only we could rub our stomachs to relieve hunger.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness

Nor is it evidence of a person practising self-control.

And the reason why we take this stance against it is because all JW's are active ministers of God. To be such a minister, one must have self control and self regulation and not be selfish or self-centered and most certainly should not be coveting such a sexual appetite.

If a minister came to my door, I would expect that person to be a good example of one who follows the high standards they are preaching. When JW's come knocking, you can be sure that they are upholding such standards and not secretly indulging in fleshly things.... to be a spiritual person means to put such things aside and get control of the fallen flesh. If we were being led by the flesh, then we wouldnt have a freeness of speech toward God or man.

Masterbate is what people do to relieve unpleasant sexual tension and other conditions that are uncomfortable. Maybe the Watchtower should outlaw aspirin for a headache. DEAL WITH IT with self control so you can go door to door and be convincing you deserve to go door to door.

Doesn't a prohibition on masterbation for young Jehovah's Witnesses cause them to be married too soon?

Me Myself

Back to my username
People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness

Nor is it evidence of a person practising self-control.

You could say the exact same thing about ice cream.

Please, tell us how ice cream is any different.

We eat ice cream cause we like how it feels in our taste buds.

So, eating ice cream is selfish and promotes self centerness and is evidence of a person without self restraint.

Very mych morw than masturbation mind you, given masturbation is good for one's health, while ice cream is jusy garbage that tastes good.

So I am listening. Hw is masturbation any worst than ice cream?

Me Myself

Back to my username
Doesn't a prohibition on masterbation for young Jehovah's Witnesses cause them to be married too soon?

Oh no no, they just happen to know a lot faster the right person to spend the rest of their lives with.

The lack of masturbation makes their brain and social recognition abilities bigger.


Doubting Thomas
People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness

Nor is it evidence of a person practising self-control.

And the reason why we take this stance against it is because all JW's are active ministers of God. To be such a minister, one must have self control and self regulation and not be selfish or self-centered and most certainly should not be coveting such a sexual appetite.

If a minister came to my door, I would expect that person to be a good example of one who follows the high standards they are preaching. When JW's come knocking, you can be sure that they are upholding such standards and not secretly indulging in fleshly things.... to be a spiritual person means to put such things aside and get control of the fallen flesh. If we were being led by the flesh, then we wouldnt have a freeness of speech toward God or man.

Oh, I would bet money there are JW's out there who indulge in masturbation.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Oh, I would bet money there are JW's out there who indulge in masturbation.

Even Catholics do it, even though it's supposed to be sinful. There's a bunch of articles and threads on other forums about it. A lot of us just feel guilty about it. Lol.


Doubting Thomas
Masterbate is what people do to relieve unpleasant sexual tension and other conditions that are uncomfortable. Maybe the Watchtower should outlaw aspirin for a headache. DEAL WITH IT with self control so you can go door to door and be convincing you deserve to go door to door.

Doesn't a prohibition on masterbation for young Jehovah's Witnesses cause them to be married too soon?

I went to a very conservative fundamentalist church that taught that all sex outside of marriage was sinful including masturbation. The church was full of young people (this was during the Jesus Movement days). We were having weddings every week!


Veteran Member
Many of us here have taken issue with a lot of the comments by Pegg (a Jehovah's Wittness). Looking into the religion's attitude toward masturbation I came across the following comments in the religion's official publications.


Jehovah's Witnesses are not to masturbate on the grounds that it is "unclean", displays "greediness", leads to sexual promiscuity and even homosexuality. Masturbation is not in itself a disfellowshipping sin, but can be a reason for a person to be withheld privileges.

Watchtower May 15 1970, p.315 Avoiding the Snare of Homosexuality

Helpful in this regard, then, is appreciating the fact that autoeroticism or masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts. How so? In that self-induced masturbation may make it easier and more tempting for one to engage in mutual masturbation, which is a form of homosexuality. Sincerely striving against this practice will go far to protect a youth


Watchtower 1976 Feb 15 pp.122-3

Likewise, unclean practices, such as masturbation, which can be a steppingstone to homosexuality, have been dealt with in a serious, yet understanding, way, to help individuals keep clean and pure in Jehovah's eyes.


Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564-5 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

Because masturbation is unnatural. Granted, small children have little concept of the sexual relationship of male and female. But with adolescence comes an inner awareness that tells the male his satisfaction of sexual desire is to be found in the female, and vice versa. Masturbation (like homosexuality) ignores or bypasses that natural arrangement. It is one form of leaving "the natural use of the female" for "one contrary to nature."

Because the practice is one "contrary to nature," the masturbator pays a mental penalty. The habitual practice cripples his social and emotional development, hinders his attaining a healthful outlook and attitude toward the other sex and toward people in general. It can 'turn the person inward' upon himself, making him introverted. Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality,


Your Youth (1976) p.39 Chapter 5 Masturbation and Homosexuality

Weakly giving in to sexual desires by masturbation will certainly not give you strength when faced with a situation tempting you to commit fornication-or even homosexuality. Just the opposite, it cultivates wrong thinking and wrong desire. In fact, masturbation can lead into homosexuality.


As we have seen, masturbation is indeed a "hurtful desire." It is also "uncleanness," for it is an immoral practice, and this explains why the masturbator generally is ashamed of himself and hides his repugnant act from the sight of others..

source (I encourage everyone to go to the link here to see just how atrocious their advice really is)
Other than it's archaic and misguided outlook on the physiology of masturbation I found its repeated insistence that it can easily lead to homosexuality almost criminal. Getting the facts wrong is one thing, but fabricating consequences is outright lying. The JW organization should be ashamed of itself.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness
All of your bodily functions and needs are fulfilled for your self. Your very faith and life is self centred. You live in expectation of reaching a joyous heaven, a position that you would give up to no other person for anything. Self-centred?

Nor is it evidence of a person practising self-control.
This is sinister and unhealthy rubbish, Pegg. I am old now, but if I lived alone I would need to self-ejaculate..... I have a calcification in the epididymus of one of my testes, and over the years I have noticed that the pain and inflammation reduces and stays away after each climax. The consultant doctor has been most interested in my particular case because of this. Having a beautiful wife erases the problem, of course.
Don't link sexual drive to anything bad...... it's a dirty mindset within itself.... imo.

And the reason why we take this stance against it is because all JW's are active ministers of God. To be such a minister, one must have self control and self regulation and not be selfish or self-centered and most certainly should not be coveting such a sexual appetite.
God has never issued such nonsense ..... ever...... rules that He issued to some middle eastern tribes to reduce early deaths and increase their population and strength, such as the shellfish and adultery laws, have been grasped and cherry picked by Christians for millennia now.

If a minister came to my door, I would expect that person to be a good example of one who follows the high standards they are preaching. When JW's come knocking, you can be sure that they are upholding such standards and not secretly indulging in fleshly things.... to be a spiritual person means to put such things aside and get control of the fallen flesh. If we were being led by the flesh, then we wouldnt have a freeness of speech toward God or man.
Rubbish...... they stuff food in their mouths, urinate whenever they feel like it, defecate regularly, breath air and draw as much goodness out of it as they can, and surround themselves with wealth, comfort and possessions. They might as well fulfill themselves with regular passages through the 'clouds-and-rain', or, what we westerners call 'the ecstasy of climax'. I'm against none of the above, but I am cross when I think of young people being brainwashed against perfectly healthy and necessary bodily functions.