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Young people and masturbation


Veteran Member
Premium Member
well it will lead the to want to have sexual relations. Do you want a sexually active 11year old? And then there are the consequences they are not prepared to handle if they do.
This is nonsense. Why do you think they want to do it in the first place? Masturbation doesn't make your hormones go wonky and lead you into these sexual behaviors. God makes your body go wonky by developing these hormones in you naturally in order to give our species the drive to self-procreate. If anything, masturbation allows them the pressure-valve release to not just go running out in front of a car to have sex with the first thing that moves!

there are so many reasons to discourage them....teach them self control instead :)
Not acknowledging these natural and normal and healthy urges is what will screw up your mind, emotions, and body. This sort of "self-control" is not healthy at all, but rather repressive of natural, normal, and healthy urges that nature gives our biology in order to survive. It's like exercising "self-control" over the urge to eat or to go to the bathroom. Nonsense.

Comparing sexual urges to violent urges such as smashing someone in the face is invalid. It doesn't harm them. It doesn't harm others. It doesn't ruin their lives. However, that said, anything that is otherwise healthy and normal when done excessively is detrimental. Someone binge eating is unhealthy. They do it just for the sake of some sort of nervous, neurotic urge. Same thing with masturbation. Someone doing it all day long when there is not the normal, natural, and healthy urge for sexual release is taking something healthy and making it unhealthy. That's a psychological problem. Repressing the body is also a psychological problem like anorexia.

Calling masturbation in essence a "gateway drug" to actual sex is absurd. Again, the hormones themselves that lead one to sex, which is normal and healthy, and even ordained by God if you wish to look at it that way, is what leads to one masturbating in lieu of a partner. Thank goodness for that outlet, rather than just going to town with the first willing partner you see.


Well-Known Member
well there are better ways to fulfill sexual desire...the bible encourages young people in such a situation to marry. Sexuality and its desire is filled through marriage with a loving partner.

Only penis in vagina though right!? talk about having to fake an orgasm if you are a woman.


Well-Known Member
I've too often seen the results that so frequently come from young people marrying to satisfy their sexual desires to believe that such advice is anything more than damn foolishness.

After the honey moon period is over, their marriage then sucks, they are no other reason to stay together a part from the fact they are married


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564-5 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

Because masturbation is unnatural. Granted, small children have little concept of the sexual relationship of male and female. But with adolescence comes an inner awareness that tells the male his satisfaction of sexual desire is to be found in the female, and vice versa. Masturbation (like homosexuality) ignores or bypasses that natural arrangement. It is one form of leaving "the natural use of the female" for "one contrary to nature."

By saying "masterbation is unnatural" they are sending a message to inexperienced people ALL masturbation is unnatural. It isn't. What is that thing animals do, please? Excessive masturbation is unnatural.

Because the practice is one "contrary to nature," the masturbator pays a mental penalty. The habitual practice cripples his social and emotional development, hinders his attaining a healthful outlook and attitude toward the other sex and toward people in general. It can 'turn the person inward' upon himself, making him introverted. Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality,

Then they say "the habitual practice cripples...social and emotional development". No, I think that is not right. It may appear to be true, as a person who is socially "crippled" is more likely to engage in excessive masterbation. But the social problem came first, then the problem with masterbation. It didn't cause it, like they say. When someone claims something not true, what is it called please?
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Circle jerks are excellent ice-breakers. I strongly feel that young people especially need the sort of help a good circle jerk can provide in overcoming shyness, and that awkward, "I don't know you well enough to speak freely with you", feeling that is devastating in any social setting.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Circle jerks are excellent ice-breakers. I strongly feel that young people especially need the sort of help a good circle jerk can provide in overcoming shyness, and that awkward, "I don't know you well enough to speak freely with you", feeling that is devastating in any social setting.

OK. I was thinking why masterbation is something usually done in secret. They say it proves it is a bad thing. Well, being the only one in the room eating is not good either. Is eating bad? Being the only one at a gathering drinking rum is bad too, isn't it? I looked up the circle jerk. I think I knew that. Wasn't it in a movie, one banned, of course.


Well-Known Member
Seems like the deck's stacked against love. In it for the sex, and then stuck in it for life. Better hope Stockholm syndrome is easy to get.

If you are a man I have some advice on how you can get out of it, have an affair, make sure your wife finds out so she wants a divorce, cry literally to the elders that your wife was not giving you enough sex and you are really sorry you fell into temptation, so you won't be disfellowshipped.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Watchtower 1973 Sep 15 pp.564-5 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse-Why? How?

Because masturbation is unnatural. Granted, small children have little concept of the sexual relationship of male and female. But with adolescence comes an inner awareness that tells the male his satisfaction of sexual desire is to be found in the female, and vice versa. Masturbation (like homosexuality) ignores or bypasses that natural arrangement. It is one form of leaving "the natural use of the female" for "one contrary to nature."

Because the practice is one "contrary to nature," the masturbator pays a mental penalty. The habitual practice cripples his social and emotional development, hinders his attaining a healthful outlook and attitude toward the other sex and toward people in general. It can 'turn the person inward' upon himself, making him introverted. Or it can, and frequently does, lead into homosexuality,
These are poisonous lies manufactured by ignorant people. On the contrary, masturbation is very much natural as is seen in many animal species. And, in fact, to try to repress it actually increases the behavior in neurotic, unhealthy ways. As I said before, repression screws you up, not normal healthy biological urges! To quote,

the behavior known within the horse breeding industry as masturbation. This involves normal periodic erections and penile movements. This behavior, both from the descriptive field studies cited above and in extensive study of domestic horses, is now understood as normal, frequent behavior of male equids. Attempting to inhibit or punish masturbation, for example by tying a brush to the area of the flank underside where the penis rubs into contact with the underside, which is still a common practice of horse managers regionally around the world, often leads to increased masturbation and disturbances of normal breeding behaviour.

—Sue M. McDonnell, Sexual Behavior – Current Topics in Applied Ethology and Clinical Methods

The people who wrote this garbage in the Watchtower publication, doubtless have themselves many unnatural, repressed neuroses regarding their own bodies as a result of such screwed up ideas drilled into them by their parents. So sad for them.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
People can do as they please, they can please themselves as much as they like. that does not negate the fact that it promotes self-centredness

It's not a fact.

Nor is it evidence of a person practising self-control.
Is it supposed to?

And the reason why we take this stance against it is because all JW's are active ministers of God. To be such a minister, one must have self control and self regulation and not be selfish or self-centered and most certainly should not be coveting such a sexual appetite.

If a minister came to my door, I would expect that person to be a good example of one who follows the high standards they are preaching. When JW's come knocking, you can be sure that they are upholding such standards and not secretly indulging in fleshly things.... to be a spiritual person means to put such things aside and get control of the fallen flesh. If we were being led by the flesh, then we wouldnt have a freeness of speech toward God or man.

There's only ONE group of people that got that right: the Jains.
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Admiral Obvious
They can not get divorced





Mother Heathen
Ah, well, thats having balls.

Wouldnt it have been maybe a bit less awkward for em ig their mother had told em? Just askin :D

Then again, maybe you are evil and enjoy making them suffer. One should enjoy oarenthood like that :D

I think it's awesome that he talked to his daughters about it. I have two daughters and can only imagine...

As a kid my parents never talked about this kind of stuff. I'm more open with my children and would answer their questions and probably approach the issue comparably.

For a kid, it has to feel pretty awesome to know that your parents DON'T think you're a freak.


Mother Heathen
yes, pretty much.

Its a self-gratifying activity and it messes around with the bodies hormones....it will only lead to sexual immorality and selfish desires. And when you begin a relationship with that as your foundation, it will not be helpful or beneficial to you or your future partner.

Alright Pegg, I think you need to show some scientific back-up for this "messes around with the bodies hormones" bit.

Actually, statistically speaking, those countries that are more open about sexuality have fewer statistical rates of "sexual immorality" (unwanted pregnancy, abortion, teenage pregnancy, etc.0 than those who keep it closer to the bosom.

Masturbation can yield benefits to the individual who is entering a relationship. When you understand yourself, you're more apt to have enjoyable intimate connections with others.


Well-Known Member
They cannot get divorced without facing serious repercussions. If there are children and the offender does not take readjustment well, he (usually he) might never see his children again.

and notice they have separated/divorce in the chart, JWs can be separated as in not live in the same house, but they can not divorce, which is what I was talking about. And yes there is always serious repercussions with the watchtower.