Why do you suffer?
Who is responsible for your suffering when you do suffer?
Who has the ability to end your suffering?
God made everything. God knows everything.
Some praise God because an alligator didn't finish eating them. God made the alligator. God knew that the alligator was trying to eat you. When praying "if you want to make a call....please hang up and try your call again." (no one there).
Did pain begin after Adam and Eve sinned? If so, did God make a pact with the devil to vex mankind? Isn't cooperating with the devil the same thing as being evil?
Mankind is made of meat. Carnivores eat meat. Did God make us to be eaten?
When scientists make a cure (like the COVID vaccine), theists say "thank God for making the vaccine." In the movie, "Lilies of the Field" the nuns get a free worker to build their church. The worker said "I built this" but the nuns insist that he had nothing to do with it....he was merely a pawn of God, doing God's bidding. They gave no recognition of his kindness and hard work.
No wonder God is thought to be so kind and merciful, since the accomplishments of mankind are often attributed to God.
How do we know that God is good? How do we know that God made everything?
Should we allow theists to tell lies for God? When a theist asserts that there is no Global Warming, they look for reasons to support their position. When a scientist studies Global Warming, they are not trying to find facts that discredit theists, they merely want to know the truth. Theist researchers might have no education, or might have educations in theology. They do not have vast scientific backgrounds nor advanced degrees.
Debates rage on....theists denying Global Warming, and voting in vast numbers for their candidates. In the mean time, Global Warming is about to destroy life on earth. Theists are not worried about ecology (more fires, more severe and more numerous hurricanes). They believe that they will rapture to heaven, leaving behind a toxic waste dump where once God's beautiful natural world stood. But, they ruin the planet for everyone....not just for theists. They assert their lies about Global Warming because it disagrees with their "party line."