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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.


Well-Known Member
Exodus 21: 23, shows that God does not consider a forming foetus to be a living person.
If a man in a fight happens to knock a pregnant woman down, and if the woman herself, (A living Person) is hurt in any way, the punishment shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. But if it only the forming foetus which is lost, the womans husband only has the right to monetary compensation according to the approval of the judges, which is the same as in the case of the death of one of his animals by the hand of his neighbour.

How would you feel if the anti-abortion lobby were able to convince the authorities that be, to classify the forming foetus as a living person, meaning that you could be charged with murder or manslaughter for causing a pregnant woman to miscarry, even though by nature, she may not have been able to carry her pregnancy to its full term.

Do you accuse a woman who had an abortion, of having killed her unborn child? Or do you believe that a woman has the right of decision over her own body, and believe that she has the right to terminate the continued growth of the unwanted potential person=spirit who may develop in that body if it is allowed to form into a mature human body?
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Treasure Hunter
I don't think anyone should have an abortion, because I do think it is murdering the baby, but because everyone is going to keep doing it anyway and everyone is just going to die eventually anyway, I no longer ever wish to argue about it ever again, because arguing doesn't make a difference on that matter. I'd advise people not to kill their kids, but whatever. I can't do anything to prevent it, so I don't care anymore. Just so long as people don't tell me when they get abortions, because I don't want to hear about it.


Its only a Label
Thgose who understand that births and deaths are karmic as such and so no one is giving life or taking it. Those are circumstantial only.
Whatever may be one's views which will all be diverse as they are THOUGHTs and mind matter only and TRUTH remains One and the same.
Love & rgds

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
How would you feel if the anti-abortion lobby were able to convince the authorities that be, to classify the forming foetus as a living person, meaning that you could be charged with murder or manslaughter for causing a pregnant woman to miscarry, even though by nature, she may not have been able to carry her pregnancy to its full term.

Do you accuse a woman who had an abortion, of having killed her unborn child? Or do you believe that a woman has the right of decision over her own body, and believe that she has the right to terminate the continued growth of the unwanted potential person who may develop in that body if it is allowed to form into a mature human body?
Staunchly pro-life... I'm not the murderous fringe, but I don't believe that any abortion, outside of almost certain death of both mother and child, should be legal...

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
I don't think anyone should have an abortion, because I do think it is murdering the baby, but because everyone is going to keep doing it anyway and everyone is just going to die eventually anyway, I no longer ever wish to argue about it ever again, because arguing doesn't make a difference on that matter. I'd advise people not to kill their kids, but whatever. I can't do anything to prevent it, so I don't care anymore. Just so long as people don't tell me when they get abortions, because I don't want to hear about it.

Exactly my feelings on the matter. Although, if my friend ever wanted or needed one, I'd hope she'd tell me so I could be there for her.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Taking any life is murder. Whether killing a human being, or squashing an insect. However, my views on this matter will not enter into politics; I'd vote NO on any proposition that made abortion illegal.

Besides, death is a natural part of life. Sometimes, in order to live, a life must be taken. But that MUST be the very, very end last resort, and only if your own life is in danger.

That's my feeling on this matter. But the rights of everyone and their beliefs must be placed above my own beliefs in politics. Unlike with taking another human's life, which is pretty much universally hated, abortion has views from all sides. And I must take into account the poor teenage girl who lives with an abusive father, or an overprotective father. As the reality is that this situation is far too common.

My dad once relayed to me a story a few years ago, when you still had to get parental permission if you were under 18 to get an abortion, of a teenage girl who got pregnant, and went to the hospital to get an abortion but they wouldn't let her because she needed permission from her parents. She pleaded with them, saying that her dad would kill her if he found out. They didn't care. So she went to tell her father that she needed an abortion, and he beat her so bad that she lost the baby.

That's a punishment far disproportionate to the mistake of a single night of sexual carelessness.


Admiral Obvious
Taking any life is murder.
I disagree.
There are justifiable killings.

Whether killing a human being, or squashing an insect. However, my views on this matter will not enter into politics; I'd vote NO on any proposition that made abortion illegal.
I agree.
At least for the most part.

Besides, death is a natural part of life. Sometimes, in order to live, a life must be taken. But that MUST be the very, very end last resort, and only if your own life is in danger.
So I am to stand by and let my child die if MY life is not in danger?


Well-Known Member
Taking any life is murder. Whether killing a human being, or squashing an insect. However, my views on this matter will not enter into politics; I'd vote NO on any proposition that made abortion illegal.

Besides, death is a natural part of life. Sometimes, in order to live, a life must be taken. But that MUST be the very, very end last resort, and only if your own life is in danger.

That's my feeling on this matter. But the rights of everyone and their beliefs must be placed above my own beliefs in politics. Unlike with taking another human's life, which is pretty much universally hated, abortion has views from all sides. And I must take into account the poor teenage girl who lives with an abusive father, or an overprotective father. As the reality is that this situation is far too common.

My dad once relayed to me a story a few years ago, when you still had to get parental permission if you were under 18 to get an abortion, of a teenage girl who got pregnant, and went to the hospital to get an abortion but they wouldn't let her because she needed permission from her parents. She pleaded with them, saying that her dad would kill her if he found out. They didn't care. So she went to tell her father that she needed an abortion, and he beat her so bad that she lost the baby.

That's a punishment far disproportionate to the mistake of a single night of sexual carelessness.

How do you feel about culling animals which become a threat to our food supply?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I disagree.
There are justifiable killings.

Justified killing, justified murder. Same thing.

As I said, only when your life is in danger.

So I am to stand by and let my child die if MY life is not in danger?

There are always exceptions to every rule. And this is one of them.

If your child is in danger, I'd probably accuse you of negligent homicide if you just turned and ran. ;)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
How do you feel about culling animals which become a threat to our food supply?

Survival of the fittest, of course.

This is a situation where your life is in danger. How do you think I feel about it?


Premium Member
I am breaking my own rule posting this but I am pro life. Even if I didn't follow Jesus I would still be pro life.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Would you consider euthanasia of a sick animal "murder"?

Seems a bit Humpty Dumpty to me...

Murder and killing are synonymous. Both mean the same thing to me.

So, yes.

And I am all for euthanasia of not just animals (I was present for the euthanasia of my girlfriend's dying cat :sad:) but I'd be for euthanasia of dying humans as well.

As I said, there are always exceptions.


Well-Known Member
Murder and killing are synonymous. Both mean the same thing to me.

So, yes.

And I am all for euthanasia of not just animals (I was present for the euthanasia of my girlfriend's dying cat :sad:) but I'd be for euthanasia of dying humans as well.

As I said, there are always exceptions.

So according to your own words, you would be happy to participate in the murder of those poor sick people. Then I would prefer to be with people such as you, rather than those who simply cut the life support of a comatosed woman and sat back and watched her as she starved to death over several days, I hope that the 'I Am' was not still present in her body, watching and identifying those callous people.

I wonder what the people from the R.S.P.C.A. would do if they found a comatosed dog lying in those peoples yard, and were told that they were just waiting for a few days or so until it died.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Murder and killing are synonymous. Both mean the same thing to me.

So, yes.

And I am all for euthanasia of not just animals (I was present for the euthanasia of my girlfriend's dying cat :sad:) but I'd be for euthanasia of dying humans as well.

As I said, there are always exceptions.

Is it a holocaust in your stomach when the microbes that were on your food die from being digested?

What I mean to say is that by using the word "murder" as you do it cheapens and diminishes the term. I mean you really wouldn't compare someone stabbing someone you loved dearly to death to someone swatting a mosquito that had bitten them, would you?
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I am all for abortion. I think the matter is strictly between a woman and her doctor, period.
I do not even grant rights to the father to have any say in the matter whatsoever.
In fact, I don't think that men should have any say on the matter at all... so, on that note, adios.

Ok, ok... I am also Pro-Euthenasia. Sue me.