You can't change the world by not starting with your own community.
My girlfriend and I contribute to our community every week, politically and otherwise. We *are* working on changing the world.
F0uad said:
I don't want to be offensive but this is the biggest crap i have ever heard in the last months, Secularism is fair yet you agreed that there is so much wrongs in these Secularist countries and then you mixed democracy with secularism what is totally illogical.
What does secularism have to do with the "wrongs" happening in secular countries? That doesn't make any sense at all. What are you talking about?
Secularism is by definition an absence of oppressing (with governmental power) the free expression of religion -- while also preventing religions from oppressing non-adherents.
F0uad said:
So you want to force secularism on a majority.. real fair..
That doesn't make any sense. Secularism is just disallowing anyone from foisting their religion on anyone else, and disallowing anyone from preventing anyone from worshipping as they see fit. In other words, not using governmental power to enforce religion or anti-religion.
One might as well complain, "So you want to force non-oppression on a majority.. real fair.."
F0uad said:
Secularism does lead to those actions examples America, Turkey and many more, again Egyptians are Muslims and not atheists if you have a country full of Atheists or non practicing people then sure go for a secular state. Denying Islam/Sharia when the majority has voted for it is undemocratic.. so take a pick.
How does the government NOT oppressing based on religion lead to "those actions?" What actions? I think you're confused about what secularism is, and about what it's culpable for.
If a majority voted that people with blonde hair have to ride at the back of the bus, is that fair? Of course not -- you're speaking like democracy IN ITSELF is a just system, but that's nonsense. Pure democracy is just two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner: it's not fundamentally just, it's merely mob rule. And mobs tend to be very unjust.
Justice comes from modes of government whereby the rights of the minority are protected even while the majority is served. NECESSARILY, such a government will be secular since it shouldn't allow religious
or anti-religious oppression.
Of course, if a religion includes sacrificing children or otherwise infringing someone else's rights/consent, then a just society would still prohibit allowing that particular practice -- but that wouldn't be "anti-religious" by any reasonable stretch of the term.
F0uad said:
You are the OP have you not looked into it?
I've certainly looked into it -- the question was a rhetorical. His arrest -- the reasons behind it -- were fundamentally unjust.
F0uad said:
Not really i advice you to read the Patriot act.
I'm aware of it, please re-read my post where I mentioned that my country has high ideals, though has never been able to completely follow through with them. That includes a baffoonish administration abusing power to pass swill like the Patriot Act.
F0uad said:
I don't care about America to be honest. The thing i get upset is that Americans are the only ones (that i know off) that like to point fingers at other nations/people and the rest of the world never does this when there country is doing worse.. Fix your problems then come back i hate hypocrites and double-standards.
Don't think of me as an American then, because I don't support my government's every action throughout history or currently. You can't call me a hypocrite just because I happened to have been born here. I could have been born in Nazi Germany and still point at what's going on in Egypt and say "this is fundamentally unjust." Your charge of hypocrisy doesn't hold any water.
Edit: For me to ACTUALLY be a hypocrite, I'd have to be arguing that America has done no wrong while still pointing elsewhere, or I'd have to be ignoring American's problems while pointing elsewhere. Neither is true. I *rail* against the problems going on in America not just in argument but with my girlfriend and a few other friends' sweat, time, effort, and money ALL the time.
So no, I'm not a hypocrite at all.