Canada (Quebec is a semi-autonomous state of separatists)
Spain (Navarre, Catalonia)
Italy (Vatican City)
Liberia (there's a different "president" everywhere you go in that country)
Sri Lanka (the Tamil Tigers)
This is just off the top of my head. If I actually did digging I could probably find a lot more.
Ummm, you know about Sri Lanka right? And Myanmar only recently made peace with the Karen.
Other than that, your examples have absolutely no comparison. The Catalans, (and I'm surprised you didn't mention basques) do not refuse Spanish citizenship and consider themselves part of a makeshift Catalonian/Basque authority, Vatican City was determined as a compromise to the "Rome Question" which went back to the Unification of Italy under Garibaldi decades later by Mussolini (who really didn't like the idea), and last I checked, no Quebecois have declared themselves to be not a part of Quebec and joining violent movements. I have no idea what your reference to Liberia is about.
Nothing close. Any of those.