Depending on how far you go back there were no Americans, native or otherwise. In fact most of who are considered native Americans got here only hundred or so years before Europeans did and killed off whatever Indians were living on the land they wanted. The Sioux are typical. They came from Canada and killed off a half dozen tribes to take the Dakota's and unlike the European's did not ask first nor offer any compensation. The agriculturally based southwestern Indians were almost annihilated by the invading hordes or ne Indian horse cultures that lived to fight or the half Mexican half Indian latecomers that took the rest. Their were wrongs on both sides but by and large Whites made an effort to compensate Indians for land they had no better claims to than anyone else. The Indian's only legitimate claim was that the whites were far better at war than they were. The Eastern US is the only place where it gets tricky as those tribes were here much longer and did not have the same common "kill everyone else id they have anything we want" attitude most western tribes did. I am a Cherokee by the way.I meant what Native American tribe... You said you were Native American. Having a European ancestor that moved here before the US was a country doesn't make you a Native. LOL I think you need to look at the definition of Native American.