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Shameless CNN A.K.A PHN (Political Hack Network) Exploits People of Colour for Political Purposes


As we get closer and closer to 2020 and the democratic party is getting more and more desperate it is no surprise that race and racism is being used by politically aligned media networks to further attempt to divide and conquer for votes. This was expected as we got nearer and nearer to the election but in the first article it clearly denotes race as some type of factor by stating Black voters instead of just saying U.S. voters, it's pretty blatant and disturbing. Race has been exploited by the democrats and their running dogs for years but I never saw it so blatantly done as in this case where a U.S. voter is referred to as nothing more than a demographic and a political tool. It seems the real racists are the ones that want to keep black Americans pickin' cotton on the democratic plantations.

Jan 20, 2020
"Black voter: By any interpretation, Trump has broken law"
Black voter: By any interpretation, Donald Trump has broken the law - CNN Video

Jan 17, 2020
"8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows"

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows - CNNPolitics


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
As we get closer and closer to 2020 and the democratic party is getting more and more desperate it is no surprise that race and racism is being used by politically aligned media networks to further attempt to divide and conquer for votes. This was expected as we got nearer and nearer to the election but in the first article it clearly denotes race as some type of factor by stating Black voters instead of just saying U.S. voters, it's pretty blatant and disturbing. Race has been exploited by the democrats and their running dogs for years but I never saw it so blatantly done as in this case where a U.S. voter is referred to as nothing more than a demographic and a political tool. It seems the real racists are the ones that want to keep black Americans pickin' cotton on the democratic plantations.

Jan 20, 2020
"Black voter: By any interpretation, Trump has broken law"

Black voter: By any interpretation, Donald Trump has broken the law - CNN Video

Jan 17, 2020
"8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows"

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows - CNNPolitics


I support any tactic that weakens Trump and the Republicans.

It's hard to believe that there are any blacks that aren't familiar with Trump's racist dog whistles and overt racism.

And are you sure that you want to use the word shameless? Your president is shameless, and you support him.

And did you really want to remind people that we should judge others by the content of their character? Trump is a bigoted, vengeful, narcissistic compulsive liar, a self-admitted serial sexual predator. a serial adulterer, a lifetime fraud and cheat, and now add murderer.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
As we get closer and closer to 2020 and the democratic party is getting more and more desperate it is no surprise that race and racism is being used by politically aligned media networks to further attempt to divide and conquer for votes. This was expected as we got nearer and nearer to the election but in the first article it clearly denotes race as some type of factor by stating Black voters instead of just saying U.S. voters, it's pretty blatant and disturbing. Race has been exploited by the democrats and their running dogs for years but I never saw it so blatantly done as in this case where a U.S. voter is referred to as nothing more than a demographic and a political tool. It seems the real racists are the ones that want to keep black Americans pickin' cotton on the democratic plantations.

Jan 20, 2020
"Black voter: By any interpretation, Trump has broken law"
Black voter: By any interpretation, Donald Trump has broken the law - CNN Video

Jan 17, 2020
"8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows"

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows - CNNPolitics


“Fox News is for conservatives. MSNBC is for liberals. And, CNN is for airports.” Bill Maher


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Trump is clearly quite racist, and if one can't see that with all that he has said and done over the years, then the problem is really theirs.

Terry Sampson

Well-Known Member
As we get closer and closer to 2020 and the democratic party is getting more and more desperate it is no surprise that race and racism is being used by politically aligned media networks
  • Did you just wake up?
  • BTW, the title of your thread is inaccurate. It should read:
    Shameless, treasonous, enemies-of-the-state-and-democracy (a.k.a. my enemies) CNN
  • Since when did you become "the coloreds' best friend, advocate, and champion"? Does Trump know you're doing that?
  • I suppose next you'll be playing a leading role in Stacy Abrams' and "Fair Fight"'s efforts to promote fair elections and voter registration, as well as reverse the pernicious consequences of voter suppression, eh? Well, so good of you to join. Your efforts and donations will be greatly appreciate by the oppressed coloreds of our country.


  • Did you just wake up?
  • BTW, the title of your thread is inaccurate. It should read:
    Shameless, treasonous, enemies-of-the-state-and-democracy (a.k.a. my enemies) CNN
  • Since when did you become "the coloreds' best friend, advocate, and champion"? Does Trump know you're doing that?
  • I suppose next you'll be playing a leading role in Stacy Abrams' and "Fair Fight"'s efforts to promote fair elections and voter registration, as well as reverse the pernicious consequences of voter suppression, eh? Well, so good of you to join. Your efforts and donations will be greatly appreciate by the oppressed coloreds of our country.

Have fun charging those windmills

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
As we get closer and closer to 2020 and the democratic party is getting more and more desperate it is no surprise that race and racism is being used by politically aligned media networks to further attempt to divide and conquer for votes. This was expected as we got nearer and nearer to the election but in the first article it clearly denotes race as some type of factor by stating Black voters instead of just saying U.S. voters, it's pretty blatant and disturbing. Race has been exploited by the democrats and their running dogs for years but I never saw it so blatantly done as in this case where a U.S. voter is referred to as nothing more than a demographic and a political tool. It seems the real racists are the ones that want to keep black Americans pickin' cotton on the democratic plantations.

Jan 20, 2020
"Black voter: By any interpretation, Trump has broken law"
Black voter: By any interpretation, Donald Trump has broken the law - CNN Video

Jan 17, 2020
"8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows"

8 in 10 black voters say Trump is racist, new poll shows - CNNPolitics

Have you noticed how nobody talks about issues anymore?


Another CNN headline on this:
Black voter says "most vicious whitelash"
A rich white woman and a rich white man were the two real choices in 2016.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
the first article it clearly denotes race as some type of factor by stating Black voters instead of just saying U.S. voters
Thats because it is something. Like the gay vote (Democrat), Evangalical vote (Republican), youth vote (Dem), old vote (Rep), or any other voting bloc that elections are strategized around.
Or are you trying to say you dont see race?