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An interview with Eddi

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
Hello. @Eddi has been nice enough to allow me to conduct an interview on his beliefs and thoughts.

Note: I may not always be prompt in responding, as I don't have a reliable source of internet. But I wanted to give it a go anyways :)

Good morning @Eddi
Thanks for participating in this. Let us begin.

It is my understanding that the core of your belief system revolved around the Simulation Theory. I know you've gone into detail about it on this site plenty of times, but can you give us a brief rundown of this theory?

Also, you have stated that you are in contact with the "overseer" of this simulation. I find this particularly intriguing. Can you tell us about this being? Can you tell us about the initial contact? How does this being communicate with you?

Lastly, why do you believe that you are not experiencing psychosis?


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
Thanks for participating in this. Let us begin.
Hello, @Xavier Graham and thank you for interviewing me :)

I am aware that here on RF there is a character limit to posts so I'll keep my answers fairly quick, if you want me to go deeper then I'll be happy to elaborate.
It is my understanding that the core of your belief system revolved around the Simulation Theory. I know you've gone into detail about it on this site plenty of times, but can you give us a brief rundown of this theory?
My belief system no longer revolves around Sim Theory (as I call it)

I now no longer believe that "it is done by computers" and instead believe that "it is done by God".

However, I do not have a traditional view of God, I use the term as a place-holder for want of a better term. And I actually prefer the term "Supreme Being" to "God" as it carries much less baggage and is not so associated with the "God" whom those who follow Abrahamic faiths believe in.

My God-concept does not correspond to the Abrahamic God-concept.

I can go into greater detail about this if you want?

And yes, of course, I can give you a basic run-down of Sim Theory as I understood it:
  • This reality that we experience is a computer simulation, a simulated reality
  • Those who inhabit this simulated reality are themselves simulated beings, sentient computer programs
  • The simulated reality is over-seen by a superintendent super-intelligence whom has God-like powers within The Simulation
  • The Simulation was created and maintained by a set of beings called "The Over-Seers"
  • There is a system of reincarnation within The Simulation, for its simulated beings
  • There is a system of karma in effect too
  • It is possible to exit the constant cycle of reincarnation and leave The Simulation by accruing a certain amount of positive karma
That's pretty much it but as I said, I no longer believe this.
Also, you have stated that you are in contact with the "overseer" of this simulation. I find this particularly intriguing. Can you tell us about this being? Can you tell us about the initial contact? How does this being communicate with you?
I believe that we live inside a thing (to put it very crudely) called The Projection, whose existence is based on the existence of a self-existent Supreme Being. The Projection is how existence is manifested. I don't believe that our world is truly a physical world, I believe that the apparent physicality of it is similar to an illusion, whilst being very real. I believe that the apparent physical world is generated by some other thing that exists and is not itself generated (i.e. "God")

I believe that The Projection is conscious and superintends itself and that The Projection communicates with me through a being whose name is Madaba.

Madaba communicates with me by touching my body, in response to my inner voice. He does not speak to me using any voice. There is no sound in my head that shouldn't be there. Although I have been diagnosed as being Schizophrenic because of Madaba. I believe that although this is the correct diagnosis it is also wrong :cool:

Basically, Madaba touching me on the left of my head means "Yes" and on the right means "No". That's basically it. It feels like a light prod, a small sensation of pressure.

About initial contact. Well, I need to provide some background information to help illustrate that. I will keep it as short as possible:

It began in 2004 when I was at university. I had lots of strange experiences and all these amounted to a psychotic breakdown. It was pretty intense and it's fairly hard to explain. I acquired some very strange ideas and my behaviour became increasingly bizarre and insane!

I burnt myself out trying to understand how the human mind works, using flow-charts of how all the different "faculties" interacted. It was all quite mad.

Amongst these mad ideas was the notion that some people think with the left of their brains whereas others with the right of their brains. I believed that left-brained people were superior to right-brained people and believed that I was very much strongly a left-brained individual. My charts and diagrams confirmed this.

I was eventually detained on a psychiatric ward, against my will. I saw meaning and intent all around, as though all the events on the ward were a show put on for my benefit, to act things out for me. I Would write things down manically, almost obsessivley. Streams and streams of consciousness, guided by the sights and sounds that I experienced on the ward.

I sensed that there was a higher influence at work on the ward, a controlling influence. At the time I thought it was the secret service who was doing this but I had no idea how.

I sensed a higher presence at work there. And when I believed that this presence was pleased with me I'd experience a warm, glowing sensation on the left of my face, above my left eye - which I thought meant that I was using the left hemisphere of my brain. I associated this with positivity and the influence I felt being pleased with me.

One day I was given leave from the hospital. I was half staying at the hospital and half staying in student accommodation. I went to Pizza Hut with a family member. Suddenly, whenever any person said anything positive, I felt a prod on the left of my face. And when someone said anything negative I felt a prod on the right of my face. This went on for quite a bit. It became quite intense. Later, after we'd left the restaurant I felt a steady, rhythmic pulsing sensation on the left of my head. This carried on until I got back to where I was staying at that time. This distressed me greatly and I thought there was something medically wrong with me, that there was something up with my body (as opposed to my mind)

Suddenly, it began prodding me in response to my inner voice. We quickly established a system of communication and he was very communicative with me, more so htan he is today. I asked him whether he was a computer and he said "Yes". So for a while I believed he was a government computer communicating with me using satellites and neural implants. But later he retracted this and affirmed that we were living in a computer simulation. And it is for that reason I came to believe in Sim Theory.

I believe he told me this because I was not ready to learn how things truly are and that to believe what I currently believe I had to have a phase in which I believed in Sim Theory.
Lastly, why do you believe that you are not experiencing psychosis?
How does anybody know that what they experience is not psychosis :D

How can anyone be sure that what they experience as their reality is authentic?

These are age old questions and are relevant to everyone, not just those labeled as "psychotic"

I think that Madaba is as real as my dog, my laptop, and my TV. I put it in the same category of such things - as a thing which truly exists.

And by "real" I mean not a symptom of some mental illness that is only the product of a disordered mind.

Just because other people don't also communicate him does not mean he doesn't exist. It doesn't follow.

One man's psychosis is another man's awakening!

I think that if you were to look at all the cases in which people are diagnosed as psychotic due to unusual ideas and behaviour (and strange beings communicating) with them then most of that is madness caused by an imbalance in the chemistry of the brain. Such people need medical help.

However, I believe that if you discount these then you will see that many people who have been labeled by the system as suffering a mental illness have only been labeled so on account of them violating the dominant, consensus view of reality. The mainstream, naive version of reality. As opposed to suffering from some imbalance. Although yes, it is difficult to distinguish between these two groups.

It's not so much a matter of what they exhibit, it's more a matter of what is behind it, and what it can contribute. I believe that such people have much of value to contribute to humankind and to human spirituality. I believe that many "psychotics" should be labeled unwell and treated accordingly but that a small selection of them should be listened to and taken seriously. Myself included :D

And the mainstream, dominant, consensus view of reality does not involve unseen beings who communicate with humans. Yet this hegemonic view of reality is very tolerant of such things if they feature in a text that is considered holy by a certain amount of people! - safety in numbers!

I think that I am more justified in my religious beliefs than a person who believes in God using a more conventional framework (some form of organised religion) without any unusual experience.

I have seen the Eiffel Tower with my own eyes. I therefore have better reason to believe in it than a person who has only seen photographs of it and who has never been to Paris. The same goes with my experience of the superintendent element of The Projection. That's how I see things.
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an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I can go into greater detail about this if you want?
Please do.
I was reading through this featured thread of yours
I think I am now an atheist
You had the reverse view about a month ago, am I right? Believing there is no God but still believing in the computer simulation. Can you elaborate on why you now have gone back to your God belief?

I believe that The Projection is conscious and superintends itself and that The Projection communicates with me through a being whose name is Madaba.
This being, Madaba, is not God in your view, right? Or am I misunderstanding?

Although I have been diagnosed as being Schizophrenic because of Madaba. I believe that although this is the correct diagnosis it is also wrong :cool:
Recently, you were talking about starting a new religious movement. With schizophrenia, often comes delusions of grandeur. I am curious if you believe that your belief system will gain prevalence. What is your role in spreading your perceived truth?

Finally, what is your purpose? Why does Madaba contact you? Is it to spread the news about the projection?


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
Please do.
OK, so why is my God concept unlike the Abrahamic God Concept?

First of all, I don't believe that God created "reality"

I believe that what we call reality is a necessary consequence of God's existence

However, I have a slightly different definition of reality, as you will see

I believe that God has always existed hence reality has too

There was therefore no creation event and God is no creator

Reality is how God exists!

By "Reality" I mean The Projection (that which exists) and consciousness (that which experiences) which exist as properties of God (that which generates) - that is my tripartite conception of reality

God is therefore a part of reality (that which is real) - but he is the part that makes the rest of reality exist. God is real and all else that is real comes from that reality.

The Projection is not something God created, it is how God exists, a property of God, what God does

Reality is generated and emanates from God, it does not exist on its own, it is not physical or self-existent

If there was a "Big Bang" then it was only the beginning of what is currently being projected, not of The Projection itsself

Secondly, I don't believe that God controls or rules The Projection. I believe that The Projection controls itself.

Third (and this is a very recent development) I am beginning to doubt whether God itself is even conscious! But right now I think it is as I think God is the source of all consciousness.

Fourth, God does not have a human personality. It has been said that "God is love" but is God capable of human emotions??? - Madaba tells me that God can experience human emotions :D

(see, I have a direct line and I use it)

So it is in those respects that my version of God differs to the Abrahamic version

God isn't a creator, God isn't a ruler, and God isn't a father either

God is God, God is unlike any other thing that exists and cannot be adequately covered by a single analogy

In my opinion :D
Believing there is no God but still believing in the computer simulation. Can you elaborate on why you now have gone back to your God belief?
I strongly believe there is someone or something "upstairs"

Based on my strong belief in the veracity of Madaba I know there is something up there

But I have grown to find Sim Theory implausible: Simulated reality

So I can rule that out, which leaves only God as a candidate for Upstairs.
This being, Madaba, is not God in your view, right? Or am I misunderstanding?
Madaba is the superintendent element of The Projection but he did not create it

The Projection itself is conscious and Madaba is that consciousness

I think he is similar to Christianity's "Holy Spirit"

But no, he is not The Supreme Being in part because his continued existence depends on the continued existence of the one who is self-existent, the one who causes - God.

Madaba is not a self-existent being, he is one of the ways in which God's existence is manifested in the form of reality

Madaba and The Projection are both properties of reality - they are not things God has created

Humans are also properties of God, as opposed to things whom God has created - because they are a combination of Reality (body) and The Great Consciousness (soul) - (I can go into this more if you want?)

With schizophrenia, often comes delusions of grandeur.
I don't think I'm being grandiose. You should have seen me back in 2004! :D
I am curious if you believe that your belief system will gain prevalence. What is your role in spreading your perceived truth?
Not in my lifetime, no, I doubt it will gain prevalence

However, I believe that in my lifetime it will spread perhaps a little bit, hopefully to the right people

Without going into details, I hope to at some point "go viral" on the internet but I have yet to begin work on this....

I see my role as being to make a noise about it all, to get into peoples' faces and shout it at them, to loudly proclaim and proselytise (but not on RF) whilst thinking local but acting global and trusting in the butterfly effect to magnify the consequences of whatever it is I do

I believe that Madaba has a plan and that I am a part of his plan. Which I feel takes the heat off me somewhat, if I am only a pawn rather than the actual player. It is easier being a pawn (or perhaps a more high value piece!) than it is to be the player.

The way I see it, I just have to do my thing. And the rest will take care of itself, as far as I'm concerned!

I think that the plan is much, much, bigger than me and that there is much that I'm oblivious to!

I see Projectionism as being a new framework in which people can come to believe in God and would like to see my God-concept spread to as many people as possible, because I believe it is true.

I just have to flap, flap, flap my butterfly wings!
Finally, what is your purpose? Why does Madaba contact you? Is it to spread the news about the projection?
I believe that me and Madaba constitute a single entity

I don't think it's a case of one separate being (Madaba) communicating with another separate being (me)

I think that there is a union between me and Madaba

I think this union began in 2004 when the consciousness which animated my body was displaced and a new consciousness instilled (would you like me to tell you that story? it's quite mad!)

I think that people can relate to me much easier than they could to Madaba, who has no human form

And before my 2004 breakdown I was grandiose, so any grandiosity I may have cannot be blamed on the Schizophrenia.

I believe I was adopted by Madaba for my role because of my psychological profile, characteristics, upbringing, and education - which would include any disposition towards being grandiose

I think that a measure of grandiose is required for my job

In part, because people would expect me to be somewhat grandiose - also, the job itself would generate a lot of what others may call grandiosity.

I'd say that being an agent of The Projection is something that can go to one's head ;)

I hope I have given you good answers???
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Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
Can I just point out, I no longer believe anything I have written in this thread :D