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Kidney donation


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I made a thread where folk can ask questions if they like


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Everyone is now negative for covid. This coming Friday not today I'll be talking to my doctor about the kidney donation thing. Obviously my primary cant decide if i can donate a kidney only a transplant team can. But the group home insists I get a note from them saying it's ok for me to get my blood drawn and for me to contact the transplant team. They probably want my doctor to say i can donate but my doctor cant make that decision only a transplant team can after doing lots of testing. So the best the group home is going to get is my doctor saying it's ok to start the process with a transplant team.


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Everyone is now negative for covid. This coming Friday not today I'll be talking to my doctor about the kidney donation thing. Obviously my primary cant decide if i can donate a kidney only a transplant team can. But the group home insists I get a note from them saying it's ok for me to get my blood drawn and for me to contact the transplant team. They probably want my doctor to say i can donate but my doctor cant make that decision only a transplant team can after doing lots of testing. So the best the group home is going to get is my doctor saying it's ok to start the process with a transplant team.
Note aquired! Im ready to go through the process


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So they never call me the people stabber didnt. I then emailed the kidney folk they gave me a number to call. Turns out they didn't know the availability for me. Kidney folk told them Fridays are good for me but they cant stab me on fridays. So I told them times for the rest the week they can send someone here. That hopefully means they can send someone soon to take preworkup labs


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Donating to a stranger can start a chain causing many folk to get a kidney


Pronouns: he/they/it/neopronouns
Regarding kidney donation the phlembotists don't serve my area for going to home blood draws so imma have to go to a center to get my labs done


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Last night I had a dream that wasn't good where I was at the hospital donating my kidney and something went wrong. Not with me but with the recipient who died in the dream.

That was depressing. I consider that to be the biggest risk with kidney donation donating and the kidney doesn't take or the recipient doesnt do well with it etc

I like to think if that happens and i donate that if it fails and the kidney is rejected that I'll be ok that I tried to help but that risk does worry me a bit


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Regarding kidney donation the phlembotists don't serve my area for going to home blood draws so imma have to go to a center to get my labs done
I have an appointment set for wedensday at a place an hour and 11 minutes away for labs. It's at 9:30 EST


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So regarding pre work up labs...it was cancelled again and rescheduled for today. I got my blood drawn and gave urine. There were issues. First stick even tho it seemed to be a real good vein refused to give. So they had to take from a different one. Because this increased my anxiety and I hadnt ate much(I was allowed to I just didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning) I almost fainted while they took 4 vials. I did not but clearly was about to. I just ate a chocolate bar to get my blood sugar levels back up and will eat breakfast when staff picks me back up.


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First stick even tho it seemed to be a real good vein refused to give.
Confused the stabber person as well cuz like it was a well hydrated vein looked like it shouldve gave but it did not. Second stick tho my blood was flowing lol. I aint never seen it go so fast and I've been stabbed a lot


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I got sad news.
Im ineligible to donate a kidney. Due to the medicines im on combined with mental health history.

I dont know if it's because the meds would be harmful to a recipent(maybe the transplant folk know something my doctor and psychiatrist didn't about it's affects on the kidneys), if it's because both are powerful mood stabilizers meaning while my depression is treated it may be very strong, or if it's because these reasons combined with the fact im in a group home

If I ever get my mental health under control maybe in a few years I could try again. Can't do it now tho


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
That's sad news indeed.

Im not sure what mental health history has to do with the kidney.


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That's sad news indeed.

Im not sure what mental health history has to do with the kidney.
Two ways...one: the meds could've damaged the recipents organ depending on what meds.

And two: it's not just the recipents health at risk but the donors. They need to be in good mental health it's a long emotional process. It can trigger a lot of mental health issues.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Two ways...one: the meds could've damaged the recipents organ depending on what meds.

And two: it's not just the recipents health at risk but the donors. They need to be in good mental health it's a long emotional process. It can trigger a lot of mental health issues.

I see now, thanks


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This gives me Catch-22 vibes. They want ordinary people donating kidneys and yet no ordinary person would donate a kidney like that.
Not ordinary but healthy. They dont know if i could emotionally handle it at this time due to my mental health. And maybe they right. I do not know. I do have a history of suicidal ideation in the past tho not recent. Say they had to take me off my meds for the recipents health and i relapsed into that kind of thinking. That would not be healthy for me.


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@Koldo. And @ChristineM

Here's another way...say someone has depression. Bad depression. It seems stable at the moment to the person it seems under control. Ok do you know what all goes into kidney donation? Lot of tests, and surgery. That means time off work which means unless your boss gives paid time off financially you might be in trouble. That alone is a stressor enough to trigger a person's depression to get worse not being able to make ends meet. Then you are in pain recovering for 4 to 6 weeks. And that's just so you can go back to work you'll be recovering for six months to a year till you feel back to yourself. Again adds onto depression risks. Now...other risks what if your recipient doesnt make it out of surgery? What if kidney fails? Emotionally that'll be devasting to go through all that and the recipent doesnt make it. It's a risk. And what if they do make it? Either way it's a draining surgery. You could end up regretting it regardless. It could send you into even deeper depression.

Say the person with depression who thought their depression was under control can't handle all the added stressors like they thought. Now they may need to be hospitalized to make sure they don't hurt themselves or anything.

Its a lot. This is why they decline folk for not having a wide enough support system even without depression. Emotionally its rough both on the donor and the recipent. And this isnt even including other risks like family and friends not approving causing arguments, or your boss firing you illegally. Or something going wrong with your surgery complications do happen.

Someone with a depression history could donate. Thats why they do psych evals first. But if they have even an inkling that your depression may be too severe they say no.
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Outstanding Member
@Koldo. And @ChristineM

Here's another way...say someone has depression. Bad depression. It seems stable at the moment to the person it seems under control. Ok do you know what all goes into kidney donation? Lot of tests, and surgery. That means time off work which means unless your boss gives paid time off financially you might be in trouble. That alone is a stressor enough to trigger a person's depression to get worse not being able to make ends meet. Then you are in pain recovering for 4 to 6 weeks. And that's just so you can go back to work you'll be recovering for six months to a year till you feel back to yourself. Again adds onto depression risks. Now...other risks what if your recipient doesnt make it out of surgery? What if kidney fails? Emotionally that'll be devasting to go through all that and the recipent doesnt make it. It's a risk. And what if they do make it? Either way it's a draining surgery. You could end up regretting it regardless. It could send you into even deeper depression.

Say the person with depression who thought their depression was under control can't handle all the added stressors like they thought. Now they may need to be hospitalized to make sure they don't hurt themselves or anything.

Its a lot. This is why they decline folk for not having a wide enough support system even without depression. Emotionally its rough both on the donor and the recipent. And this isnt even including other risks like family and friends not approving causing arguments, or your boss firing you illegally. Or something going wrong with your surgery complications do happen.

Someone with a depression history could donate. Thats why they do psych evals first. But if they have even an inkling that your depression may be too severe they say no.

The hurdles we face in our lives shape the way we get to see the world. People just don't end up developing the degree of altruism necessary to donate a kidney to a complete stranger, getting nothing in return, without undergoing the sort of stuff you had to go through. Thus why I called it a Catch-22. The people that would be perfect (or even good) matches to donate a kidney under these conditions simply won't show up.